You found "Gad. Ad." in 1454 entries!; አድ፡ በራሕ፡ ፩፡ ላህም፡ ለተዝካረ፡ ሐፄ፡ ዳዊት። ‘Ad Barrāḥ [donnera] une vache pour la c...
...ቀምሑ፡ ውስተ፡ ምቅማሖሙ፡ Hab. 3,17; transfertur ad homines: ሐመደ፡ ከመ፡ እክል፡ ቀማሕኩ፡ Ps. 101...
...፡ ጥቀ፡ እስከ፡ ይዘነግዕ፡ ኅሊናየ፡ Epist. Gregorii ad Lud. ...
...; Herm. p. 57; ዘብድወ፡ ጠሊ፡ Chrys. ho. 28 (ad Hebr. 11,33) crebro; በዘብድወ፡ ጠሊ፡ ወበሐሜ...
...ssimum exstat in Bibliotheca Societatis ad Biblia sacra in Britannia et apud ex...
... Deut. 32,47; vid. annot. ad Jos. 1,11; ተዋረሱ፡ ኵሎ፡ ደወሎሙ፡ ...
...4; ትጠምዐኒ፡ ውስተ፡ ርስሐት፡ Job 9,31; sederunt ad fluvium ወጠምዐ፡ ፩ እምኔሆሙ፡ ጳኵሲማሁ፡ ወይቤሎ፡ ...
...ξ ἀντιγράφων τῶν παρ’ ἡμῖν, Epist. Cyr. ad Joann. in Cyr. f. 116. ...
... componendum, sed ad rad. כָּבַר et vic. (vid. sub ከረበ፡),...
... referre aliquid ad aliquem, c. ...
...αθ’ ἑαυτὸν νοεῖται ὁ ἐκ Θεοῦ λόγος Cyr. ad Theod. f. 20; ተዐርቁ፡ እምሠናያት፡ ዘተውህቦሙ፡ ...
...ere ; pertinet ad familiam radicum סָכַךְ ...
... Ae . ad Macc.: ማእኰት፡ ዘ፡ ማኁታ፡ (de qua voce ...
...ስረ፡ መንኮብያቲሁ፡ σπαργάνοις ἐμπλέκεται Cyr. ad Reg. f. 28; መዝራዕቱ፡ (sc. Antichristi...
... : mortuum ex ecclesia ad sepulchrum efferens suffies incensum...
...tum nusquam reperi, sed pl. አሥልስት፡, qui ad sing. ሥልስ፡ referendus videtur, ut: ፫...
...ለነግህ፡ ad mane E...
... qui in figuram crucis desinunt ad commemoranda quinque vulnera Christi...
... . Usitatum est ad formanda adverbia: ዘልፈ፡ ...
...d. 16,20; 1 Reg. 19,7; 1 Reg. 20,25. ad formanda adjectiva: ...
... transfertur (ex usu loquendi biblico) ad idololatriam: c. በ፡ numinis: ዘመወት፡ በ...
...ለ፡ ኢዘመወ፡ ልቦሙ፡ Sir. 46,11; Apoc. 2,14. ad commercia populorum gentilium inter ...
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
information type | values |
PoS | Subst.Infin. nom.IV,3 |
transcription | |
translations | passionem cum aliquo communicare la Deus Verbum cum eo la homine Jesu la passionem communicavit la pati facere la sollicitudinem la curam la diligentiam impendere la sollicite curare la studere la ad altiora nituntur la sollicitudo la curae la studium la urserunt eum, sc. ut uxorem duceret la curam in eum impenderunt, ut la urgendi la |
morphology | Acc. Subst. Infin. nom. |
references | Cyr. f. 103 1 Tim. 3,5 Ps. 117,26 Sir. 39,1 Prov. 27,24 Clem. f. 112 Jes. 40,11 Sap. 13,16 Chrys. ho. 26 Chrys. ho. 27 Prov. 13,4 Luc. 15,8 1 Esr. 7,1 Herm. p. 81 Sap. 2,6 Prov. 28,25 Kuf. 49 Jsp. p. 350 Phlx. 3. |
labels | sec.c.c.c.c.c.c.lex.col. |
gender | |
case | Acc. |
bibliography | gramm. |
column |
TraCES*ERC Advanced Grant TraCES (Grant Agreement 338756) and follow-up projects, English
አስተሓመመ፡ ʾastaḥāmama IV,3 (souvent écrit አስተሐመመ፡ ) ያስተሓምም፡ «avoir grand souci d’une chose; traiter un maladefr» ― አስታመመ፡ Ms. BNFabb217, fol. 20v.
አስተሓመመ ʾastaḥāmama , አስተሐመመ፡ ʾastaḥamama trouble oneslefen, tire oneselfen, be anxiousen, care for the sicken, nurseen, take care ofen, do something with careen, look afteren, take painsen, endeavoren, be assiduousen, be preoccupieden, give careful attention toen, devote oneself toen, share the passionen, share the sufferingen 233a
information type | values |
PoS | IV,3 |
transcription | ʾastaḥāmama ʾastaḥamama ʾastaḥāmama ʾastaḥāmama ʾastaḥamama |
translations | avoir grand souci d’une chose; traiter un maladefr trouble oneslefen tire oneselfen be anxiousen care for the sicken nurseen take care ofen do something with careen look afteren take painsen endeavoren be assiduousen be preoccupieden give careful attention toen devote oneself toen share the passionen share the sufferingen |
morphology | |
references | |
labels | vid. |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | 44 233a |
column |
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska corr on 27.1.2023
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added Gr and Les on 23.1.2023
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added cross ref on 23.1.2023
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016