You found "Cod. Abb. CXLI" in 520 entries!
....N. 3; መልክእከ፡ (o Christe) አይሁድ፡ ዘአዕረቅዎ፡ Cod. Mus. Brit. LIV, n. 7; c. እምነ፡ vesti...
...beispringen) succurrere : በረድኤትነ፡ ቅንጽ፡ Cod. Mus. Brit. LIV,7. ...
...dis, ut: በሠሉስ፡ ዕለት፡ Did. 29; ሠሉስ፡ ዘፋሲካ፡ Cod. Mus. Brit. XXIX, 44 vel ሠሉስ፡ ፋሲካ፡ M...
...3; Clem. f. 128; ረአይተ፡ ኮከብ፡ Kid. f. 24; Cod. Mus. Brit. XX, 2. is qui videt ...
...etiam ዐውረ፡ scribitur (ut Jes. 56,10 in cod. Laur.; scriptio mixta est ዖውረ፡ Matt...
...φρόνησις ዝንጋዔ፡ (in Cod. Laur.: ዝጋዔ፡...
... Deut. 21,23; Jos. 10,26; እንድርያስ፡ ስቁል፡ Cod. Mus. Brit. LIV...
... ትጉሃን፡ Cod. Mus. Brit. XXIX n. 17; ...
...22,6; Jes. 59,5 in Cod. Laur.), ...
...ንዋት፡ Jes. 41,7; በቀኖት፡ አጽንዕዎ፡ Jer. 10,4; Cod. Mus. Brit. LIV,7; ቶማስ፡ ርእየ፡ አሰሮሙ፡ ለ...
... : ይትፈረዘዝ፡ ቈልሕ፡ (v. ይትፈዘዝ፡ in uno cod.) διασκεδασθῇ ἡ κάππαρις ...
... p. 329; Org.; በእንተ፡ ትንቢቱ፡ ውዱስ፡ ለሰፎንያስ፡ Cod. Mus. Brit. LIV,7; ኮነ፡ ነሃቤ፡ ወርቅ፡ ወብሩ...
... Sx. Mij. 28 Enc.; Sx. Nah. 6 (cod. Tubing.). — Voc. Ae.: ተአንተለ፡ ብ፡ ተታተ...
... Phlx. 56; ነሥአ፡ ቆብዐ፡ ወአስኬማ፡ በእደ፡ (እገሌ፡) cod. Didascaliae Stuttg. f. 117; Vit. Sa...
... 1 Par. 16,4 var.; Cod. Mus. Brit. LIV, 7, c; ዘለከ፡ ስብሐት፡ ወኀ...
...ا بَيْنَ): ጻማዊ፡ ወፈጻሜ፡ መልእክት፡ ዘበበ፡ በይኑ፡ (Cod. Tubing. ዘበበይኑ፡) Sx. Hed. 4 Enc.; ዐና...
...ላነ፡ ባርክ፤ በእንተ፡ ማርያም፡ በቋዒትከ፡ ምሕልላነ፡ ባርክ፤ Cod. Mus. Brit. LIV,7. ...
...ventus : ተሐራሚት፡ እምወይነ፡ መሐዛ፡ (v. መዐዛ፡ in Cod. Tubing.) ወእምእክለ፡ ውርዙት፡ Sx. Teq. 24 ...
...gnis signari : አእጋሪከ፡ በቅንዋት፡ እለ፡ ተለክኡ፡ Cod. Mus. Br. LIV, 7, f; ዲናር፡ ዘተለክአ፡ እምት...
...አ፡ ጽሕፈት፡ ወከርተስኮ፡ በክርታስ፡ Haim. Ab.; Cat. Cod. Aeth. Bibl. Bodl. p. 77a}. ...
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
TraCES*ERC Advanced Grant TraCES (Grant Agreement 338756) and follow-up projects, English
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added Les on 10.1.2023
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added Gr on 30.12.2022
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added form on 30.12.2022
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016