You found "Wortforschung p." in 2443 entries!
...12,13; Esth. 1,11; ሠናይተ፡ ሥን፡ ወግዕዝ፡ Jsp. p. 321; ἀστεῖος Ex. 2,2; Hebr. 11,23; ...
... Sir. 30,4; Act. 3,12; Jac. 2,12; Herm. p. 97. sequentibus singulis nominibu...
...Esr. 16,3; Gen. 47,18; Ex. 32,12; Kuf. p. 95 (seq. Indic.); መነንክዎ፡ ከመ፡ ኢይንግሥ፡...
...; ይትሜሰል፡ በሰይጣን፡ F.M. 3,1; ተዐርዮ፡ በ፡ Jsp. p. 366; ኀብረ፡ በ፡ Clem. f. 164. Nota eti...
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
information type | values |
PoS | n.subst. |
transcription | |
translations | zelotypia la invidia la aemulatio la simultas la studium ardens la amor ardens la ira la indignatio ardens la |
morphology | n. subst. m. fem. |
references | Num. 25,11 Num. 5,15 Num. 5,18 Sir. 30,24 Prov. 6,34 Koh. 9,6 Job 5,2 Sir. 40,5 Jes. 11,13 Rom. 13,13 Sap. 2,24 Phil. 1,15 Matth. 27,18 Jes. 3,30 Cant. 8,6 Sir. 48,2 Jes. 9,7 Jes. 26,11 Jes. 37,32 Jes. 42,13 Jes. 63,15 Num. 25,11 Ps. 68,12 Ps. 118,139 2 Cor. 11,2 Sx. Haml. 5. Hez. 23,25 Ps. 78,5 Zeph. 1,18 Hebr. 10,27 |
labels | c.c. |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | |
column | n. 446 |
TraCES*ERC Advanced Grant TraCES (Grant Agreement 338756) and follow-up projects, English
information type | values |
PoS | |
transcription | qǝnʾat qanʾat qǝnʿat qǝnʾat qǝnʾat qanʾat qǝnʿat |
translations | zelusla studiumla invidiala odiumla jalousiefr passionfr enviefr hainefr jalousyen envyen emulationen rivalryen ardoren indignationen |
morphology | |
references | |
labels | |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | 177 433b |
column |
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added gr and les on 15.10.2024
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added sub on 15.10.2024
- Andreas Ellwardt correction on 18.12.2018
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016