You found "Rom." in 1172 entries!
... : ኢትትበቀሉ፡ ለሊክሙ፡ Rom. 12,19; ለእመ፡ ...
...9; Judith 13,17; 1 Esr. 5,56 (v. ኅብረተ፡) Rom. 15,6; እንዘ፡ ሀለዉ፡ ኵሎሙ፡ ኅቡረ፡ አሐተኔ፡ Ac...
... , rarius ጠዐመ፡ (ut. Hebr. 6,5 rom.) I,1 [טָעַם ܛܥܶܡ طَعِمَ] Subj. ይጥ...
.... – Pl. አምኣት፡ subst. est: Matth. 13,8 rom.; ይገብር፡ ሣህለ፡ ለአምኣት፡ ወለአእላፍ፡ Kuf. 23;...
...0,21; Matth. 25,33; Matth. 27,38 Platt; Rom. 8,34; vel እምየማን፡ Deut. 33,2. Nomin...
...5; ዘይዴግን፡ ነፋሰ፡ Sir. 31,2; ይዴግንዋ፡ ለኦሪቶሙ፡ Rom. 9,31; ዴግንዋ፡ ለተፋቅሮ፡ 1 Cor. 14,1; bea...
...ልት፡ Gen. 49,21; Hez. 19,11; Joh. 12,13 rom. – Voc. Ae.: በቀልት፡ ዘ፡ ዘባባ፡; ...
... (Christi) ut Rom. 1,1; 1 Cor. 1,1; Marc. 6,30; Act. 9...
... Ps. 93,15; 1 Tim. 6,2; Rom. 7,2; ብየ፡ ኀቤየ፡ ...
... Hen. 89,41; Marc. 4,8 rom.; Luc. 8,8 rom. ቦ፡ ሶበ፡ ...
... Hen. 89,41; Marc. 4,8 rom.; Luc. 8,8 rom. ቦ፡ ሶበ፡ ... 46,11; Kuf. 39; seq. Subj. verbi: Rom. 1,10. Singularem significatum, d...
...ris: Matth. 1,16; Matth. 1,20; vel viri Rom. 9,5; 4 Esr. 4,15; vel c. በላዕለ፡ mul...
... Joh. 14,18 rom.; እጐሊሆን፡ τὰ παι...
...,1; ይገንዙ፡ ወይቀብኡ፡ ἐνταφιάζειν Joh. 19,40 rom.; in specie de unctione rerum hominu...
...ligi , Rom. 1,1. ...
.... 11; Sir. 8,16; Jes. 59,7; Jer. 22,17; Rom. 3,15; እመ፡ ኢከዐውክሙ፡ ደመ፡ ንጹሐ፡ Jer. 7,6...
...); Act. 11,29; 2 Cor. 9,13; c. ለ፡ pers. Rom. 15,26. ...
...οῦ δρυμοῦ Jes. 9,18; κάρφος Matth. 7,5 rom. (at ሐሠር፡ Matth. 7,4); ሣዕር፡ stramen...
...ὸς τοῖς μαστοῖς ζώνην χρυσῆν Apoc. 1,13 rom. – Voc. Ae.: ሐውቌ፡ vel ሐቌ፡ ብ፡ ወገብ። ...
...4 Reg. 8,17; 4 Reg. 11,21; 4 Reg. 12,1; Rom. 4,19; 1 Tim. 5,9; Luc. 2,42; ሰብዓ፡ ክ...
...Luc. 15,7; Luc. 15,10 Platt; Luc. 17,3; Rom. 2,5; Apoc. 2,16; Apoc. 2,21; Apoc....
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
information type | values |
PoS | |
transcription | |
translations | vita la quamdiu vivis la immortalitas la aqua fluens la victus la vitae ratio la quae ad vivendum sunt necessaria la vidua Evangelii, quae la sanatio la medela la sanitas la valetudo bona la salus la salvatio la resurrectio la |
morphology | m. fem. |
references | Sir. 30,17 Hen. 5,9 Ps. 7,5 Prov. 3,16 Deut. 4,9 Deut. 6,2 Gen. 23,1 Gen. 9,12 Gen. 9,15 Hez. 35,5 Sir. 17,28 Sir. 40,28 Apoc. 3,12 Kuf. 24 Kuf. 25 Ps. 145,1 4 Esr. 5,13 1 Joh. 5,11 Rom. 2,6 Gen. 2,9 Prov. 3,18 Apoc. 22,2 Apoc. 22,1 Hen. 17,4 Joh. 4,11 Apoc. 3,5 Apoc. 13,8 Sir. 45,5 Joh. 6,35 Gen. 42,15 Gen. 42,16 Kuf. 24 Gen. 27,39 Prov. 27,25 Did. 10 Did. 14 Phlx. 3 4 Esr. 7,28 Sir. 38,2 Jes. 26,19 Apoc. 22,2 Sap. 7,10 1 Tim. 1,10 Judith 11,3 1 Reg. 11,13 1 Reg. 14,45 Jud. 15,18 Luc. 19,9 Jes. 12,3 Jes. 56,1 Rom. 11,11 Hebr. 2,3 Apoc. 20,5 Act. 17,32 |
labels | ed. rom. |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | |
column | n. 128 |
TraCES*ERC Advanced Grant TraCES (Grant Agreement 338756) and follow-up projects, English
ሕይወታት ḥǝywatāt pluralisPl. አነአ፡ ወሀብክዎአ፡ ኵሎአ፡ እምሕይወታትአ፡ ‘Io gli ho dato tutto, più di ogni altra creaturait’ 69 § 174 (ed.), 44 § 174 (tr.) (‘«di ogni altra creatura»: testo ʾemḥeywatātʾe ; il plurale di ḥeywat «vita» non è attestato; il siginficato del passo è oscuro.’ 44 n. 142)
ሕይወት፡ ḥǝywat , pluralisPl. ሕይወታት፡ ḥǝywatāt «viefr, âgefr» ― ድኅነነት፡ , ዕድሜ፡ Ms. BNFabb217, fol. 29r.
information type | values |
PoS | |
transcription | ḥǝywat ḥiwat ḥǝywatāt ḥǝywatāt ʾemḥeywatātʾe ḥeywat ḥǝywat ḥǝywatāt ḥǝywat ḥiwat ḥǝywata faraʿon kama |
translations | Io gli ho dato tutto, più di ogni altra creatura it viefr âgefr lifeen lifetimeen healingen good healthen salvationen restorationen stateen situationen by the life of Pharaohen |
morphology | |
references | |
labels | Pl.Pl.Pl.vid. |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | 69 § 174 (ed.) 44 § 174 (tr.) 44 n. 142 62 252b |
column |
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added Gr and Les on 15.6.2023
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska correction on 15.6.2023
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added cross ref on 15.6.2023
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added Les on 15.6.2023
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added new form, to be peer-reviewed on 2.11.2018
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016