You found "Matth." in 1324 entries!
...ኅተ፡ ንስቲተ፡ ለመድኀኒት፡ 2 Par. 12,7; εὐκαιρία Matth. 26,16; Luc. 22,6 Platt; (ἀνεκτότερο...
... vermiculatio : Matth. 6,20; ኀበ፡ ኢይከርዮ፡ ሰራቂ፡ ወኢያማስኖ፡ ነቀዝ፡ ...
...m rapere , eripere , Ludolfus quidem e Matth. 11,12 probare voluit, sed mihi non ...
...αι) c.c. Acc. : ለሊሆሙ፡ ኢይለክፍዎ፡ በአጽባዕቶሙ፡ Matth. 23,4; Matth. 8,3; Matth. 8,15; Mat...
.... : ለሊሆሙ፡ ኢይለክፍዎ፡ በአጽባዕቶሙ፡ Matth. 23,4; Matth. 8,3; Matth. 8,15; Matth. 9,20 rom....
...ለክፍዎ፡ በአጽባዕቶሙ፡ Matth. 23,4; Matth. 8,3; Matth. 8,15; Matth. 9,20 rom.; Joh. 20,17...
...ስ፡ ወሲሲት፡ Kuf. 29; Kuf. 40; Macc. f. 25; Matth. 6,25; ሲሲተ፡ ልብ፡ ቃላታሁ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ Cyr....
...እገሪሁ፡ Apoc. 1,17; Gen. 50,1; ወድቁ፡ በገጾሙ፡ Matth. 17,6; Dan. 8,17; Asc. Jes. 7,21; He...
.... Jes. 7,21; Hez. 3,23; ዘወድቀ፡ ዲበ፡ እብን፡ Matth. 21,44; ይወድቅ፡ ድኅሬሁ፡ Gen. 49,17; ወድቀ፡... inanimatis Koh. 11,3; c. ውስተ፡ et ዲበ፡ Matth. 13,4; Matth. 13,5; Matth. 13,6; Ma... Matth. 18,22; Did. 11. ...
... ወደዮሙ፡ ውስተ፡ ሞቅሕ፡ Gen. 40,3; Gen. 42,17; Matth. 5,25; በውስተ፡ ሞቅሕ፡ Matth. 14,10 rom.;...
...,3; Gen. 42,17; Matth. 5,25; በውስተ፡ ሞቅሕ፡ Matth. 14,10 rom.; Apoc. 2,10; Apoc. 20,7;...
...17,4; Koh. 4,14; Jes. 42,7; Hen. 18,14; Matth. 11,2; Matth. 14,3. ...
... , κεκονιαμένος Matth. 23,27; Act. 23,3. ...
...nt. 5,1; Cant. 5,5; Kuf. 16; Hen. 29,2; Matth. 2,11; Marc. 15,23; Joh. 19,39; Clem...
... verbi: ደኀረክሙ፡ ትኅድጉ፡ Matth. 19,8 (ἐπέτρεψε), ni hoc verbum cum ...
..., Pl. አምርሕት፡ (pro quo passim አምሕርት፡, ut Matth. 23,16 rom.; 1 Cor. 4,15 Platt) du...
...t) dux ὁδηγός 2 Esr. 8,1; Rom. 2,19; Matth. 15,14; Matth. 23,16; Matth. 23,24;...
...ός 2 Esr. 8,1; Rom. 2,19; Matth. 15,14; Matth. 23,16; Matth. 23,24; ኤጲስቆጶስ፡ ውእቱ፡ ...
...3; በደዌሁ፡ Asc. Jes. 1,4; Asc. Jes. 2,14; Matth. 4,23; Matth. 8,17; Matth. 9,35; Ma...
... Jes. 1,4; Asc. Jes. 2,14; Matth. 4,23; Matth. 8,17; Matth. 9,35; Matth. 10,1; ደዌ...
...c. Jes. 2,14; Matth. 4,23; Matth. 8,17; Matth. 9,35; Matth. 10,1; ደዌ፡ ውሳጣዊ፡ M.F. ... 2,21; Jer. 11,19; አንሰኬ፡ Jes. 49,25; Matth. 3,11; Matth. 3,14; Matth. 5,22; Joh...
.... 11,19; አንሰኬ፡ Jes. 49,25; Matth. 3,11; Matth. 3,14; Matth. 5,22; Joh. 4,14; አነ፡ ጥ...
...፡ Jes. 49,25; Matth. 3,11; Matth. 3,14; Matth. 5,22; Joh. 4,14; አነ፡ ጥበብ፡ አኅደርኩ፡ ምክ...
...r. 6,3; Cant. 6,8; Matth. 13,8; 1 Tim. 5,9; Apoc. 11,3. ...
... , Luc. 15,1 rom.; Matth. 11,19 rom. ...; Sir. 22,1; Sir. 22,2; Sir. 37,11; Matth. 25,26; Did. 13; Did.14; al. ...
... δεινῶς Sap. 17,3; ይትመጸለዉ፡ ወይቈጽሩ፡ ገጾሙ፡ Matth. 6,16 in cod. Paris. (Lud.) ...
...: አልቦ፡ ዘይጠቅብ፡ ድርግሓ፡ ፀርቀ፡ ውስተ፡ ልብስ፡ ብሉይ፡ Matth. 9,16; Marc. 2,21; Kuf. 14. ...
.... 52,16; Koh. 5,8; Matth. 21,33; Hen. 97,9; እስመ፡ መፍቀሬ፡ ሐረስት፡ ...
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
information type | values |
PoS | n. ag. |
transcription | |
translations | extra patriam degens la alienigena la hospes la peregrinus la advena la accola la inquilinus la proselytus la exsul la profugus la peregrinator la monachus la is qui in solitudinem secessit la anachoreta la huc illuc migrans la peregrinans; la |
morphology | n. ag. |
references | Jes. 56,3 Jer. 14,8 Judith 4,10 Ps. 118,19 Deut. 14,21 Lev. 25,6 Lev. 25,23 Num. 35,15 Gen. 23,4 Bar. 4,9 Zeph. 2,5 1 Par. 5,10 Jes. 14,1 Jer. 7,6 Jer. 22,3 Mal. 3,5 Zach. 7,10 Hez. 22,7 Hez. 47,22 Ps. 93,6 Ps. 145,8 Jes. 54,15 Hez. 14,7 1 Par. 22,2 Jes. 23,2 Jes. 23,3 Ps. 38,16 Hebr. 11,13 Kuf. 14. Matth. 23,15 Act. 2,10 Act. 6,5 Act. 13,43 Jer. 20,3 Jer. 36,1 Jer. 36,4 Jer. 36,31 Jer. 37,18 Jer. 39,44 Jer. 40,7 2 Esr. 4,1 2 Esr. 6,19 2 Esr. 6,20 Jer. 47,1 1 Par. 6,67 Sx. Haml. 25 Enc. M.M. f. 51 Phlx. 24 Phlx. 48 Genz. f. 70 Phlx. 1 Phlx. 62 Phlx. 21. |
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- Andreas Ellwardt Sprachkennung, on 21.10.2018
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016