You found "Lud." in 1713 entries!
... p. 135; ተፀምደ፡ ታሕተ፡ አርዑተ፡ ኀጢአት፡ Org. 1; Lud. ex Sx. Genb. 11 Enc. (vid. ፀመደ፡); ም...
...l.: አስተጋብአ፡ ኅሊናሁ፡ collegit animum suum, Lud. ex Hom. Jac. Sar. conjungere vel ... ; saluto በሕቁ፡ etiam atque etiam Lud. sine auct. omnino , εἰς τὸ τέλο...
...s mutare 2 Petr. 3,16; ሰይጣን፡ ሜጠ፡ ሕሊናሁ፡ Lud. e Vit. Dan. revocare , irritum...
...ጠቢብ፡ ንጹሐ፡ (v. በንጹሕ፡) ይትለአክ፡ Sir. 10,25; Lud. e Lit. ...
...፡ ዘይብል፡ Sx. Mij. 14 Enc.; Sx. Mag. 29 (Lud.); maxime in libris ex Arabico trans...
.... Ap. 52; Sx. Jac. 5 Enc.; አራዊት፡ ደቃውቅ፡ Lud. e Libr. Myst. in specie አርዌ፡ et...
...s ኰነኖ፡ ለዘካቶያስ፡ በአርምሞ፡ Hom. Jac. Sarug. (Lud.); ከመ፡ ይኰንንዎሙ፡ በዐጺረ፡ ምክያዳት፡ Sx. Masc...
...aciam, Lud. ex Sx. Tachs. 19 Enc. ...
... (etiam ስእለ፡ Lud.) I,1 [שָׁאַל ܫܶܐܠ سَأَلَ] Subj. ይ...
...M. 12,2; Lud. comm. hist. p. ...
.... 37. vestes applicare , induere Lud. ex. Enc., vid. ተረስየ፡ parare , ...
...reden a sprechen), Ps. 39,8; Hen. 84,1; Lud. ex Hom. Joh.; እለ፡ ይነግሩ፡ እምአፉሆሙ፡ ድን...
...contra aliquem, c. ላዕለ፡, ut: ፈትሐ፡ ላዕሌሃ፡ Lud. ex Sx. Mag. 5 Enc. ...
...omo rex frater Mariae virginis vocatur (Lud.). ...
...ምርተ፡ መጻሕፍት፡ (characteres superstitiosi) Lud. ex Org. 2; fortasse Hen. 68,1. በትእ...
... significat; pariter Lud. comm. hist. p. 303 Nr. 10 ግበሩ፡ በዓላ...
... Ex. 14,5; ተመይጦሙ፡ ሤጥዎ፡ Kuf. 34. – (Quod Lud. in lex. col. 97 affert: „active acc...
...literis recte (orthographice) scriptis, Lud. auct. Gregor. justus , aequus ...
...d. f. 19. existimatio , dignitas , Lud. e Cant. Sam. λογεῖον rationale ...
Dillmann*Dillmann, Christian Friedrich August. Lexicon linguae aethiopicae, cum indice latino. Adiectum est vocabularium tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilatum a W. Munziger. Lipsiae: Th.O. Weigel, 1865. and follow-up projects, Latin
information type | values |
PoS | praep.II,1 |
transcription | |
translations | adducere la ducere la deducere la venire jubere la afferre la perferre la ducere la ferre la inducere la adducere la adducere la appetere la appropinquare la facere la attingere facere la evehere la ad la assequi facere la ad annum C perduxit la es auf 100 Jahre bringen de perducere la pervenire ad la assequi la ad gradum ejus nondum perveni la maturam aetatem non assecuta la referre la deferre la indicare la nuntiare la argumentis efficere la demonstrare la probare la convincere la |
morphology | Acc. Acc. praep. Acc. Acc. |
references | Marc. 13,11 Gen. 12,15 1 Esr. 5,2 Sir. 26,3 Gen. 47,2 1 Reg. 30,15 Judith 10,15 Hez. 8,3 Sx. Masc. 13. Sir. 7,25 4 Reg. 5,6 Rel. Bar. Jsp. p. 331 Rel. Bar. Jsp. p. 339. Sir. 26,5 Sir. 38,19 Prov. 14,12 F.M. 4,1 1 Par. 29,19 Hez. 22,4 Sir. 13,23 Jsp. p. 338. Sx. Teq. 13 F.N. 24,3 Sx. Haml. 26. 1 Esr. 2,20 Dan. apocr. 13,9 Act. 18,28 Act. 17,3 Act. 9,22 Act. 24,13 Act. 25,18 |
labels | c.pers.c.c.c.c.c.c.rom. |
gender | |
case | Acc.Acc.Acc.Acc. |
bibliography | |
column | n. 547 |
- Andreas Ellwardt Verschachtelung, Referenzen, Sprachkennung, on 22.8.2018
- Andreas Ellwardt nochmal Verschachtelung, on 22.8.2018
- Andreas Ellwardt nochmal Sprachkennung, on 22.8.2018
- Andreas Ellwardt last updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 19.4.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo exported from lexicon to XML on 16.1.2017
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo updated lexicon XML file adding nested senses on 16.1.2017
- Andreas Ellwardt updated txt file and doc file of Lexicon on 22.11.2016