Here you can explore some general information about the project. See also Beta maṣāḥəft institutional web page. Select About to meet the project team and our partners. Visit the Guidelines section to learn about our encoding principles. The section Data contains the Linked Open Data information, and API the Application Programming Interface documentation for those who want to exchange data with the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. The Permalinks section documents the versioning and referencing earlier versions of each record.
Click to get back to the home page. Here you can find out more about the project team, the cooperating projects, and the contact information. You can also visit our institutional page. Find out more about our Encoding Guidelines. In this section our Linked Open Data principles are explained. Developers can find our Application Programming Interface documentation here. The page documents the use of permalinks by the project.
Descriptions of (predominantly) Christian manuscripts from Ethiopia and Eritrea are the core of the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. We (1) gradually encode descriptions from printed catalogues, beginning from the historical ones, (2) incorporate digital descriptions produced by other projects, adjusting them wherever possible, and (3) produce descriptions of previously unknown and/or uncatalogued manuscripts. The encoding follows the TEI XML standards (check our guidelines).
We identify each unit of content in every manuscript. We consider any text with an independent circulation a work, with its own identification number within the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). Parts of texts (e.g. chapters) without independent circulation (univocally identifiable by IDs assigned within the records) or recurrent motifs as well as documentary additional texts (identified as Narrative Units) are not part of the CAe. You can also check the list of different types of text titles or various Indexes available from the top menu.
The clavis is a repertory of all known works relevant for the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition; the work being defined as any text with an independent circulation. Each work (as well as known recensions where applicable) receives a unique identifier in the Clavis Aethiopica (CAe). In the filter search offered here one can search for a work by its title, a keyword, a short quotation, but also directly by its CAe identifier - or, wherever known and provided, identifier used by other claves, including Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca (BHG), Clavis Patrum Graecorum (CPG), Clavis Coptica (CC), Clavis Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti (CAVT), Clavis Apocryphorum Novi Testamenti (CANT), etc. The project additionally identifies Narrative Units to refer to text types, where no clavis identification is possible or necessary. Recurring motifs or also frequently documentary additiones are assigned a Narrative Unit ID, or thematically clearly demarkated passages from various recensions of a larger work. This list view shows the documentary collections encoded by the project Ethiopian Manuscript Archives (EMA) and its successor EthioChrisProcess - Christianization and religious interactions in Ethiopia (6th-13th century) : comparative approaches with Nubia and Egypt, which aim to edit the corpus of administrative acts of the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, for medieval and modern periods. See also the list of documents contained in the additiones in the manuscripts described by the Beta maṣāḥǝft project . Works of interest to Ethiopian and Eritrean studies.
While encoding manuscripts, the project Beta maṣāḥǝft aims at creating an exhaustive repertory of art themes and techniques present in Ethiopian and Eritrean Christian tradition. See our encoding guidelines for details. Two types of searches for aspects of manuscript decoration are possible, the decorations filtered search and the general keyword search.
The filtered search for decorations, originally designed with Jacopo Gnisci, looks at decorations and their features only. The filters on the left are relative only to the selected features, reading the legends will help you to figure out what you can filter. For example you can search for all encoded decorations of a specific art theme, or search the encoded legends. If the decorations are present, but not encoded, you will not get them in the results. If an image is available, you will also find a thumbnail linking to the image viewer. [NB: The Index of Decorations currently often times out, we are sorry for the inconvenience.] You can search for particular motifs or aspects, including style, also through the keyword search. Just click on "Art keywords" and "Art themes" on the left to browse through the options. This is a short cut to a search for all those manuscripts which have miniatures of which we have images.
We create metadata for all places associated with the manuscript production and circulation as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The encoding of places in Beta maṣāḥǝft will thus result in a Gazetteer of the Ethiopian tradition. We follow the principles established by Pleiades and lined out in the TEI Manual and Schema for Historical Geography which allow us to distinguish between places, locations, and names of places. See also Help page fore more guidance.
This tab offers a filtrable list of all available places. Geographical references of the type "land inhabited by people XXX" is encoded with the reference to the corresponding Ethnic unit (see below); ethnonyms, even those used in geographical contexts, do not appear in this list. Repositories are those locations where manuscripts encoded by the project are or used to be preserved. While they are encoded in the same way as all places are, the view offered is different, showing a list of manuscripts associated with the repository.
We create metadata for all persons (and groups of persons) associated with the manuscript production and circulation (rulers, religious authorities, scribes, donors, and commissioners) as well as those mentioned in the texts used by the project. The result will be a comprehensive Prosopography of the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition. See also Help page for more guidance.
We encode persons according to our Encoding Guidelines. The initial list was inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix. We consider ethnonyms as a subcategory of personal names, even when many are often used in literary works in the context of the "land inhabited by **". The present list of records has been mostly inherited from the Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, and there are still many inconsistencies that we are trying to gradually fix.
This section collects some additional resources offered by the project. Select Bibliography to explore the references cited in the project records. The Indexes list different types of project records (persons, places, titles, keywords, etc). Visit Projects for information on partners that have input data directly in the Beta maṣāḥǝft database. Special ways of exploring the data are offered under Visualizations. Two applications were developed in cooperation with the project TraCES, the Gǝʿǝz Morphological Parser and the Online Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae.

You are looking at work in progress version of this website. For questions contact the dev team.

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Do you want to notify us of an error, please do so by writing an issue in our GitHub repository (click the envelope for a precomiled one).
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TEI/XMLDownload an enriched TEI file with explicit URIs bibliography from Zotero API.
GraphSee graphs of the information available. If the manuscript contains relevant information, then you will see visualizations based on La Syntaxe du Codex, by Andrist, Canart and Maniaci.
RelationsFurther visualization of relational information
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PlacesSee places marked up in the text using the Dariah-DE Geo-Browser
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Canons of Clement, which he received in a letter from S. Peter

Alessandro Bausi

Work in Progress
CAe 2680Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
  • Citation URI:
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ዝንቱ፡ ሴኖዶስ፡ ዘቀሌምንጦስ፡ ዘጸሐፈ፡ ጴጥሮስ፡ ረድእ፡ ርእሰ፡ ሐዋርያት፡ ዘነገረ፡ በእንተ፡ እግዚእነ፡ ኢየሱስ፡ ክርስቶስ
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ይቤ፡ ቀሌምንጦስ፡ ዘእምጴጥሮስ፡ ርእሰ፡ ሐዋርያት፡ ረድኡ፡ ለእግዚእነ፡ ክርስቶስ
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ይቤለኒ፡ ወልድየ፡ ቀሌምንጦስ፡ ኢታጥምቅ፡ መነሂ፡ በሕልያን፡ ወኢበሤጥ፡ ምቱር፡ ላዕለ፡ ጥምቀት
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ወዘነሥአ፡ ላዕለ፡ ጥምቀት፡ ሕሊያነ፡ በሤጥ፡ ምቱር፡ ውጉዝ፡ ውእቱ፡ ወርጉም፡ እምአፉየ፡ አነ፡ ጴጥሮስ፡ ንኡሰ፡ ሐዋርያት፡ ወመክፈልቱ፡ ይኩን፡ ምስለ፡ ሢሞን፡ መሠርይ፡ ወይሁዳ፡ ረሲዕ
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ወኢትሢጥ፡ ወልድየ፡ ሀብተ፡ ክህነት፡ ወጸጋ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ በሤጥ፡ ወኢትሣየጥ፡ ላዕለ፡ ክህነት፡ ወኢትንሣእ፡ ላቲ፡ ዐስበ፡ እምቅድመ፡ ትባርክ፡ ወኢእምድኅሬሁ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ በገጸ፡ በረከት
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ወዘወሀበ፡ ወዘነሥአ፡ በክህነት፡ ሕልያነ፡ አልቦቱ፡ ክህነተ፡ ወውጉዝ፡ በኀቤየ፡ አነ፡ ጴጥሮስ፡ በግዘት፡ ዘአውገዝክዎ፡ ለሢሞን፡ መሠርይ፡ ወመክፈልቱ፡ ይኩን፡ ምስለ፡ ይሁዳ፡ ዕልው፡ ወነፍሱ፡ ርሕቅት፡ እምጥቃ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ከመ፡ ዲያብሎስ፡ እመዓርጊሁ
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ወልድየ፡ ስረይ፡ ለዘአበሰ፡ ለከ፡ ሰብዓ፡ ጊዜ፡ በበሰብዐቱ፡ በከመ፡ አዘዘ፡ እግዚእነ፡ በወንጌል፡ ቅዱስ
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ወተወከፎ፡ ለዘይኔስሕ፡ እምኀጢአቱ፡ ወመሐሮ፡ ለዘአበሰ፡ ወአንሥኦ፡ በእዴሁ፡ ወገሥጾ። ወሐውጽ፡ ድውያነ፡ ወሖር፡ ኀበ፡ ሙቁሓን፡ ወአብልዕ፡ ርኁባነ፡ ወአርዊ፡ ጽሙኣነ፡ ወአልብስ፡ ዕሩቃነ
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ወአጥብዕ፡ በሀይማኖት፡ ወተጋደል፡ በእንቲአሃ፡ በርትዕ፡ ዘይደሉ፡ ወስማዕ፡ እመጻሕፍተ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ቅዱሳት፡ እስመ፡ እለ፡ ያጠብዑ፡ ኪያሃ፡ ወይትጋደሉ፡ በእንቲአሃ፡ ይወርሱ፡ መንግሥተ፡ ሰማያት
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ወልድየ፡ ስረይ፡ ከመ፡ ይስረይ፡ ለከ፡ ወኢትኰንን፡ ከመ፡ ኢትትኰነን። ወለእመ፡ ተአመንከ፡ ላዕለ፡ ሢመተ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወኰነንከ፡ ሰብአ፡ ኰንን፡ በፍትሕ፡ ወርትዕ፡ ዘከመ፡ ነበበ፡ ሕግነ። ወተቃተል፡ በሰይፍ፡ ዘኀጺን፡ ከሓዲያነ፡ ወዕልዋነ፡ እለ፡ ኢይአምኑ፡ በክርስቶስ፡ ወምላኅ፡ ሰይፈከ፡ በላዕለ፡ ሀይማኖት፡ ፍጽምት። ወኢታድሉ፡ ለገጽ፡ ወኢትንሣእ፡ ሕሊያነ፡ በፍትሕ፡ ወይኩን፡ ባዕል፡ ወነዳይ፡ በኀቤከ፡ ከመ፡ አሐዱ
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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መሐሮ፡ ለእጓለ፡ ማውታ፡ ወሱቃ፡ ለመበለት፡ ወዕቀብ፡ ደናግለ፡ ወአጽንዖን፡ ወኢትግበር፡ ለሰይጣን፡ ፍኖተ፡ ላዕሌከ፡ ወግፋዕ፡ ሥልጣኖ፡ ርጉመ፡ በጾም፡ ወበጸሎት፡ ወትጋሀ፡ ሌሊት። ወምጽዋትሰ፡ ይኩን፡ ትእምርትከ፡ ወቤትከ፡ ወማኅደርከ፡ ወዕቀብ፡ ደቂቀ፡ ጥምቀት፡ ወሀይማኖተ
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ወኢትትወከፍ፡ ሀይማኖተ፡ ብእሲ፡ ዘኢተጠምቀ
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Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ወለእመ፡ ርኢከ፡ ካህነ፡ ነዳየ፡ ርድኦ፡ እምተመጽውቶ፡ ወኢትኅድጎ፡ ይጸነስ፡ ኀበ፡ አብዳን፡ ሕዝብ፡ ወከማሁ፡ ግበር፡ ለኵሉ፡ ላእካነ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወለእመ፡ ብከ፡ በረከተ፡ ሀብ፡ ለውሉደ፡ ጥምቀት
paragraph : 14
Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ወአጽህቅ፡ ነፍስከ፡ ለሕንጸተ፡ አብያተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ወአድባራት፡ ወምኔታት፡ እንተ፡ ይእቲ፡ ማኅደር፡ ለግፉዓነ፡ ዓለም፡ ወለነዳያን። ሕንጽ፡ አብያተ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ በመኃትው፡ ብሩሃት፡ ከመ፡ ሠምዕ፡ ወልኵንት። ወዘገብረ፡ ዘንተ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ያጸድቅ፡ ሎቱ፡ ምግባሮ፡ ወደኃሪቶ
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ጹም፡ ረቡዐ፡ ወዐርበ፡ ኵሎ፡ መዋዕለ፡ ሕይወትከ
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ወዕለተ፡ እሑድሰ፡ ይኩን፡ በዓለ፡ ኢይግበሩ፡ ቦቱ፡ ግብረ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ አንብቦ፡ መጻሕፍተ፡ ለመለኮት። ወዘዐለወ፡ ዘንተ፡ ውጉዝ፡ ውእቱ፡ ወርጉም፡ እምሠለስቱ፡ አስማተ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ዝውእቱ፡ አብ፡ ወወልድ፡ ወመንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ
paragraph : 17
Alignment Start a translation alignment with Alpheios Alignment. You can also add morphological annotations there. See instructions in GitHub.
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ኢትስድዶ፡ ለነዳይ፡ እምአንቀጸ፡ ማኅደርከ፡ ወኢትትሀየዮ፡ ወኢትመንኖ፡ ወኢታስተሐቅሮ፡ አላ፡ ይኩን፡ ዕበየ፡ ኅሊናከ፡ ከመ፡ ትናዝዞ፡ ወታስተፈሥሖ፡ ከመ፡ ያስተፈሥሕከ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወአንብሮ፡ ዲበ፡ ማእድከ፡ ምስሌከ፡ ወበጽዋዕ፡ ዘትሰቲ፡ አስቲዮ፡ ወኢትዜኀር፡ ላዕሌሁ፡ እስመ፡ ናቡክድናጾር፡ ንጉሥ፡ ተዘኀረ፡ ወተሀጕለ፡ ወረከቦ፡ መዐተ፡ እግዚአብሔር
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ወኢትትዐበይ፡ በቅድመ፡ ንጉሥ፡ ወኢትግበር፡ ለአርአያ፡ በቤቱ፡ ወኢታመክኒ፡ ላዕሌሁ፡ በሠናይ፡ ምግባርከ፡ አላ፡ ሶበ፡ ትገብር፡ ኵሎ፡ ምግባረ፡ ሠናይ፡ ወትፌጽም፡ ኵሎ፡ ትእዛዘ፡ በል፡ አነ፡ ገብር፡ ጽሩዕ፡ በከመ፡ ይቤ፡ እግዚእነ፡ በመጽሐፈ፡ ሕይወት፡ እስመ፡ ኢትድኅን፡ በብዝኀ፡ ምግባርከ፡ እኩይ
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ወኢታስተጋብእ፡ ወርቀ፡ ወብሩረ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ዘታስተዋፅእ፡ ለበቍዔተ፡ መሀይምናን
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አብዝኅ፡ ሰላመ፡ ለውሉደ፡ መሀይምናን፡ ወግነይ፡ ለካህን፡ ራትዕ፡ ዘያአምሮ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ ወይገብር፡ በሕጉ፡ ወተዐቀብ፡ አስሕቶ፡ ሰይጣን፡ እስመ፡ አስሐቶ፡ ለሢሞን፡ መሠርይ፡ እምድኅረ፡ ኮነ፡ ረድኦ፡ ለእኁየ፡ ፊሊጶስ፡ ወእምድኅረ፡ አስተርአየ፡ በእዴሁ፡ ብዙኀ፡ ተኣምረ፡ ዘመለኮት፡ ወኮነ፡ ምክንያተ፡ ስሕተቱ፡ እስመ፡ ኀሠሠ፡ እምኔየ፡ ሢመተ፡ ክህነት፡ ወሀብተ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ በሕልያን፡ ወነገረኒ፡ እግዚእነ፡ ከመ፡ ጽልሕው፡ ወጕሕላዊ፡ ውእቱ፡ ወሰደድክዎ፡ እምኔየ፡ ወኮነ፡ ውእቱ፡ መርሐ፡ ለተሀጕሎቱ
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ወልድየ፡ አክብሮሙ፡ ለአእሩግ፡ ወአዕቢዮሙ፡ ወስምዖሙ፡ ነገሮሙ፡ ወኢትሳለቅ፡ ሰብአ፡ በእንተ፡ ኀጢአቱ፡ አላ፡ ገሥጾ፡ ወንግሮ፡ ወሚጦ፡ በየውሀት፡ ኀበ፡ ፈሪሀ፡ እግዚአብሔር
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አዝዞሙ፡ ለነገሥት፡ በርትዕ፡ ወተዛለፎሙ፡ በእንተ፡ እከየ፡ ምግባሮሙ። ኢታስትት፡ ቅድሳተ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ በኵሉ፡ ዕለት፡ እስመ፡ ቀሪበ፡ ቍርባን፡ ይከልእ፡ መንሱተ
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ተዘከሮሙ፡ ለምውታን፡ አመ፡ ሣልስት፡ ዕለት፡ ወበሳብዕት፡ ወበዐሠርቱ፡ ወክልኤቱ፡ ወበሠለሳ፡ ወበአርብዓ፡ ወበስሳ። ወአእምር፡ ወልድየ፡ ከመ፡ በአርብዓ፡ ዕለት፡ አመ፡ ዕረፍቱ፡ ለዘ፡ ሞተ፡ ትቀውም፡ ነፍሱ፡ ለዘተጠምቀ፡ ኃጥእ፡ ቅድመ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ወይትፈደይ፡ በከመ፡ ምግባሩ፡ ወይጌሥጽዎ፡ በመጠኔ፡ ገብረ
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ወቅብኦ፡ በቅብአ፡ ትፍሥሕት፡ ለዘይፈቅድ፡ ጥምቀተ፡ እምቅድመ፡ ታጥምቆ፡ በማይ፡ ወእምድኅረ፡ ጥምቀት፡ ኅትሞ፡ በቅብአ፡ መለኮት፡ ዘወሀብኩከ፡ ዝውእቱ፡ ቅብአ፡ ሜሮን፡ ዘቦቱ፡ ተፍጻሜተ፡ ኵሉ፡ ወይቁሙ፡ መሀይምናን፡ በእገሪሆሙ፡ ለሰሚዐ፡ መጻሕፍት፡ ቅዱሳት፡ ዘመለኮት
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ኢትንሣእ፡ ቅድሳተ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ነጺሐከ፡ ወጸዊመከ
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ወጸሊ፡ በጽባሕ፡ ወበጊዜ፡ ሠለስቱ፡ ሰዐት፡ እመዐልት፡ ወበምሴት፡ እስመ፡ እሉ፡ ሠለስቱ፡ ጸሎት፡ መፍትው፡ ላዕለ፡ ኵሉ፡ ካህናት፡ ወሕዝባዊያንሰ፡ ይጸልዩ፡ ነግሀ፡ ወሰርከ
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ወእለሰ፡ ያስተረክቡ፡ ወይኀሥሡ፡ አፈድፍዶ፡ ጸጋ፡ ዘመለኮት፡ ይጸልዩ፡ በከመ፡ ሠራዕነ፡ በመጽሐፈ፡ ሥርዐት፡ እስመ፡ አምላኪየ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ መሀረኒ፡ ወአነ፡ እነግረከ፡ ኦወልድየ፡ ቀሌምንጦስ፡ እስመ፡ ጸሎት፡ ይደልዎሙ፡ በቀዳሚ፡ ሰዐተ፡ መዐልት፡ ወበሠለስቱ፡ ሰዐት፡ ወበስድስቱ፡ ሰዐት፡ ወበትስዐቱ፡ ሰዐት፡ ወበምሴት፡ ወበጊዜ፡ ንዋም፡ ወበጊዜ፡ መንፈቀ፡ ሌሊት
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ወአነ፡ ጴጥሮስ፡ እኤዝዞሙ፡ ለመሀይምናን፡ ያዕርፉ፡ እምግብሮሙ፡ ወተግባሮሙ፡ በመዋዕለ፡ በዓላተ፡ ሰማዕት
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ወእጌሥጾሙ፡ እምስካር፡ እኩይ፡ ወነቢረ፡ ምስለ፡ ተውኔት፡ ወምስለ፡ ማዕሌት፡ በፍኖት፡ ወኢይብልዑ፡ ዘሐረደ፡ ዘኢተጠምቀ፡ እስመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ሰዐረ፡ መሥዋዕቶሙ፡ ለአይሁድ፡ ወባዕዳን፡ አሕዛብ
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ወንኤዝዝ፡ ኢይብልዑ፡ ናእተ፡ አይሁድ፡ ወኢምንተኒ፡ እመሥዋዕቶሙ፡ ወኢያስተዋስብዎሙ፡ ወኢያውስቡ፡ እምኔሆሙ። ወዘአምነ፡ እምኔሆሙ፡ ወተጠምቀ፡ ይቁም፡ ኀበ፡ አንቀጸ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ አርብዓ፡ ዕለተ፡ ወኢይብላዕ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ኅብስተ፡ ይቡስ፡ ባሕቱ
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ወለእመ፡ ገብረ፡ ዘንተ፡ ይቅረብ፡ ኀበ፡ መቅደሰ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ እምድኅረ፡ አመከሩ፡ ሀይማኖቶ፡ ወይስቈሩ፡ እዝኖ። ወያብልዕዎ፡ መሥዋዕተ፡ መሀይምናን፡ ወፈድፋደሰ፡ ሥጋ፡ እንስሳ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ዘአስተርአየኒ፡ በልብስ፡ ብሩህ፡ ዘወረደ፡ ላዕሌየ፡ በሀገረ፡ ኢዮጴ፡ እስመ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ውእቱ፡ እማእከለ፡ ኵሉ፡ እንስሳ
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ወሶበ፡ ትፈቅድ፡ ኦመሀይምን፡ ትኑም፡ ተዐተብ፡ ገጸከ፡ ወኵሎ፡ ሥጋከ፡ ወለእመ፡ ፈቀድከ፡ ትሖር፡ ፍኖተ፡ ተባረክ፡ እምአዕፅምተ፡ ሰማዕት፡ እምቅድመ፡ ትሖር
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ኦካህን፡ ኢታቅርብ፡ ላዕለ፡ ምሥዋዕ፡ ሥብሐ፡ ወሥጋ፡ ወኢታዕርግ፡ ዲበ፡ ምሥዋዕ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ኅብስተ፡ ስንዳሌ፡ ንጹሐ፡ ዘይቤ፡ ሥጋየ፡ ውእቱ፡ እስመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ሰመዮ፡ ኅብስተ፡ ሰማያዌ፡ ወኢእምአምያስ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ማየ፡ አስካል፡ እስመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ሰመዮ፡ ማየ፡ ሕይወት፡ ወሠዊተ፡ እምሰብል፡ ስርናይ፡ አመ፡ ይበጽሕ፡ ወባዕድሰ፡ ኢብዉሕ፡ ለክሙ፡ ታብኡ፡ ቍርባነ። ወኢያቅርብ፡ ካህን፡ ወይነ፡ ዲበ፡ ምሥዋዕ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ይቶስሕ፡ በማይ፡ እስመ፡ እግዚእነ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ይቤ፡ አነ፡ ውእቱ፡ ማየ፡ ሕይወት
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በእንተ፡ አክብሮ፡ በዓላት። ግበሩ፡ በዓለ፡ በመዋዕለ፡ ሕማማቲሁ፡ ለክርስቶስ፡ ወሐዘኑ፡ ወስቅለቱ፡ ወደምሩ፡ በይእቲ፡ መዋዕል፡ ሐዘነ፡ ወፍሥሓ፡ ኅቡረ። ሐዘንሰ፡ ይከውን፡ በእንተ፡ ትዕግሥቱ፡ በምንዳቤ፡ ወፍሥሓሰ፡ እስመ፡ መድኀኒትክሙ፡ በሕማመ፡ ክርስቶስ
paragraph : 35
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ወበዓለ፡ ፋሲካሰ፡ ይዐቢ፡ ወይከብር፡ እምኵሉ፡ በዓላት፡ ወኢይኩን፡ ቦቱ፡ ሐዘን፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ፍሥሓ
paragraph : 36
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ወተዘከሩ፡ ምውታኒክሙ፡ በቅዳሴ፡ በኵሉ፡ ጊዜ፡ እስመ፡ ይበቍዖሙ፡ ፈድፋደ፡ ወያቀርቦሙ፡ ኀበ፡ እግዚእነ፡ ክርስቶሰ
paragraph : 37
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ወግበሩ፡ በዓለ፡ ፋሲካ፡ በተፍጻሜቱ፡ በዕለተ፡ እሑድ፡ ዘይከውን፡ እምድኅረ፡ ፍሥሕ፡ ወውእቱ፡ ዕለት፡ ትንሣኤሁ፡ ለእግዚእነ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ እመቃብር
paragraph : 38
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ወግበሩ፡ በዓለ፡ እምትንሣኤሁ፡ በሰሙን፡ መዋዕል፡ ዘውእቱ፡ እሑድ፡ ሐዲስ፡ እስመ፡ ቦቱ፡ ቦአ፡ ኀቤነ፡ ማኅበረ፡ ዐሠርቱ፡ ወክልኤቱ፡ እምድኅረ፡ ትንሣኤሁ፡ እምውታን፡ እንዘ፡ ጉቡኣን፡ ንሕነ፡ በጽርሕ፡ በጽዮን፡ እንዘ፡ ዕጽው፡ ኆኅት፡ እስመ፡ በይእቲ፡ ዕለት፡ ረከቦ፡ ቶማስ፡ ይግስስ፡ በእዴሁ፡ መካነ፡ ኵናት፡ እምገቦሁ፡ ለእግዚእነ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ወመካነ፡ ቅንዋት፡ እስከ፡ ውዕየ፡ አጽናፈ፡ አጻብዒሁ፡ ወሐደሶን፡ አምላክነ፡ ወአሕየዎን፡ ወይቤሎ፡ ኢትናፍቅ፡ ቶማስ፡ ወኩን፡ መሀይምነ
paragraph : 39
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ወግበሩ፡ በዓለ፡ ዕርገቱ፡ ውስተ፡ ሰማይ፡ ወበዓለ፡ ርደተ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ላዕሌነ፡ ሐዋርያት፡ እስመ፡ ወረደ፡ ላዕለ፡ አፉነ፡ እምሰማይ፡ ከመ፡ ልሳናተ፡ እሳት፡ ወመሀረነ፡ ነገረ፡ ዘኢናአምር፡ ወኢሰማዕነ፡ ቅድመ፡ አሚሃ፡ ወኢያእመርነ፡ ወውእቱ፡ እምድኅረ፡ ዕርገቱ፡ ለክርስቶስ፡ ውስተ፡ ሰማይ፡ ዘኢአተተ፡ እምኔሃ፡ በሰረገላ፡ ብርሃን፡ እምደብረ፡ ዘይት፡ ዘውእቱ፡ እምድኅረ፡ ትንሣኤሁ፡ በአርብዓ፡ ዕለት
paragraph : 40
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ወግበሩ፡ በዓለ፡ አመ፡ ዜነዋ፡ እስመ፡ አሕዛብ፡ ገብርዎ፡ በዓለ፡ ቅድሜክሙ፡ ለአማልክቲሆሙ፡ ወረስይዎ፡ አንትሙ፡ ለእመ፡ ብርሃን፡ በከመ፡ አዘዘ፡ ብእሴ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ጳውሎስ፡ ኅሩይ
paragraph : 41
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ወግበሩ፡ ኵሎ፡ በዓላተ፡ ዘአዘዝናክሙ፡ በመጽሐፈ፡ ሥርዐት
paragraph : 42
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ወአእምር፡ ወልድየ፡ ከመ፡ ዕጣን፡ በስኂን፡ እስመ፡ ስኂን፡ ዐቢይ፡ ዕጣን፡ ዘይዐጥኑ፡ በቅድመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ እስመ፡ እግዚእትነ፡ እመ፡ ብርሃን፡ ነገረተኒ፡ ወወሀበተኒ፡ እምኔሁ፡ ወውእቱ፡ ዘአምጽኡ፡ ሰብአ፡ ሰገል፡ አምኃ። ወከርቤሰ፡ ይኩን፡ ለግንዘተ፡ ሥጋሆሙ፡ ለካህናት፡ ከመ፡ ኢይማስን፡ ወኢይድፍንዎሙ፡ ውስተ፡ ምድር፡ አላ፡ በንፍቀ፡ መልዕልተ፡ ምድር
paragraph : 43
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ወልድየ፡ ዕቀብ፡ ትእዛዝየ፡ በከመ፡ ዐቀበ፡ ኢያሱ፡ ወልደ፡ ነዌ፡ ትእዛዘ፡ እኁየ፡ ሙሴ
paragraph : 44
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በእንተ፡ ቅዳሴ፡ ታቦት። ወቀድስ፡ ኵሎ፡ ታቦተ፡ ሕግ፡ ወኅትሞ፡ በማኅተመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ዘውእቱ፡ ሜሮን፡ ቅብአ፡ ትፍሥሕት፡ ወይኩኑ፡ ምስሌከ፡ በጊዜ፡ ትቄድሶ፡ ሰብዐቱ፡ ቀሳውስት፡ እስመ፡ እሙንቱ፡ መትልው፡ ድኅሬነ። ወኅትም፡ ታቦታተ፡ ወመሥዋዓተ፡ በማኅተመ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ከመ፡ ይርከብ፡ በዘ፡ ይቄድሱ፡ ላዕሌሁ፡ ምክሐ፡ እግዚአብሔር። ወኅትም፡ በዝንቱ፡ ቅብአ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ኵሎ፡ ዘይጠመቅ፡ ወይርከቡ፡ ቦቱ፡ ክህነተ፡ ወመንግሥተ፡ ወይብዛኅ፡ ትንቢት፡ በቅብአ፡ ሜሮን፡ ወበክብሩ
paragraph : 45
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ወእመቦ፡ ብእሲ፡ ዘኀተመ፡ ነፍሶ፡ በዝንቱ፡ ቅብአ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ዘአነ፡ ጴጥሮስ፡ ንኡሰ፡ ሐዋርያት፡ እሁበክዮ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ይኅትሞ፡ ካህን፡ ዘብዉሕ፡ ሎቱ፡ ይእኀዞ፡ አባሕኩ፡ ይቅትልዎ።
paragraph : 46
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ወለእመ፡ ብእሲ፡ ሰትየ፡ እምኔሁ፡ በእንተ፡ ፈውሶ፡ ይሰደድ፡ ኀበ፡ ኢይገብእ፡ ወዘደፈረ፡ ጸዊሮቶ፡ እምሕዝብ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ አእምሮ፡ ይሰደድ፡ እምቤተ፡ ክርስቲያኑ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር፡ ሰብዐተ፡ ዐመተ።
paragraph : 47
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ወለእመ፡ ጾረ፡ በአእምሮ፡ ይዝብጥዎ፡ ምእተ፡ ወኃምሳ፡ ወሠለስተ፡ ጥብጣቤ፡ ወይቁም፡ አፍአ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ዐሠርተ፡ ዐመተ።
paragraph : 48
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ወእመቦ፡ ቀሲስ፡ ዘቀብአ፡ በዝንቱ፡ ቅብእ፡ ዘኢተጠምቀ፡ ይስዐር፡ እምሢመቱ።
paragraph : 49
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ወእመቦ፡ ካህን፡ ዘወሰደ፡ ዘንተ፡ ቅብአ፡ ኀበ፡ ዘኢካህን፡ ይስዐር፡ እምሢመቱ።
paragraph : 50
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ወእመቦ፡ ካህን፡ ዘጾረ፡ ዘንተ፡ ቅብአ፡ ያንብብ፡ መዝሙረ፡ ዳዊት፡ ነቢይ፡ ዘተነበየ፡ ላዕለ፡ ዝንቱ፡ ቅብእ፡ እስከ፡ ያነብሮ፡ እምእዴሁ።
paragraph : 51
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ወእመቦ፡ ብእሲ፡ ዘመሠጠ፡ ክህነተ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ይንሣእ፡ እምሊቀ፡ ካህናት፡ ይሰደድ፡ እምቤተ፡ ክርስቲያኑ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር
paragraph : 52
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በእንተ፡ ሥርዐተ፡ ምሥዋዕ። ወይቀድሱ፡ ቍርባነ፡ ዲበ፡ ምሥዋዕ፡ ዘኅቱም፡ በሜሮን፡ በቀዳሚ፡ ጊዜ፡ ኀበ፡ ተጋብኡ፡ ሊቃነ፡ ካህናት፡ ወቀሳውስት፡ ኅቡረ፡ ወኵሉ፡ ዲያቆናት፡ ከመ፡ ይኩን፡ ክብረ፡ ወፍሥሓ። ወከማሁ፡ በሰናብት፡ ወበበዓላት፡ ወያንብቡ፡ ዲበ፡ ምሥዋዕ፡ ወንጌለ፡ ዮሐንስ፡ እስመ፡ ውእቱ፡ ነባቢ፡ ዘመለኮት።
paragraph : 53
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ወይኩን፡ ውስተ፡ ኵሉ፡ ቤተ፡ መቅደስ፡ ክልኤቱ፡ ምሥዋዕ፡ አሐደ፡ ዘይጸውርዎ፡ እመካን፡ ውስተ፡ መካን፡ ከመ፡ እብነ፡ ደቂቀ፡ እስራኤል፡ ዘኮነ፡ በገዳም፡ ይጸውርዎ፡ እመካን፡ ውስተ፡ መካን፡ ወካልኦ፡ ዘኢይጸውርዎ፡ እመካኑ።
paragraph : 54
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ወለእመ፡ ተሰብረ፡ ምሥዋዕ፡ ዘኢይጸውርዎ፡ አው፡ አንቀልቀሎ፡ ሰብእ፡ እመካኑ፡ ዘተቀደሰ፡ አእምር፡ ከመ፡ አተተ፡ ቅድስናሁ፡ እምኔሁ፡ በከመ፡ አተተ፡ ቅድስና፡ ደቂቀ፡ እስራኤል፡ እምውሉዱ፡ ወይደሉ፡ ይቀድስዎ፡ ዳግመ
paragraph : 55
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ወለእመ፡ ብእሲ፡ እምሀይምናን፡ ወድቀ፡ ላዕሌሁ፡ ፂዋዌ፡ አው፡ ቦአ፡ ወተደመረ፡ ምስለ፡ አሕዛብ፡ ወበልዐ፡ መብልዖሙ፡ ወቀርቦሙ፡ ወቀርብዎ፡ ወረኵሰ፡ ቦሙ፡ ወገብአ፡ ውስተ፡ ብሔሩ፡ እምፂዋዌሁ፡ ይደሉ፡ ያጥምቅዎ፡ ዳግመ
paragraph : 56
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ወእመቦ፡ ሕዝባዊ፡ ዘቦአ፡ ምሥዋዐ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ቅዱስ፡ በጊዜ፡ ይቄድሱ፡ ኀሢሦ፡ ክብረ፡ እምቢጹ፡ ያውግዝዎ፡ ወይቁም፡ አፍአ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ሰብዐተ፡ ዐመተ፡ ወያርኢ፡ ለሰብእ፡ ንስሓሁ
paragraph : 57
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ወእመቦ፡ ሕዝባዊ፡ ዘጸዐለ፡ ካህነ፡ አው፡ ረገሞ፡ ይሰደድ፡ እምአህጉረ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወአብያተ፡ ክርስቲያኑ፡ ኀበ፡ ምድረ፡ ዕልዋን። ወለእመ፡ ተማሕፀነ፡ በምሥዋዐ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወአኀዘ፡ አልባሰ፡ የአዝዞ፡ ካህን፡ ጾመ፡ ዐሠርቱ፡ ወክልኤቱ፡ ዐመት፡ ወይግበር፡ ላዕሌሁ፡ ካህን፡ ቅብአተ፡ ስርየተ፡ ኀጢአት
paragraph : 58
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ወእመቦ፡ ብእሲ፡ ወብእሲት፡ እምሀይምናን፡ ዘበልዐ፡ እምዘ፡ ያቄርቡ፡ ይሰደድ፡ እምቤተ፡ ክርስቲያነ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ እስከ፡ ሞቱ፡ ለእመ፡ ገብረ፡ በአቅልሎ። ወለእመ፡ ገብረ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ አእምሮ፡ ይጹም፡ ዐሠርተ፡ ወክልኤተ፡ ዐመተ፡ ፍጹመ፡ ወይሀቡ፡ ለቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ክልኤ፡ እደ፡ ንዋዩ፡ እንዘ፡ ኢይኤዝዝ፡ አላ፡ ያጌብርዎ
paragraph : 59
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ወእመቦ፡ ብእሲ፡ እምሀይምናን፡ ዘቦአ፡ ውስተ፡ መንጦላዕተ፡ ምሥዋዕ፡ ወሰፍሐ፡ እዴሁ፡ ላዕለ፡ ካህን፡ ወዘበጦ፡ ይምትሩ፡ እዴሁ፡ በድፍረቱ፡ ላዕለ፡ ክህነተ፡ እግዚአብሔር
paragraph : 60
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ወእመቦ፡ ብእሲ፡ እምሀይምናን፡ ዘበዝኀ፡ ኀጢአቱ፡ ወፈቀደ፡ ይትከላእ፡ እምኔሁ፡ ይክሥታ፡ ለካህናት፡ ወለማእምራነ፡ መጻሕፍተ፡ እግዚአብሔር
paragraph : 61
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ወኢይትለአክ፡ ለምሥዋዐ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ዘለምጽ፡ አኮ፡ ርኩሰ፡ ከዊኖ፡ እስመ፡ አልቦ፡ ርኩሰ፡ እምድኅረ፡ ነሥአ፡ ጥምቀተ፡ አላ፡ ከመ፡ ኢይምራዕ፡ ክህነተ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ ወከማሁ፡ ነገሩ፡ ለዝልጉስ፡ እስመ፡ ኢያጠአጥእ፡ መልእክተ፡ ቤተ፡ እግዚአብሔር
paragraph : 62
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በእንተ፡ አልባሰ፡ ክህነት። ወይኩን፡ አልባሰ፡ ክህነት፡ ካልእ፡ እምአልባሰ፡ ሕዝባዊያን። ወይደሉ፡ ይኩን፡ መልበሱ፡ ርሒበ፡ ዘእንበለ፡ ኅባኔ፡ ወሞጣሕቱ፡ ስፉሐ፡ እንተ፡ ታሕቱ። ወይኩን፡ መልበሱ፡ ከማሁ፡ ወእንተ፡ ላዕሉ፡ ክቡበ፡ እስመ፡ ዝንቱ፡ አርአያ፡ ለማእሰረ፡ እገሪሁ፡ ለእግዚእነ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ወይክሥት፡ እደዊሁ፡ በሐብል።
paragraph : 63
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ወይልበስ፡ ካህን፡ ሰበነ፡ ከመ፡ ማዕተብ፡ ዲበ፡ መትከፍቱ፡ እስመ፡ ውእቱ፡ አርአያ፡ ለሐብል፡ ዘወደዩ፡ ውስተ፡ ክሳዱ፡ ለእግዚእነ፡ ክርስቶስ፡ ወሰሐብዎ፡ ኀበ፡ ዐውደ፡ ጲላጦስ። ወይኩን፡ ቅናቱ፡ ዘአዲም፡ ስፉሐ
paragraph : 64
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ወያንብብ፡ ካህን፡ መዐልተ፡ መዝሙረ፡ ዳዊት፡ ወበሌሊት፡ ስብሐተ፡ ነቢያት፡ እስመ፡ ይከውኑ፡ በዝንቱ፡ ቅኑታነ፡ ክልኤ፡ ሰይፍ
paragraph : 65
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እብለከ፡ ወልድየ፡ ቀሌምንጦስ፡ ወለእለ፡ ከማከ፡ በመዓርግ፡ ከመ፡ ትፍታሕ፡ ማእከለ፡ መሀይምናን፡ ወተአዝዞሙ፡ በዘይደሉ፡ በዘ፡ አርአየከ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ዘይፈጽም፡ ንትገተ። ወዘዐለወ፡ ወአስተተ፡ ኮነ፡ ርጉመ፡ እስከ፡ ዕለተ፡ ደይን፡ ዘይቀውም፡ ቅድመ፡ ክርስቶስ
paragraph : 66
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ወአእምር፡ ወልድየ፡ ከመ፡ ኵሉ፡ ዘአዘዝኩከ፡ በትእዛዘ፡ እግዚአብሔር፡ አዘዝኩከ
paragraph : 67
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ወበእዴሁ፡ ጸሐፈ፡ ሊተ፡ ዘንተ፡ ትእዛዘ፡ ወወሀበኒዮ፡ በደብረ፡ ዘይት፡ በዕለተ፡ ዕርገቱ፡ ውስተ፡ ስብሐቱ፡ አሜን።

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Suggested citation of this record

Alessandro Bausi, Pietro Maria Liuzzo, ʻCanons of Clement, which he received in a letter from S. Peterʼ, in Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung / Beta maṣāḥǝft (Last Modified: 2018-03-16) [Accessed: 2024-12-18]

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Revision history

  • Alessandro Bausi Provided text on 16.3.2018
  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo Created XML record from Ethio authority google spreadsheet on 26.7.2016

Attribution of the content

Alessandro Bausi, general editor

Alessandro Bausi, editor

Pietro Maria Liuzzo, contributor

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0.