London, British Library, BL Additional 16257
Massimo Villa
This manuscript description is based on the catalogues listed in the Catalogue Bibliography
Collection: Additional
Other identifiers: Dillmann cat. XLV, Dillmann 45
General description
Gadla Takla Hāymānot, Maṣḥafa lǝdatu la-ʾabuna Takla Hāymānot, Maṣḥafa fǝlsatu la-Takla Hāymānot, Taʾammǝra Takla Hāymānot, Gadla Takla Ṣǝyon, Malkǝʾa Takla Hāymānot
Number of Text units: 9
Number of Codicological units: 2
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Codicological Unit p1
Origin of codicological unit 1
Not dated by the cataloguer. ()
Copied for Johann Ludwig Krapf .
Summary of codicological unit 1
- p1_i0
Hagiographic Dossier of St Takla Hāymānot
- p1_i1 (check the viewerFols 1–118 ), Gadla Takla Hāymānot (Dabra Libānos recension, second sub-recension)
- p1_i2 (check the viewerFols 118–119 ), መጽሐፈ፡ ልደቱ፡
- p1_i3 (check the viewerFols 119–127 ), መጽሐፈ፡ ዜናሁ፡ ለክቡር፡ ወቅዱስ፡ ወብፁዕ፡ ፍቁረ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ዘይትነበብ፡ በዕለተ፡ ፍልሰተ፡ ሥጋሁ፡ አመ፡ ፲ወ፪ግንቦት፡ ዝውእቱ፡ ድሙር፡ ምስለ፡ በዓለ፡ ትንሣኤሁ፡ ለእግዝእነ፡ ኢየሱስ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ወበዓለ፡ ሚካኤል፡ ሊቀ፡ መላእክት፡ ፍቁሩ፡ ለአቡነ፡ ተክለ፡ ሃይማኖት፡
- p1_i4 (check the viewerFols 127–164 ), Taʾammǝra Takla Hāymānot
- p1_i5 (check the viewerFols 164–183 ), Another history of the translation of the body of ʾabuna Takla Hāymānot
Hagiographic Dossier of St Takla Hāymānot (CAe 1008)
check the viewerFols 1–118 Gadla Takla Hāymānot (Dabra Libānos recension, second sub-recension) (CAe 4115) (See Nosnitsin 2003.)
Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): check the viewerFol. 1 ንጽሕፍ፡ ገድለ፡ ጻማሁ፡ ለአቡነ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ብፁዓዊ፡ ተክለ፡ አብ፡ ተክለ፡ ወልድ፡ ተክለ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ዝውእቱ፡ ትርጓሜሁ፡ አባ፡ ተክለ፡ ሃይማኖት፡ ፀዋሬ፡ ስመ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ዘይትነበብ፡ አመ፡ ፳ወ፬ነሐሴ።
በትእዛዘ፡ አባ፡ ጴጥሮስ፡ ዲበ፡ መንበረ፡ አቡነ፡ ተክለ፡ ሃይማኖት፡ ዘነበረ፡ ወሜላተ፡ ጽድቁ፡ ዘተአፅፈ፡ ወበሐፀ፡ ፍቅሩ፡ ዘተነድፈ፡ ለካዕነ፡ ዘንተ፡ መጽሐፈ፡ ከመ፡ የሀሉ፡ ዘልፈ፡
(The note refers to the composition of the work: the work was completed in the year 6542 of the judgment (i.e., of the world), year 1026 from the birth of the Virgin, year 1042 from the birth of the son of the craftsman (i.e., Jesus Christ), year 697 from the conversion of Ethiopia, year 754 of the Martyrs of Antiochia, year 714 from the council of Nicaea, year of Matthew. Most of the dates point to the year 1042, which has to be considered incorrect.)
check the viewerFols 127–164 Taʾammǝra Takla Hāymānot (CAe 3971)
Incipit (Gǝʿǝz ): check the viewerFol. 127 ንጽሕፍ፡ ዘከመ፡ ገብረ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ተአምረ፡ ወመንክረ፡ በእደዊሁ።
Additions of codicological unit 1 In this unit there are in total .
Catalogue Bibliography of codicological unit 1
Dillmann, C. F. A. 1847. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum orientalium qui in Museo Britannico asservantur, III: Codices Aethiopicos amplectens (n.p.: E Museo Britannico, 1847). page 49b-50a
Physical Description of codicological unit 1
Form of support of codicological unit 1
Paper Codex
Extent of codicological unit 1
Foliation of codicological unit 1
Quire Structure Collation
State of preservation of codicological unit 1
Palaeography of codicological unit 1
Hand 1
of codicological unit 1Script: Ethiopic
Date: First half of the 19th century.
Written by Johann Ludwig Krapf 's scribe. First half of the 19th century.Codicological Unit p2
Origin of codicological unit 2
Not dated by the cataloguer. ()
Copied for Johann Ludwig Krapf .
Summary of codicological unit 2
- p2_i1 (check the viewerFols 184–213 ), ገድል፡ ወዜና፡ ብፁዕ፡ ወኅሩይ፡ ብእሴ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ተክለ፡ ጽዮን፡ ድንግል፡ ወንጹሕ፡ ዘፈጸመ፡ ገድሎ፡ በሠናይ፡ ወአእረፈ፡ በሰላም፡ አመ፡ ፯ለወርኀ፡ ኒሳን፡ ዘውእቱ፡ ሚያዝያ።
- p2_i2 (check the viewerFols 214–217 ), Excerpts from 20 and 21
- p2_i3 (check the viewerFols 217–225 ), Malkǝʾa ʾAbuna Takla Hāymānot
Additions of codicological unit 2 In this unit there are in total .
Catalogue Bibliography of codicological unit 2
Dillmann, C. F. A. 1847. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum orientalium qui in Museo Britannico asservantur, III: Codices Aethiopicos amplectens (n.p.: E Museo Britannico, 1847). page 50a-b
Physical Description of codicological unit 2
Form of support of codicological unit 2
Parchment Codex
Extent of codicological unit 2
Foliation of codicological unit 2
Leaves are numbered from 1 to 42.
State of preservation of codicological unit 2
Palaeography of codicological unit 2
Hand 2
of codicological unit 2Script: Ethiopic
Date: First half of the 19th century.
Written by Johann Ludwig Krapf 's scribe. First half of the 19th century.Select one of the keywords listed from the record to see related data
Use the tag BetMas:BLadd16257 in your public annotations which refer to this entity.