You found "Reise II." in 1320 entries!
... n. ag. (II,1) introductor...
... አሥለጠ II,1 et አሠለጠ፡ II,2 potentem reddere a...
... II,1 et አሠለጠ፡ II,2 potentem reddere aliquem rei; p...
... ʾaślaṭa, ʾaśallaṭa አሠለጠ፡ ʾaśallaṭa II,2 ያሤልጥ፡, ያሠልጥ፡ «autoriser, faire acc...
... አወጥሐ { II,2 et አውጥሐ፡ II,1 ...
... { II,2 et አውጥሐ፡ II,1 circ...
... አምዕዐ II,1 ad iram concitare vel provocare...
...፡) Jes. 23,11; አምዓዕዎ፡ Herm. p. 12; pro II et I pers. Perf. አምዓዕከ፡, አምዓዕነ፡ pass...
... ʾamǝʿǝʿa, አምዐ፡ ʾamǝʿa አምዕዐ፡ ʾamǝʿǝʿa II,1 ያምዕዕ፡ «irriter, provoquer, fâcher»...
... quadril. II, et አምዐርዐረ፡ quinquel. II. dulcem r...
... quadril. II, et አምዐርዐረ፡ quinquel. II. dulcem reddere , edulcare , obd...
...ዐርዐረ፡ ʾamāʿarʿara አማዐርዐረ፡ ʾamāʿarʿara, II, ያመዓረዕር፡, ያማዐርዓር፡ «adoucir, rendre d...
... quadril. II [formatum et transpositum e መርሰሰ፡ q....
... ʾaramsasa አረምሰሰ፡ ʾaramsasa, quadrl. II, ያረመስስ፡, ያረምስስ፡ et አርመስመሰ፡ ʾarmasmas...
...ስ፡ et አርመስመሰ፡ ʾarmasmasa, quinquilitère II, ያርመሰምስ፡, ያርመስምስ፡ «toucher ça et là ...
... አሞገሰ II,1 gratia vel favore afficere , ኣ...
... ʾamogasa አሞገሰ፡ ʾamogasa, quadrl. II, ያሞግስ፡ «favoriser, rendre favori, av...
... አርአሰ II,1 caput vel principem constituere...
... ʾarʾasa አርአሰ፡ ʾarʾasa II,1 ያርእስ፡ «constituer chef» ― አለቃ፡ አደረ...
... አርከበ II,1 facere ut aliquis adipiscatur ve...
... ʾarkaba አርከበ፡ ʾarkaba II,1 ያረክብ፡, ያርክብ፡ «faire trouver, retro...
... አመርሰሰ II caus. palpare facere : Ex. 10,21. ...
... ʾamarsasa አመርሰሰ፡ ʾamarsasa, II, ያመረስስ፡, ያመርስስ፡ «faire toucher, donn...
... አሕፀየ II,1 donum sponsalicium dare jubere : ...
... ʾaḥḍaya, አሕጸየ፡ ʾaḥṣaya አሕጸየ፡ ʾaḥṣaya II,1 ያሐጺ፡, ያሕጺ፡ «ordonner, disposer les...
... አሕፀነ II,1 curam vel tutelam gerere alicu...
... ʾaḥḍana አሕፀነ፡ ʾaḥḍana II,1 ያሐፅን፡, ያሕፅን፡ «faire élaver, donner...
... አሥበጠ II,1 ( coctum ) cibum apponere , coen...
... ʾaśbaṭa, አስበጠ ʾasbaṭa አሥበጠ፡ ʾaśbaṭa II,1 ያሠብጥ፡ «donner un festin» ― አስመገበ፡ ...
... quadril. II (a ሥልጣን፡ denom. ) potestatem commi...
... ʾasalṭana አሠልጠነ፡ ʾasalṭana, II, ያሠለጥን፡, ያሠልጥን፡ «donner le pouvoir, ...
... አምተረ II,1 abscidendum , amputandum , exs...
... ʾamtara አምተረ፡ ʾamtara II,1 ያመትር፡, ያምትር፡ «faire couper» ― አስቈረ...
... አሥዐለ II,1 effigiandum , delineandum , pin...
... ʾaśʿala አሥዐለ፡ ʾaśʿala II,1 ያሥዕል፡ «faire peindre» ― አሣለ፡ Ms. B...
... አሥብሐ II,1 pinguem reddere , opimare , λιπα...
... ʾaśbǝḥa አሥብሐ፡ ʾaśbǝḥa II,1 ያሠብሕ፡, ያሥብሕ፡ «rendre gras, engrais...
... quadril. II ( denom. ) in tentationem , pericu...
... ʾamansawa አመንሰወ፡ ʾamansawa, II, ያመነሱ፡, ያመንሱ «jeter dans le péril, p...
... አሞቀ II,1 calefacere , fovere : እሳት፡ ያመውቆ፡...
... ʾamoqa አሞቀ፡ ʾamoqa II,1 ያመውቅ፡ ያሙቅ፡ «échauffer» ― አሞቀ፡ Ms. ...
... አርሐሰ II,1 humore conspergere , humectare ,...
... ʾarḥasa አርሐሰ፡ ʾarḥasa II,1 ያርሕስ፡ «faire humecter» ― አራሰ፡ Ms. ...
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
information type | values |
PoS | denom. |
transcription | |
translations | causari la praetendere la praetexere la tergiversari la speciem prae se ferre la praetextum quaerere la lectionem scripturae praetendit la causa ficta la species falsa la excusatione uti la excusare la excusationem quaerere la occasionem captare la ansam quaerere la invenire la |
morphology | denom. |
references | Prov. 22,13 Ps. 140,4 Matth. 23,13 Did. 4 Sx. Tachs. 9 Jsp. p. 339 Did. 12. Clem. f. 6 |
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gender | |
case | |
bibliography | |
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TraCES*ERC Advanced Grant TraCES (Grant Agreement 338756) and follow-up projects, English
information type | values |
PoS | |
transcription | ʾamaknaya ʾamaknaya mkny ʾamaknaya |
translations | prétexterfr user de prétextes, d’excusesfr apporter de faux motifsfr make excusesen pretenden give a reasonen use as a pretexten look for excusesen |
morphology | |
references | |
labels | |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | 104 857 340a |
column |
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added Gr and Les on 9.2.2024
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016