Malkǝʾa Galāwdewos
Ralph Lee
Work in Progress
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(The following text is taken from Portland, Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project, Kaleab Addis Project 61.)
Stanza 1
ሰላም፡ ለዝክረ፡ ስምከ፡ ስነ፡ ሰውዖቱ፡ ዘአደመ።
እምስነ፡ ከዋክብት፡ ወወርኅ፡ ዘአሠርገዉ፡ ዓለም።
ገላውዴዎስ፡ ግበር፡ ትእምርተ፡ ሃይማኖት፡ መድምመ።
አቡከ፡ ሙሴ፡ በዘመነ፡ ፈርዖን፡ ቅድመ።
ማየ፡፡በሥልጣኑ፡ ከመ፡ ገብረ፡ ደመ። public annotations pointing here
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