You found "Sx. Ter" in 2315 entries!
...c. ለ፡ Platt); 4 Esr. 8,15; ለምሂር፡ ወለገሥጾ፡ Sx. Nah. 7 Enc.; ἐλέγχειν (de disciplin...
... Hen. 14,9; Hen. 24,3; በሓውርት፡ ዘየዐውድዎሙ፡ Sx. Mag. 20. Componitur cum aliis ve...
... erroribus haereticorum, ut: ስሕቱ፡ ወይቤሉ፡ Sx. Mag. 13; c.c. እምነ፡ viae vel veri He...
...psychitae, Origenistae, Sabelliani al.) Sx. Mag. 13. de angelis: Hen. 4,2; ገጻት...
...n. 4,2; ገጻት፡ Hen. 64,1; እለ፡ ቅዉማን፡ ገጻት፡ Sx. Mag. 12 Enc. persona Christi (e ...
...ὰ τὴν ὑπόστασιν Chrys. ho. 3; ገጻተ፡ ሥላሴ፡ Sx. Patr. Enc.; al. Facies rei...
..., rarius ሂ፡ (rarissime sine ኒ et ሂ፡, ut Sx. Tachs. 5 Enc.); potissimum in enunt...
...ullo modo Sx. Mag. 5 Enc.; Sx. Tachs. 5 Enc. – Ad...
... Sx. Mag. 5 Enc.; Sx. Tachs. 5 Enc. – Adverbialiter usurp...
...ntis tunc Sx. Mij. 6; Sx. Nah. 14 Enc.; Ps. 2,5; ...
... Sx. Mij. 6; Sx. Nah. 14 Enc.; Ps. 2,5; vel in enunt...
...conspexit Sx. Enc.; saepius addito pronomine demo...
...9; Matth. 3,15; ሰላም፡ እብል፡ አርያኖስሃ፡ ቀሲስ፡ Sx. Tachs. 15 Enc.; c. Acc. rei: ዘንተ፡...
...f. 92; Clem. f. 94; በከመ፡ ይቤ፡ ወንጌል፡ ቅዱስ፡ Sx. Sen. 24. Memorabilis est usus In...
... id est Matth. 27,46, vel ዝብሂል፡ — ውእቱ፡ Sx. Haml. 7; vel ዝብሂል፡ hoc est ( sive...
... humorem ex lapide, Sx. Haml. 30 Enc.; ...
...ረ፡ ከመ፡ ይነጽሩ፡ በእንተ፡ ክሕደቶሙ፡ ለእሉ፡ ፫ ከሓድያን፡ Sx. Jac. 1. — Voc. Ae.: ነጸረ፡ ወርእየ፡ ዘ፡ ሐ...
...eton Angelorum, Apostolorum, Sanctorum, Sx., al. crebro. ...
.... 41,2; ዘሰሐብዎሙ፡ ኀበ፡ ዐውደ፡ ምኵናን፡ Did. 25; Sx. creberrime. abripere Ps. 27,3....
...cta : አራዊት፡ ደቂቅ፡ ዘይሰርር፡ Const. Ap. 52; Sx. Jac. 5 Enc.; አራዊት፡ ደቃውቅ፡ Lud. e Lib...
... Sx. Sen. 2 Enc. (rhythmi finalis causa)...
... Lud. ex Sx. Tachs. 19 Enc. ...
... ነዳያነ፡ አላ፡ እሙንቱሰ፡ ኮኑ፡ ብዑላነ፡ በምግባረ፡ ሠናይ፡ Sx. Genb. 19. In specie hoc ወ–ሰ፡ usurpa...
... hic Sx. Teq. 1 Enc. እስከ፡ ዝንቱ፡ ...
...; advenientes salutantur: ሠናይኬ፡ ምጽአትክሙ፡ Sx. Nah. 14; ውእቱኬ፡ Herm. p. 88 a; quare...
... 17,10; ኢተዐውቆ፡ ሕማም፡ non sensit dolores, Sx. Mag. 7 Enc.; ተዐውቀቶሙ፡ ኀጢአቶሙ፡ ...
...: አፍቀረ፡ ተሴስዮ፡ ሣዕር፡ እምበሊዐ፡ ኅብስት፡ Lud. ex Sx. Masc. 5 Enc.; sive omisso እምነ፡ ut 2...
...liquem, c. ላዕለ፡, ut: ፈትሐ፡ ላዕሌሃ፡ Lud. ex Sx. Mag. 5 Enc. ...
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
information type | values |
PoS | subst.I,2 |
transcription | |
translations | epulae lautae la convivium la cibus meridianus la principalis la prandium la coena la agapis la conviviis charitatis la |
morphology | subst. m. |
references | 2 Reg. 3,20 2 Reg. 13,27 Job 1,4 Kuf. 42 Judith 12,10 Dan. 5,1 Dan. 5,10 Matth. 22,4 Luc. 5,29 Luc. 14,8 Ex. 16,29 Ruth 2,14 2 Reg. 24,15 Dan. apocr. 1,13 Tob. 12,13 Sir. 9,16 Joh. 12,2 Matth. 23,6 Marc. 12,39 Kid. f. 28 Luc. 14,12 Can. Gangr. 11, |
labels | Pl.opp.vid. sub |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | |
column |
TraCES*ERC Advanced Grant TraCES (Grant Agreement 338756) and follow-up projects, English
ምሳሕ፡ mǝsāḥ , pluralisPl. ምሳሓት፡ mǝsāḥāt «dînerfr, repasfr» ― ምሳ፡ Ms. BNFabb217, fol. 38r.
ምሳሐ፡ ደብረ፡ ጽዮን mǝsāḥa dabra ṣǝyon La Cène du Jeudi Saintfr ለእለ፡ ይብሉሂ፡ ኢሀለወ፡ ምሳሐ፡ ደብረ፡ ጽዮን፡ ተዋሥኦሙ፡ ወአቀመ፡ ስምዓ፡ መጻሕፍት። 113, videasvid. ደብር፡ , ጽዮን፡
information type | values |
PoS | |
transcription | mǝsāḥ mǝsāḥāt mǝsāḥ mǝsāḥāt mǝsāḥa dabra ṣǝyon mǝsāḥ mǝsāḥa dabra ṣǝyon |
translations | dînerfr repasfr La Cène du Jeudi Saintfr mealen midday mealen dinneren supperen banqueten love-feast of the early Christiansen feast which a particular zar-spirit is believed to craveen the banquet on Mount Zionen |
morphology | |
references | |
labels | Pl.Pl.vid.vid. |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | 113 88–89 88 108–109 364a |
column |
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added Gr and Les on 10.1.2024
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added Gr and Les on 10.1.2024
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added bibliography on 10.1.2024
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added , on 10.1.2024
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added vid on 10.1.2024
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska correction on 10.1.2024
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016