You found "Hebr." in 633 entries!
... ): ዘእንበለ፡ ካሕድ፡ χωρὶς πάσης ἀντιλογίας Hebr. 7,7; ἄνευ λόγου 1 Petr. 3,1; προηγο...
...αν Jes. 45,13; Jer. 25,18; Jer. 31,47; (Hebr.: Jer. 48,47); Jer. 36,14; Thren. 2,...
...َ aram. ܚܳܣܠܳܟ; significatione convenit hebr. חָלִילָה לִי], formula deprecandi e... μεσίτης: Christus መርሓ፡ ለሐዳስ፡ ሥርዐት፡ Hebr. 12,24; σκοπός Hez. 33,2. dux i...
... Hebr. 13,4; አውስቦ፡ ...
...κεσθαι Ps. 64,3; Ps. 77,42; Luc. 18,13; Hebr. 2,17; c. በእንተ፡ rei: ሰረየ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ በ...
... rom. solidus : መብልዕ፡ ጽኑዕ፡ στερεά Hebr. 5,12; Hebr. 5,14; ልብስ፡ ጽኑዕ፡ Herm. p...
...solidus : መብልዕ፡ ጽኑዕ፡ στερεά Hebr. 5,12; Hebr. 5,14; ልብስ፡ ጽኑዕ፡ Herm. p. 104; στερε...
...ትናገሩ፡ ጽንዕተ፡ Asc. Jes. 3,27. ratus , Hebr. 9,17; κεκυρωμένος Gal. 3,15. m...
... : ምቅዋማት፡ altaris Ex. 38,2 hebr. in Oct. aeth. P. II. p. 93; ἐσχάρα ...
...ሠርጽ፡ Num. 17,20; Num. 17,23; Hez. 7,10; Hebr. 9,4; ከመ፡ ይሥረጹ፡ Rel. Bar.; ከመ፡ ትሥርጽ...
...atth. 13,46; Matth. 18,25; c. በ፡ pretii Hebr. 12,16; Act. 5,8; Am. 2,6; Joel 4,3;...
...urae minoris exponere licet. Hoc nomine hebr. שָׁלִישׁ (tertia pars Ephae) vertit...
... 9,6; Jes. 10,14; Hagg. 2,6; Hebr. 12,26; 4 Esr. 1,19; ...
...,7; Hez. 23,17; Hebr. 13,4. ...
...ድር፡ ይቡስ፡ (opp. mari) Hebr. 11,29; (opp. hume...
...,8; Rom. 15,31; Hebr. 3,18; ዐላውያን፡ እለ፡ ዐለዉ፡ ሕገ፡ ...
...1; Hen. 81,4; Hen. 91,14; 1 Cor. 15,54; Hebr. 10,7; de tabulis, quae scriptura si...
...ንብሊ፡ በእንቲአነ፡ Deg.; vel c. ለ፡ pers., ut: Hebr. 7,25; Platt; Chrys. crebro; ተንብሉ፡ ሊ...
...ἀρχὴ τῶν λογίων Hebr. 5,12 Platt; ገብሩ፡ መቅድመ፡ ርኵስ፡ ...
...(vid. IV,3) Lev. 13,3; Lev. 13,11 seq.; Hebr. 10,29; p. 240 n. 11. impuri ve...
...23,25; Ps. 78,5; እሳተ፡ ቅንአቱ፡ Zeph. 1,18; Hebr. 10,27. ...
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
information type | values |
PoS | subst. |
transcription | |
translations | gustus la sapor la sapor jucundus la sapor la judicium la ratio la ingenium la studium la sich nach Belieben nach dem Geschmack der Zeit zu kleiden de dulcedo la suavitas la lepor la jucunditas la deliciae la voluptas la cupediae la |
morphology | subst. m. fem. |
references | Ex. 16,31 Num. 11,8 Job 6,6 Jer. 31,11 Sir. 36,24 4 Esr. 4,48 Clem. f. 171. Lit. 158,4 Sx. 8. F.N. 23 Macc. f. 19 Jsp. p. 307 Kebr. Nag. 22 Sx. Mij. 22 Macc. f. 20. Clem. f. 153 Clem. f. 170 Fal. f. 65. |
labels | Pl. |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | |
column | n. 1243 |
- Andreas Ellwardt correction on 12.12.2018
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016