You found "Reise II." in 1320 entries!
... አምገለ II,1 pus movere : ያመግል፡ M.F. ...
... ʾamgala አምገለ፡ ʾamgala II,1 ያመግል፡, ያምግል፡ «former du pus» ― አመገ...
... አምሰየ II,1 vesperam transigere Matth. 25,12...
... ʾamsaya አምሰየ፡ ʾamsaya II,1 ያመሲ፡, ያምሲ፡ «passer la soirée» ― አመ...
... quinquel. II, id.; Lud. e Syn. ...
... ʾarmasmasa አረምሰሰ፡ ʾaramsasa, quadrl. II, ያረመስስ፡, ያረምስስ፡ et አርመስመሰ፡ ʾarmasmas...
...ስ፡ et አርመስመሰ፡ ʾarmasmasa, quinquilitère II, ያርመሰምስ፡, ያርመስምስ፡ «toucher ça et là ...
... Anianus (Ptrr. Al. II).
... አሕጸረ II,1 circumvallare , obsidere Hez. 2...
... ʾaḥṣara አሕጸረ፡ ʾaḥṣara II,1 ያሐጽር፡, ያሕጽር፡ «faire enceindre» ― አ...
... vid. sub II ኀበዘ፡
... አምሀወ II,1 liquefacere , ceram, resinam, Sx....
... ʾamhawa አምሀወ፡ ʾamhawa II,1 ያምሁ፡ «fondre, liquéfier» ― አቀለጠ፡ M...
... አሥረበ II,1 sorbendum dedit ; irrigavit ...
... ʾasraba, አስረበ ʾasraba አስረበ፡ ʾasraba II,1 absorbendum dedit, irrigavit, arro...
... quadril. II ( denom. a መሠረት፡) fundare : አመሥርተኒ...
...ata, አመስረተ፡ ʾamasrata አመስረተ፡ ʾamasrata,II, ያመሰርት፡, ያመስርት፡ «faire poser les fon...
... አክሀነ II,1 sacerdotem ...
... aliquem: የክህኖሙ፡ II Can. Nic. 66. ...
... አወከፈ II,2 excipere ...
...Jes. 30,14 var. (vid. II,1).
... አኅረሰ II,1 parturientem adjuvare , obstetri...
... ʾaḫrasa, አሕረሠ፡ ʾaḥraśa አሕረሠ፡ ʾaḥraśa II,1 ያሐርሥ፡, ያሕርሥ፡ «accoucher (obstetric...
... አርቀቀ II,1 tenuem , subtilem facere ; ያረቅቅ፡...
... ʾarqaqa አርቀቀ፡ ʾarqaqa II,1 ያረቅቅ፡, ያርቅቅ፡ «rendre fin, subtil, ...
... አልከወ II,1 caliginem offundere oculis, heb...
... ʾalkawa አልከወ፡ ʾalkawa II,1 ያለኩ፡, ያልኩ፡ «affaiblir (vue et yeux...
... አልሐኰ II,1 fingi , formandum curare Sap. 1...
... ʾalḥakʷa አልሐኰ፡ ʾalḥakʷa II,1 ያልሕኵ፡ «faire faire de la vaisselle...
... አሥሐቀ II,1 ridere facere , risum movere , c...
... ʾasḥaqa አሥሐቀ፡ ʾasḥaqa II,1 ያሥሕቅ፡ «faire rire» ― አሣቀ፡ Ms. BNFa...
... አሞቅሐ II in vincula conjici jubere , in cus...
... ʾamoqǝḥa አሞቅሐ፡ ʾamoqǝḥa, II, ያሞቅሕ፡ «faire lier, faire enchaîner»...
... አምአተ II,1 centum efficere , centum numero ...
... ʾamʾata አምአተ፡ ʾamʾata II,2 ያሜእት፡, ያመእት፡ «faire cent, centuple...
... vid. sub II ዐደወ፡ ...
... vid. sub II ቀሰመ፡ ...
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
information type | values |
PoS | denom. |
transcription | |
translations | causari la praetendere la praetexere la tergiversari la speciem prae se ferre la praetextum quaerere la lectionem scripturae praetendit la causa ficta la species falsa la excusatione uti la excusare la excusationem quaerere la occasionem captare la ansam quaerere la invenire la |
morphology | denom. |
references | Prov. 22,13 Ps. 140,4 Matth. 23,13 Did. 4 Sx. Tachs. 9 Jsp. p. 339 Did. 12. Clem. f. 6 |
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gender | |
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bibliography | |
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TraCES*ERC Advanced Grant TraCES (Grant Agreement 338756) and follow-up projects, English
information type | values |
PoS | |
transcription | ʾamaknaya ʾamaknaya mkny ʾamaknaya |
translations | prétexterfr user de prétextes, d’excusesfr apporter de faux motifsfr make excusesen pretenden give a reasonen use as a pretexten look for excusesen |
morphology | |
references | |
labels | |
gender | |
case | |
bibliography | 104 857 340a |
column |
- Magdalena Krzyżanowska added Gr and Les on 9.2.2024
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016