You found "Kid." in 320 entries! constituant, ኢይኩን፡ ልሂቀ፤ ዘማእከላይ፡ ዓመቱ፡ Kid. f. 6; Did. ed. Platt p. 16; አበው፡ ቀደ...
...ciis (sc. constituti sunt) Lit. 168,2; Kid. f. 18. potestas (ሥልጣናት፡) nonnu...
... : ከንፈሩ፡ ታሕታይ፡ Kid. f. 5; ከናፍር፡ Cant. 4,3; Cant. 4,11;...
...አቡክሙ፡ ዘበሰማይ፡ ይሰባሕ፡ Kid. f. 5. ...
... ድንግል፡ Kid. f. 13; Deg.; ሰማይ፡ ወምድር፡ ዘኢይክሉ፡ አግምሮ...
...26,17; Jac. 3,13; ሥነ፡ ምግባሩ፡ Sir. 34,23; Kid. f. 23; ሥነ፡ ተድላ፡ 4 Esr. 10,64. – Voc...
... 2 Joh. 7; Matth. 24,24; Clem. f. 154; Kid. f. 6. ...
... 105; in ecclesia sit ዐጸደ፡ ምቅዋም፡ ለካህናት፡ Kid. f. 6; ምቅዋምከ፡ ዘልዑል፡ መዓርጋ፡ Sx. Masc. ...
...ሲስ፡ (lectione lecta) ይድርስ፡ ድርሳነ፡ ዘመፍትው፡ Kid. f. 12. ...
... Asc. Jes. 5,13; ጽዋዐ፡ ወይን፡ ቶሲሐከ፡ ወሀብኮሙ፡ Kid. f. 9; c. dupl. Acc. : ጽዋዐ፡ ቶስሐ፡ ማይ...
... ክርስቲያን፡ Did. 12; ሥርዐተ፡ ቅኔ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ Kid. 18.
... ኀጢአት፡ Kid. f. 16. ...
... Rom. 9,28; Jer. 18,9 var.; ምቱርኑ፡ ዝነገር፡ Kid. f. 41; Gad. Ad. f. 14. decisus ...
... Kuf. 31; እለ፡ ይነግዱ፡ በባሕር፡ ወበየብስ፡ Kid. f. 18; c. Acc. loci, quo tenditur...
...ሕር፡ Jsp. p. 318; እለ፡ ይነግዱ፡ በባሕር፡ ወበየብስ፡ Kid. f. 18; እንዘ፡ ይፈቅድ፡ ይንግድ፡ ውስተ፡ ሞገዳት፡ ...
...cis vid. Const. Ap. 67 (Const. Ap. 68); Kid. f. 7; Kid. f. 29; ጸሎተ፡ ግበሩ፡ ነግሀ፡ ወበ...
...nst. Ap. 67 (Const. Ap. 68); Kid. f. 7; Kid. f. 29; ጸሎተ፡ ግበሩ፡ ነግሀ፡ ወበ፫ ሰዓት፡ ወበ፮ ...
... 1,6; እግዚአብሔር፡ ሰማዔ፡ ስብሐተ፡ ማሕሴት፡ ዘመላእክት፡ Kid. f. 12. auditor , auscultator ( ...
...audiens : (Deus) ለእለ፡ በጽድቅ፡ ይጼውዕዎ፡ ሰማዒ፡ Kid. f. 17; ሰማዔ፡ ስእለቶሙ፡ Kedr f. 37; Lit....
...፡ ቍርባነ፡ Can. Anc. 11; በእንተ፡ ሥርዐተ፡ ቍርባን፡ Kid. f. 8. panis eucharisticus : በእን...
... 15,2; ቀሲስ፡ መፍትው፡ ያንሶሱ፡ ኀበ፡ አብያተ፡ ድውያን፡ Kid. f. 16; መፍትው፡ ኤጲስ፡ ቆጶስ፡ ይፍታሕ፡ በርትዕ፡ ...
...2. eucharistia : እምድኅረ፡ ተመጠዉ፡ አኰቴተ፡ Kid. f. 10. አኰቴተ፡ ቍርባን፡ oratio euch...
... 8,20; ሙዳየ፡ ምጽዋት፡ ይኩን፡ በገቦ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ Kid. f. 6 (vid. ሙዳይ፡); de ምጽዋት፡ agitur ...
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
information type | values |
PoS | subst. |
transcription | |
translations | nuntius la nuntius laetus la laeta annuntians la festum la annuntiationis Gabrielis la nuntius la de quo nuntius desideratur la deest la Verschollener de praenuntiatio la fama la rumor la existimatio la nomen la nuntius de valetudine la res la quomodo la aliquis se habeat la narratio la res novae la res gestae la historia la res la enarratio la exposito la |
morphology | subst. m. fem. |
references | Joh. 1,5 Prov. 12,25 Prov. 25,25 Hez. 21,7 Ruth 2,11 Jes. 28,9 Jes. 52,7 Sx. Teq. 9. Luc. 2,10 2 Reg. 18,22 Clem. f. 103 Clem. f. 166 2 Reg. 18,20 Nah. 2,1 1 Reg. 23,27 2 Reg. 18,26 Sx. Jac. 8 Enc. 2 Reg. 13,30 Prov. 15,30 Jes. 37,7 2 Par. 26,15 2 Par. 9,1 II Abtel. 39 Sx. Jac. 14 Gen. 43,27 Esth. 2,11 Tob. 10,8 1 Reg. 17,18 Phil. 1,12 Phil. 2,19 Eph. 6,22 Phlx. 194 Chrys. f. 1 Jsp. p. 276 Jsp. p. 279 Cat. Mus. Brit. p. 23 |
labels | Pl.vid. sub |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | |
column | n. 1065 |
TraCES*ERC Advanced Grant TraCES (Grant Agreement 338756) and follow-up projects, English
information type | values |
PoS | |
transcription | zenā ḥaqālāwǝyān zenā ʾazmānāt tārika zēnā azmānāt zenā ḥassat |
translations | In the second year of the reign of Mar Gälawdewos the Church received the grace of victory from God glorious and the most high and tribute was begun which is written in the account of farmers en chronicle en Chronik de wollen wir beginnen, die Chronik dessen zu schrieben, was sich in den Tagen der rechtgläubigen Könige zugetragen hat de false reporten |
morphology | |
references | |
labels | vid.vid.vid. |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | 19 § 26 (ed.) 11 § 26 (tr.) 11 n. 40 1 l. 2–3 (ed.) 1 l. 2–3 (tr.) 1 n. 1 246a |
column |
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska correction on 3.2.2023
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added Les on 3.2.2023
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska test on 3.12.2019
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska corr on 3.12.2019
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added nesting on 20.11.2019
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska corr on 4.9.2019
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added new compound on 2.9.2019
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added translit on 2.9.2019
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska corr on 2.9.2019
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska corr on 2.9.2019
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added new collocation on 20.3.2019
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska new collocation on 20.3.2019
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska removed tr on 20.3.2019
- Andreas Ellwardt Verschachtelung, on 6.10.2018
- Andreas Ellwardt nochmal, on 6.10.2018
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016