You found "Joh." in 740 entries!
... Matth. 4,2; Matth. 21,29; Marc. 16,14; Joh. 5,1; Ex. 5,1; Joh. 2,12; Joh. 6,1 ...
...21,29; Marc. 16,14; Joh. 5,1; Ex. 5,1; Joh. 2,12; Joh. 6,1 al.; እምድኅረ፡ ሕቅ፡ Marc...
.... 16,14; Joh. 5,1; Ex. 5,1; Joh. 2,12; Joh. 6,1 al.; እምድኅረ፡ ሕቅ፡ Marc. 14,70 et ...
...20,4; በታሕቱ፡ እምነ፡ ቤቴል፡ Gen. 35,8; እምታሕቱ፡ Joh. 8,23; Ex. 26,24. Praepositio: ...
...፡ ደመና፡ ὑψουμένη ἐν νεφέλαις Sir. 50,10; Joh. 1,49; Joh. 1,51; Act. 4,12. እምታሕተ...
...μένη ἐν νεφέλαις Sir. 50,10; Joh. 1,49; Joh. 1,51; Act. 4,12. እምታሕተ፡ de iis, ...
...; Deut. 26,13; Num. 6,2 (seq. ለ፡ Dei); Joh. 11,55; Act. 21,24; አንጽሑ፡ መሥዋዕትክሙ፡ 4...
...thico: ኣነጽሖሙ፡ እምኵሉ፡ ኀጢአቶሙ፡ Jer. 40,8; 1 Joh. 1,7; Hebr. 9,14; Eph. 5,26; Jac. 4,...
...ኑ፡ ዘያነጽሖ፡ ርእሶ፡ Job 25,4; 2 Tim. 2,21; 1 Joh. 3,3. purgando delere : አበሳከኒ፡ ያነጽ...
... Matth. 26,70; Matth. 26,72; Luc. 8,45; Joh. 1,20; c. Acc. rei, ut: rem invent...
...ክሕደት፡ በእግዚአብሔር፡ Sir. 23,23; Jos.7,11; 1 Joh. 2,22; 1 Joh. 2,23; c. እምነ፡ Tob. 1,4...
...ር፡ Sir. 23,23; Jos.7,11; 1 Joh. 2,22; 1 Joh. 2,23; c. እምነ፡ Tob. 1,4 (ἀπέστη); c....
... Clem. f. 97; Clem. f. 105; Joh. 6,39; Joh. 11,24; እስትንፋስ፡ ደኃሪት፡ Lit...
... Clem. f. 97; Clem. f. 105; Joh. 6,39; Joh. 11,24; እስትንፋስ፡ ደኃሪት፡ Lit. 164,3; በደ...
... 164,3; በደኃሪት፡ ትውልድ፡ Asc. Jes. 11,38; 1 Joh. 2,18; በደኃሪ፡ መዋዕል፡ Jes. 2,2; Jer. 23...
...57; 4 Esr. 7,18; 4 Esr. 8,9; Hab. 2,4; Joh. 5,25 seq., aliis in locis innumeris...
...5; Jer. 28,9; Hebr. 12,13; Matth. 8,13; Joh. 5,14; c. እምነ፡ morbi vel vulneris: H...
...m esse de valetudine: bene valere 3 Joh. 2; Luc. 7,10. de salute aeterna:...
...4 Esr. 5,13; ሕይወት፡ ዘለዓለም፡ ζωὴ αἰώνιος 1 Joh. 5,11; ἀφθαρσία Rom. 2,6; ዕፀ፡ ሕይወት፡ ...
... 22,2; ማየ፡ ሕይወት፡ Apoc. 22,1; Hen. 17,4; Joh. 4,11; መጽሐፈ፡ ሕይወት፡ Apoc. 3,5; Apoc. ...
...s. 22; ሕገ፡ ሕይወት፡ Sir. 45,5; ኅብስተ፡ ሕይወት፡ Joh. 6,35; ዝቃል፡ መንፈስ፡ ውእቱ፡ ወሕይወት፡ ውእቱ፡ ...
...5; እለ፡ አርአዮሙ፡ ርእሶ፡ ሕያወ፡ Act. 1,3 Platt; Joh. 14,8; Joh. 20,20; Matth. 4,8; Jac. ...
...ሙ፡ ርእሶ፡ ሕያወ፡ Act. 1,3 Platt; Joh. 14,8; Joh. 20,20; Matth. 4,8; Jac. 2,18; Apoc....
...: ፀሓይ፡ ያበርህ፡ ወያርኢ፡ ላዕለ፡ ኵሉ፡ Sir. 42,16; Joh. 1,5; Ex. 25,37. ...
...,16; Asc. Jes. 6,9; Ps. 28,2; Ps. 95,7; Joh. 9,24; Luc. 2,14 formula doxologica:...
...፡ ኀይሉ፡ Jes. 2,10; Sir. 17,13; Luc. 2,9; Joh. 1,14; Joh. 2,11; 1 Petr. 2,10; etia...
... 2,10; Sir. 17,13; Luc. 2,9; Joh. 1,14; Joh. 2,11; 1 Petr. 2,10; etiam quatenus ...
...κατασκηνώσεως Sap. 9,8; Hen. 38,2; μονή Joh. 14,23; Chrys. Ta. 27; ሰላም፡ ለሕፅንኪ፡ ለ...
...illarium , lapis : στάδιον Luc. 24,13; Joh. 6,19; Joh. 11,18; Apoc. 14,20; Herm...
... lapis : στάδιον Luc. 24,13; Joh. 6,19; Joh. 11,18; Apoc. 14,20; Herm. p. 20; μί...
.... 11,4; ብዙኅ፡ ብዕልየ፡ Job 31,25; ብዙኅ፡ ማያት፡ Joh. 3,23; Apoc. 17,1; ብዙኅ፡ ሰብእ፡ Job 31,...
...; ብዙኃነ፡ ኄራነ፡ አሕመሞሙ፡ ተሐብዮ፡ Sir. 29,18; 1 Joh. 4,1; ለብዙኃን፡ ቀተሎሙ፡ ሐዘን፡ Sir. 30,23; ...
...ebr. 12,15; ብዙኃን፡ እምውሉደ፡ ግብጽ፡ Kuf. 42; Joh. 4,41; crebro seq. pron. rel. , ut ...
...11; Luc. 18,13; Joh. 4,1; Act. 1,21 al. creberrime ...
...18; Gen. 32,19; Joh. 12,21; Joh. 20,15 al. ...
... Gen. 32,19; Joh. 12,21; Joh. 20,15 al. ...
...1,19; Luc. 1,26; Luc. 4,43; Luc. 19,32; Joh. 1,6; 1 Petr. 1,12; ተፈኒዎሙ፡ 2 Petr. ...
...8; Matth. 18,31; ለቢጹ፡ ለአርዳእ፡ συμμαθηταί Joh. 11,16; Joh. 21,8; rom.; ቢጾን፡ αἱ λοι...
...,31; ለቢጹ፡ ለአርዳእ፡ συμμαθηταί Joh. 11,16; Joh. 21,8; rom.; ቢጾን፡ αἱ λοιπαὶ σὺν αὐτα...
...13,10; ἀδελφός Sir. 7,12; Deut. 22,1; 1 Joh. 2,9; 1 Joh. 2,10; 1 Thess. 4,6; Rom...
... Hosianna! Matth. 21,9; Macc. 11,10; Joh. 12,13. ዘሆሳዕና፡ (sc. ዕለት፡ sive በዓል... , desiderio rei teneri , absol. Joh. 8,56 rom.; c. Acc. rei: ἱμείρεσθα...
...27,33; Marc. 5,41; Joh. 1,39; ትርጓሜ፡ መል...
... በኀበ፡ ኵሉ፡ ሕዝብ፡ Act. 2,47; 2 Cor. 3,4; 1 Joh. 5,14 (ኀበ፡ 1 Joh. 3,21). de ratione...
...t. 2,47; 2 Cor. 3,4; 1 Joh. 5,14 (ኀበ፡ 1 Joh. 3,21). de ratione comparationis ve...
... 2 Reg. 3,15; ለእመ፡ ኢተውህበ፡ ሎቱ፡ እምኀበ፡ አብ፡ Joh. 6,65; እምኀበ፡ ዘትሴፈዉ፡ ትትፈደዩ፡ Luc. 6,3...
...Matth. 28,1; Joh. 19,42; Pl. ...
... 4 Esr. 14,52; Hen. 48,1; Joh. 4,14; Apoc. 7,17; fons sanguinis mu...
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
information type | values |
PoS | subst. |
transcription | |
translations | quidquid capiti substernitur la cervical la |
morphology | subst. |
references | Hez. 13,18 Hez. 13,20 Hez. 23,15 |
labels | Pl. |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | |
column |
TraCES*ERC Advanced Grant TraCES (Grant Agreement 338756) and follow-up projects, English
መተርአስ፡ matarʾas «tout ce qui fait partie de la tête du lit, lorsqu’on est couchéfr (il da capo del lettoit)» ― ራስጌ፡ Ms. BNFabb217, fol. 60r.
ምትርኣስ፡ mǝtǝrʾās ( መተርአስ፡ matarʾas , መተርአስት፡ mataʾast ) oreillerfr, coussinfr, tout se qui se dépose près de l’oreillerfr. Texte: ወአንበራ፡ ምትርአሲሁ፡ ለአዳም። Le Seigneur la plaça (Ève) au chevet d’Adamfr 452
መተርአስ፡ matarʾas , መተርአስት፡ matarʾast , መተርእስት፡ matarʾǝst (pluralisPl. መተራእስት፡ matarāʾǝst , ( 452) ምትርኣስ፡ mǝtǝrʾās ) whatever is near the head or at the headen (pillow, canopy) 579a
information type | values |
PoS | |
transcription | matarʾas matarʾast matarʾǝst matarʾāsāt matarāʾǝst mǝtǝrʾās matarʾas mǝtǝrʾās matarʾas mataʾast matarʾas matarʾast matarʾǝst matarāʾǝst mǝtǝrʾās |
translations | tout ce qui fait partie de la tête du lit, lorsqu’on est couchéfr il da capo del lettoit oreillerfr coussinfr tout se qui se dépose près de l’oreillerfr Le Seigneur la plaça (Ève) au chevet d’Adamfr whatever is near the head or at the headen |
morphology | |
references | |
labels | Pl.Pl. |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | 154 452 452 579a |
column |
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added gr and les on 11.7.2024
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added gr 2 on 11.7.2024
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016