You found "Cyr." in 563 entries!
... Tit. 3,2 Platt; ተቈጢዖ፡ ( Infin. verb. ) Cyr. ad Theod. f. 23; ተምዕዐ፡ ወተቈጥዐ፡ Kuf. ...
...λόγους Epist. Cyrilli ad Joann. Ant. in Cyr. f. 115; ጐሥዐ፡ ልብየ፡ ቃለ፡ ሠናየ፡ Ps. 44,1...
... ὦ φιλόχριστε βασιλεῦ Cyr. ad Theod. f. 23; ኦፍቁራንየ፡ ...
... τὸ θεῖον ὑπὸ μηδενὸς χωρούμενον Cyr. ad Theod...
... ምስለ፡ crebro in Chrys. et Cyr.; አእመረ፡ ከመ፡ ውእቱ፡ ዕሩይ፡ ምስለ፡ ኵሎሙ፡ አርድእ...
...x inaequalibus i.e. e corpore et animo) Cyr. ad Theod. f. 16; ዕለተ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወፅአት...
...ታሰ፡ መጽሐፍክሙ፡ τὴν χάρτην (i.e. epistolae) Cyr. f. 115; ኢታርእዮሙ፡ ዘንተ፡ ክርታሰ፡ ዘጸሐፍኩ፡ ...
...ቀ፡ σαφῶς σφόδρα Deut. 27,8; ጥዩቀኬ፡ ወገሃደ፡ Cyr. c. Pall. f. 66, al. – Idem est በጥዩቅ...
...እንተ፡ እለ፡ ኖሙ፡ ካህናት፡ ወዲያቆናት፡ Genz. f. 74; Cyr. f. 102 seq.; Cat. Cod. Mus. Brit. ...
...3,3; ኢኮነ፡ ይእቲ፡ ጽሌ፡ ዘእብን፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ጽሌ፡ ልብ፡ Cyr. de r. fid. f. 37; ክልኤቲ፡ ጽላት፡ ዘእብን፡ ...
... ዕጽው፡ ማዕጹት፡ Cyr. f. 120; ማዕጾ፡ ...
..., inique : Prov. 1,11; Lev. 5,24; Lit. Cyr. ʿama...
...σται 1 Cor. 1,13; Cyr. de r. fid. f. 34; Ps. 54,23; ተናፈቀ፡ ...
...οὐκ ἐμιάνθη οἰκήσας μόρια ho. Procli in Cyr. f. 120. pinguedine repleri vel ...
...የት፡ ἡ ἄνωθεν ψῆφος Cyr. ad Theod. f. 10; c.c. ...
... numquam Cyr. ad Theod. f. 10; ኢለከፎን፡ ፀሓይ፡ ማእዜኒ፡ ...
...እለ፡ ደወዩ፡ ካሕደ፡ τοῖς νοσοῦσιν ἀπαιδευσίαν Cyr. ad Theod. f. 22. ...
... ለዝላፉ፡ ነበረ፡ ዘውእቱ፡ ἀεὶ μεμένηκεν ὅπερ ἦν Cyr. ad Theod. 18; al. sexcenties. ...
...፡ ወውእቱመ፡ (ut unus intelligatur et idem) Cyr. ad Theod. f. 20; ወውእቱመ፡ እስከ፡ ለዓለም፡...
...yr. ad Theod. f. 20; ወውእቱመ፡ እስከ፡ ለዓለም፡ Cyr. ad Theod. f. 23; ወውእቱመ፡ ውእቱ፡ Cyr. a...
... 3; ዕንቆሙ፡ et አዕናቆሙ፡ Cyr. f. 129; ዕንቍ፡ ዘ...
....; ሥጋ፡ እምድንግል፡ Clem. f. 7; Clem. f. 13; Cyr. labsa,...
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
information type | values |
PoS | absol.Subj.pron. suff.Infin. verb.Infin. nom.III,1 |
transcription | |
translations | irasci la ira ardere la succensere la irasci iram la |
morphology | absol. Acc. Acc. Subj. pron. suff. Infin. verb. Infin. nom. |
references | Sir. 18,24 Ex. 15,14 Ps. 4,5 Ps. 26,14 Marc. 3,5 Matth. 18,34 Matth. 22,7 Num. 25,3 Ps. 73,1 Zach. 1,15 Koh. 5,5 Jes. 5,25 Judith 1,12 Ex. 4,14 Kuf. 5 Ps. 84,5 Gen. 44,18 Jes. 57,6 4 Esr. 8,33 Kuf. 30 Lud. 13,14 Ex. 4,14 Ex. 32,12 Num. 25,3 Jes. 37,29 Jes. 5,25 Judith 5,2 Jos. 7,1 Ex. 4,14 Kuf. 3 Kuf. 28 Kuf. 30 Ps. 17,9 Zach. 1,15 Thren. 5,22 Jes. 12,1 Thren. 5,22 Ps. 73,1 Ex. 32,12 Jes. 37,29 Zach. 1,15 Ps. 73,1 2 Marc. 3,5 4 Esr. 8,35 Gen. 44,18 Ps. 84,5 Jes. 28,28 Jes. 64,9 Koh. 7,22 Kuf. 26 4 Esr. 8,39 Hos. 7,5 Ps. 4,5 Hez. 21,9 Ps. 26,14 Ex. 32,10 Job 16,9 Koh. 7,9 |
labels | |
gender | |
case | Acc.Acc. |
bibliography | gramm. |
column |
TraCES*ERC Advanced Grant TraCES (Grant Agreement 338756) and follow-up projects, English
information type | values |
PoS | III,1III,1 |
transcription | tamǝʿǝʿa tammǝʿa tammǝʾa tamǝʿǝʿa tammǝʿa mʿʿ tamǝʿǝʿa tammǝʿa tammǝʾa |
translations | être irritéfr être provoqué à l’indignationfr be angryen rageen be enrageden be indignanten be irritateden |
morphology | |
references | |
labels | |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | 107 325a |
column |
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added Gr and Les on 14.2.2024
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added sub on 14.2.2024
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo space on 23.11.2018
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo space on 23.11.2018
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016