Miracle of Mary: An abbot in Scete sees first a multitude of demons, then a multitude of saints
Dorothea Reule
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(This incipit is taken from Collegeville, Hill Museum and Manuscript Library, MS EMML no. 6938.)
ወአሐተ፡ ዕለተ፡ ወፅአ፡ መምህር፡ ዘአስቄጥስ፡ ገዳመ፡ ወርእየ፡ ብዙኀ፡ መናፍስት፡ <ርኵሳን>supplied by William F. Macomber ፡
ወአጋንንት፡ ዘአልቦ፡ ኍልቈ፡ ወደንገፀ፡ ወጐየ።
Secondary Bibliography
Macomber, W. n.d. ‘Miracles of Mary’,. item 56
Cerulli, E. 1943. Il libro etiopico dei Miracoli di Maria e le sue fonti nelle letterature del Medio Evo latino, Studi orientali pubblicati a cura della Scuola Orientale, 1 (Roma: Dott. Giovanni Bardi, 1943). page 189-191
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