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...ነጸፍከ፡ ምስሓገ፡ በታሕቴከ፡ Jes. 14,11. (Lud. in lex. interpretatur ...
...; ፈጣሪየ፡ Sir. 24,8; Jes. 27,11; ፈጣሬ፡...
... : ይጠውይዋ፡ ለጽድቅ፡ (v. ጠወይዎ፡ ለጻድቅ፡) Jes. 29,21; ይጠውይዎ፡ κλινοῦσιν αὐτόν Jer. ...
... እምፀሓይ፡ Clem. f. 240; Jes. 30,26. ...
...uuntur et liquantur): እፈትን፡ ዛሕለኪ፡ በከውር፡ Jes. 1,25 var.; በከመ፡ ይትፈተን፡ በከውር፡ (v. በም...
... ἀσπίδες Deut. 32,33; Jes. 11,8 ...
...ω (יָבוֹא כָא) Jer. 17,15; እስኩኬ፡ ያድኅኑኪ፡ Jes.57,13; ይዜንዉከ፡ እስኩ፡ ወይንግሩከ፡ Jes. 19,1...
...፡ ያድኅኑኪ፡ Jes.57,13; ይዜንዉከ፡ እስኩ፡ ወይንግሩከ፡ Jes. 19,12; እስኩ፡ ይቁሙ፡ στήτωσαν δή Jes. 4...
...ንግሩከ፡ Jes. 19,12; እስኩ፡ ይቁሙ፡ στήτωσαν δή Jes. 47,13. c. Imperat.: እስኩ፡ ኩን፡ እኩየ፡ ...
...Sir. 42,6; βάλανος Jes. 30,9 (ubi μόχλος ...
...t; Matth. 6,2; Luc. 14,21; በውስተ፡ አስኳቲሃ፡ Jes. 15,3; እመ፡ ሀሎ፡ ማእከሌሁ፡ ወማእከለ፡ ቢጹ፡ ሰኰት...
...Sir. 41,12; 3 Reg. 14,26; 4 Reg. 24,13; Jes. 2,7; መዛግብት፡ ኅቡእ፡ ወክቡት፡ Jes. 45,3;... 24,13; Jes. 2,7; መዛግብት፡ ኅቡእ፡ ወክቡት፡ Jes. 45,3; መዛግብት፡ ዐበይት፡ Prov. 15,16; Ma...
...,18; Luc. 12,24; θησαυρός 3 Reg. 15,18; Jes. 39,2; አርኀወ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ መዝገቦ፡ Jer. 27,...
... species, Jes. 54,12 (כַּדְכֹּד, LXX ἰάσπις, Symm....
... , παράδεισος Koh. 2,4; Jes. 1,30; Sir. 24,30; ገነተ፡ አቅማሕ፡ Dan. a...
...,12; Cant. 4,16; Cant. 6,2; ገነት፡ ርውይት፡ Jes. 58,11; Jes. 61,11; Sir. 24,31; Joh....
...4,16; Cant. 6,2; ገነት፡ ርውይት፡ Jes. 58,11; Jes. 61,11; Sir. 24,31; Joh. 19,41; Joh....
...nitarum: Kuf. 11; πύργος ኵሉ፡ ማኅፈድ፡ ነዋኅ፡ Jes. 2,15; Jes. 9,10; Hez. 6,6; Hez. 26,...
...f. 11; πύργος ኵሉ፡ ማኅፈድ፡ ነዋኅ፡ Jes. 2,15; Jes. 9,10; Hez. 6,6; Hez. 26,9 seq.; Hez...
...,38; 2 Esr. 13; de turribus obsidentium Jes. 29,3; Jsp. p. 358 (vid. ሰረገላ፡). ...
...፡ ለምድር፡ ወያበቍል፡ ወያሰምር፡ Jes. 55,10; segetes, fruges, messem: እጼው...
...፡) በሙቃዕ፡ ይወቅዕዎ፡ var. (pro በበትር፡ ይዘብጥዎ፡) Jes. 28,27. ...
...አልቦ፡ በቍዐ፡ ወሀብኩ፡ ኀይልየ፡ Jes. 49,4; Num. 21,...
... ነፍስከ፡ ወአፍአምኮ፡ ለነዳይ፡ Jes. 58,10; አፍእም፡ እ...
... , nam respondere videntur κόσυμβοι Jes. 3,18. [Ludolfus hoc verbum sub አመየ፡...
... Num. 25,14; Num. 25,15; Num. 25,18; Jes. 27,7; Kuf. ...
...Phil. 3,8; κόπρος እዳው፡ v. እደው፡ v. እዳዋት፡ Jes. 30,22; አንቀጽ፡ ዘኀበ፡ ይክዕዉ፡ እደወ፡ v. እዳወ...
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
information type | values |
PoS | Subj.I,1 |
transcription | |
translations | obduxit la oleum la oblinere la illinere la ungere la inungere la perungere la obducere la illinere la |
morphology | Subj. Acc. Acc. Acc. |
references | Joh. 9,6 M.F. Sap. 13,14 Sx. Genb. 8 Enc. Gen. 6,14 Ex. 2,3 Hez. 30,21 Hez. 22,28 Hez. 16,9 Jes. 1,6 Clem. f. f. 38 Gen. 31,13 Matth. 6,17 F.N. 51 Ps. 44,9 Marc. 6,13 Marc. 16,1 Joh. 19,40 Ex. 28,37 Ex. 30,26 Ex. 31,11 Ex. 35,16 Ex. 40,7 1 Reg. 10,1 1 Reg. 16,12 2 Reg. 5,3 Ps. 88,20 1 Par. 11,3 Sir. 45,15 Jes. 61,1 Genz. f. 153. 3 Reg. 10,18 1 Par. 29,4 Jer. 22,14 Org. 4. |
labels | vid.c.c.dupl.transl.c.c.dupl.var.rom.seq. |
gender | |
case | Acc.Acc.Acc. |
bibliography | |
column | n. 437 |
TraCES*ERC Advanced Grant TraCES (Grant Agreement 338756) and follow-up projects, English
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added gr and les on 26.9.2024
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added sub on 26.9.2024
- Leonard Bahr root on 23.2.2018
- Andreas Ellwardt Referenzen, on 16.12.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt aus den Addenda ergänzt, on 15.12.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt Korrektur der Addenda-Referenz, on 15.12.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt und nochmal... on 15.12.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016