There are 6 entities matching your text query for "ዘሕብረ" with the parameters shown at the right. (searched: ዘሕብረ)
Search time: 0.279 seconds.Book of Numbers
CAe 2075Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
...ድኒ ፡ እንተ ፡ ሥርዐት ፡ ይወድዩ ፡ ልብሰ ፡ ዘኵለንታሁ ፡ ዘሕብረ ፡ ከብድ ፡ ወመጻብሕቲሃኒ ፡ ...
...ብርዎ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ምሥዋዕ ፡ ወይከድኑ ፡ ላዕሌሁ ፡ ልብሰ ፡ ዘሕብረ ፡ ከብድ ፡ ኵለንታሁ ።
... መጻውርቲሁ ፡ ወይነሥኡ ፡ ልብሰ ፡ ዘሕብረ ፡ ከብድ ፡ ወይከድንዎ ፡ ለማዕከክ ፡ ወለመከየዱ ፡ ወይ...
CAe 1367Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
... ወትገብር ፡ ሎንቱ ፡ መምሠጢሆን ፡ ዘሕብረ ፡ ያክንት ፡ ውስተ ፡ ከንፈረ ፡ ዐጸድ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ገጸ...
... ወትገብር ፡ ላቲ ፡ መንጦላዕታ ፡ ዘሕብረ ፡ ያክንት ፡ ወሜላት ፡ ወነት ፡ ክዑብ ፡ ወቢሰስ ፡ ፍ...
... ወራብዕ ፡ ጾታ ፡ በእብን ፡ ዘሕብረ ፡ ወርቅ ፡ ወብርሌ ፡ ወሳውም ፤ ወልቡጠ ፡ በወርቅ ፡ ...
CAe 1546Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
...ዶ ፡ ወገብረ ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ክዳነ ፡ ዘሕብረ ፡ ዐሥቅ ።
Dabra Warq 003, UNESCO 12-3, EMIPMM00641, EMIP 3102, UNESCOCollection12_QedusMaryamChurchDebreWorqGojjam_03Short Description
This parchment codex is composed of... ከመ፡ ዕዝራ፡ ጽዋዐ፡ አእምሮ፡ ዘሕብረ፡ እሳት፨ ወአንብበኒ፡ ሕቡአተ፡ ከመ፡ ዮሐንስ፡ አቡቀለምሲ...
Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Theodor of Antioch
CAe 2879Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
ወለሥዕርትከ፡ ድሉል፡ ወጸሊም፡ ዘሕብረ፡ ቋዕ፡ አምሳሉ፨
Malkǝʾ-hymn to the innocent saints
CAe 2747Clavis Aethiopica, an ongoing repertory of all known Ethiopic Textual Units. Use this to refer univocally to a specific text in your publications. Please note that this shares only the numeric part with the Textual Unit Record Identifier.
ወለሥዕርትክሙ፡ ሰላም፡ ዘሕብረ፡ ሜላት፡ ሕብሩ፨
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Map of the witnesses of Exodus, Genesis, Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Theodor of Antioch, Malkǝʾ-hymn to the innocent saints, Book of Numbers, at their current location.
For each textual unit a different color of dots is given (i.e. a different KML file is loaded). For each manuscript containing the selected textual units the point is placed at the current repository or at the place of origin according to the selection. The default is the current repository. If place of origin is selected and for the manuscript this information is not available (e.g. in cases where this corresponds in fact to the current repository), the point will be made on the repository which is always available. The dates given for each manuscript correspond to the most inclusive range possible from the origin dates given in the manuscript. If a manuscript has a part from exactly 1550 and one dated 1789 to 1848, then the time span will be 1550 - 1848.
They are 1 manuscripts which can be put side by side.
- ms_i1 (complete), The Synaxarion-type compilation of ʾAbuna Gabra Māryām of Dabra Bizan (ff. 1ra-)
- ms_i1.1 (complete), Introduction (f. 1ra)
- ms_i1.2 (complete), Maskaram (ff. 1rb-13rb)
- ms_i1.2.1 (complete), 1st Maskaram (f. 1rb)
- ms_i1.2.1.1 (complete), Beginning of the year (f. 1rb)
- ms_i1.2.1.2 (complete), Commemoration of Rāguʾel (f. 1rb)
- ms_i1.2.1.3 (complete), Commemoration of Bartalomewos (f. 1rb)
- ms_i1.2.1.4 (complete), Commemoration of Malyos, Yosef the Prophet, Māryu the Patriarch, Sǝmyā, Nob the monk (f. 1rb)
- ms_i1.2.2 (complete), 2nd Maskaram (ff. 1rb-2ra)
- ms_i1.2.2.1 (complete), Commemoration of John the Baptist (ff. 1rb-2ra)
- ms_i1.2.2.2 (complete), Commemoration of Dasya the soldier, Didǝmos the martyr and his companions, Mārinā who lived in holiness (f. 2ra)
- ms_i1.2.3 (complete), 3rd Maskaram (ff. 2ra-2ra)
- ms_i1.2.3.1 (complete), Commemoration of the Council of Alexandria (f. 2rb)
- ms_i1.2.3.2 (complete), Commemoration of the earthquake in Egypt (f. 2rb)
- ms_i1.2.3.3 (complete), Commemoration of Diyosqoros the Martyr, Danāsyos the Patriarch, martyrs of Tǝnkǝl Yāqoton, many martyrs of Fārs (f. 2rb)
- ms_i1.2.4 (complete), 4th Maskaram (ff. 2rb-2va)
- ms_i1.2.4.1 (complete), Commemoration of Maqārǝs the Patriarch (f. 2rb)
- ms_i1.2.4.2 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon, ʾIyāsu walda Nawe, ʾArdāse the Patriarch, ʾAbbā Maqārǝs the Patriarch of Alexandria, 100 and ? martyrs of Antiochia, ʾAntǝyā, Tadros the bishop, ʾabbā ʾAnbasa (ff. 2rb-2va)
- ms_i1.2.5 (complete), 5th Maskaram (ff. 2va-2vb)
- ms_i1.2.5.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sofyā (f. 2va)
- ms_i1.2.5.2 (complete), Commemoration of Māmās (ff. 2va-2vb)
- ms_i1.2.6 (complete), 6th Maskaram (ff. 2vb-4ra)
- ms_i1.2.6.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIsāyǝyyās the prophet (ff. 2vb-4ra)
- ms_i1.2.6.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob the monk, ʾAtimos the bishop, Bāsǝlis, ʾArǝnṭos, Waʾadi, Rawǝrwā, Sāwlās, Sawā the martyr, ʾElyās the prophet (f. 4ra)
- ms_i1.2.7 (complete), 7th Maskaram (ff. 4ra-4rb)
- ms_i1.2.7.1 (complete), Birth of Ḥannā, the mother of Mary (f. 4ra)
- ms_i1.2.7.2 (complete), Diyosqoros of Gāgrā (f. 4ra)
- ms_i1.2.7.3 (complete), Dosyā za-Gāgrā (f. 4ra)
- ms_i1.2.7.4 (complete), ʾAgāton, Ṗeṭros, Yoḥannǝs, ʾĀmonā, Rǝfqā (ff. 4ra-4rb)
- ms_i1.2.7.5 (complete), Sāwiros, bishop of Egypt (f. 4rb)
- ms_i1.2.7.6 (complete), 2000 Companions of Fāsiladas (f. 4rb)
- ms_i1.2.7.7 (complete), ʾabbā Sāwiros za-Dabra ʾAnṣokyā; Nāwlā, bishop of Antioch; Ṗeṭros the monk, ʾElsābeṭ, mother of John the Baptist (f. 4rb)
- ms_i1.2.8 (complete), 8th Maskaram (ff. 4va-5va)
- ms_i1.2.8.1 (complete), Zakāryās (f. 4va)
- ms_i1.2.8.2 (complete), Muse (ff. 4va-5va)
- ms_i1.2.8.3 (complete), Dǝmyānos, Lukyos, ʾErmǝyās, Didǝmos, Yoḥannǝs, ʾƎndiwā, ʾƎlyānos, ʾAmon the monk, Māryām the nun (f. 5va)
- ms_i1.2.9 (complete), 9th Maskaram (ff. 5va-5vb)
- ms_i1.2.9.1 (complete), ʾabbā Bāsurā (f. 5va)
- ms_i1.2.9.2 (complete), ʾabbā Yāsāy (f. 5va)
- ms_i1.2.9.3 (complete), ʾAtyānos, ʾabbā Barsābi the bishop, Tāwǝdosyos the Patriarch, Tomās the apostle, ʾAndǝrāniqos, Mǝknādǝs, Dǝrālenes, Lǝyānos (f. 5vb)
- ms_i1.2.9.4 (complete), Miracle of the tābot of Mikāʾel (f. 5vb)
- ms_i1.2.9.5 (complete), 14630 men and 6 women with Fāsiladas, amongst them Romnā (f. 5vb)
- ms_i1.2.10 (complete), 10th Maskaram (ff. 5vb-6vb)
- ms_i1.2.10.1 (complete), Yodit (f. 5vb)
- ms_i1.2.10.2 (complete), Maqārǝs (f. 6va)
- ms_i1.2.10.3 (complete), Birth of Mary celebrated among the people of Ṣǝʿid in Gǝnbot (ff. 6va-6vb)
- ms_i1.2.10.4 (complete), Māṭronā (f. 6vb)
- ms_i1.2.10.6 (complete), Miracle of an icon of Mary (f. 6vb)
- ms_i1.2.10.7 (complete), Sāron, Yāsen, ʾIyosyos, Maṭronā, Yāsenā and her children, Wāses, Fuqe's children, Lāwsās and her children, ʾAnānyā, ʾAzāryā, Misāʾel, Ṗawlos, Tomās the monk (f. 6vb)
- ms_i1.2.11 (complete), 11th Maskaram (ff. 6vb-7ra)
- ms_i1.2.11.1 (complete), Wāsǝldǝs (Fāsiladas) (ff. 6vb-7ra)
- ms_i1.2.11.2 (complete), Bāsǝlyos, Tāwǝddros the bishop of Jerusalem, Qǝsṭos and his companions (f. 7ra)
- ms_i1.2.12 (complete), 12th Maskaram (ff. 7ra-7va)
- ms_i1.2.12.1 (complete), Institution of the monthly remembrance of Mikāʾel (ff. 7ra-7rb)
- ms_i1.2.12.2 (complete), Council of Ephesos (f. 7rb)
- ms_i1.2.12.3 (complete), ʾAqlimos (f. 7rb)
- ms_i1.2.12.4 (complete), Yurās, Galānikos, ʾIyāqem, Ḥannā (f. 7rb)
- ms_i1.2.12.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎsṭifānos by the Romans (f. 7rb)
- ms_i1.2.13 (complete), 13th Maskaram (ff. 7va-8ra)
- ms_i1.2.13.1 (complete), Miracle of Bāsǝlyos (ff. 7va-8ra)
- ms_i1.2.14 (complete), 14th Maskaram (ff. 8ra-8rb)
- ms_i1.2.14.1 (complete), ʾAgāton (ff. 8ra-)
- ms_i1.2.14.2 (complete), Maqāri the martyr, Bartalomewos, Laqātā the stylite, ʾAwdǝrā, Nāson, Qʷarnelewos, Muse, Ḥanānyā (f. 8rb)
- ms_i1.2.15 (complete), 15th Maskaram (ff. 8rb-8va)
- ms_i1.2.15.1 (complete), ʾƎsṭifānos (ff. 8rb-8va)
- ms_i1.2.15.2 (complete), Minās, consecration of the church, beginning of Lent (f. 8va)
- ms_i1.2.16 (complete), 16th Maskaram (ff. 8va-9vb)
- ms_i1.2.16.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the assumption of Mary (f. 8va)
- ms_i1.2.16.2 (complete), Consecration of the church of the Ascension in Jerusalem (ff. 8va-8vb)
- ms_i1.2.16.3 (complete), Ṭobit (ff. 8vb-9va)
- ms_i1.2.16.4 (complete), Warqǝlā, Luqās the Evangelist, Yoḥannǝs the Evangelist, Sǝmʿon, Maqǝryǝnos, ʿOzyānos, Ḥali, Roniqos, Lukiyānos, ʾAzrǝmānos, Ṗeṭros, Yoḥannǝs lǝsāna warq, Vision of the Cross, Ḥannā (ff. 9va-9vb)
- ms_i1.2.17 (complete), 17th Maskaram (ff. 9vb-10va)
- ms_i1.2.17.1 (complete), Invention of the Cross (ff. 9vb-10va)
- ms_i1.2.17.2 (complete), ʾAwgǝnǝsṭā (f. 10va)
- ms_i1.2.17.3 (complete), ʾabbā Dināsyos the Patriarch (f. 10va)
- ms_i1.2.17.4 (complete), Tāʾoqānǝsṭu, Yoḥannǝs ʾafa warq by the Romans, Biḍā, Kiryānos, Yosṭinā, Takāselṭas, consecration of Jerusalem (f. 10va)
- ms_i1.2.18 (complete), 18th Maskaram (ff. 10va-11ra)
- ms_i1.2.18.1 (complete), Marqorewos (ff. 10va-10vb)
- ms_i1.2.18.2 (complete), ʾƎsṭifānos the priest, Nāṭiqā, dāgǝmāwi masqal, Invention of the bones of Tomās and ʾAtnāsewos, Nāṭitā, ʾabuna Filātāwos mankarāwi, ʾabbā Nob, King Dāwit, 40 men and 20 women with ʾAboli (f. 10vb)
- ms_i1.2.18.3 (complete), ʾEwosṭātewos (ff. 10vb-11ra)
- ms_i1.2.18.4 (complete), ʾƎleni (f. 11ra)
- ms_i1.2.19 (complete), 19th Maskaram (ff. 11ra-11rb)
- ms_i1.2.19.1 (complete), Gorgoryos of Armenia (ff. 11ra-11rb)
- ms_i1.2.19.2 (complete), ʾEfomyā, ʾabbā Finomǝs, sālsay masqal, martyrs of Sǝlḥan, ʾAklāʾelǝs, Yǝsḥaq, the monks Gabra Masqal, Ḥirut and Takaśta Bǝrhān (f. 11rb)
- ms_i1.2.19.3 (complete), Gabrǝʾel the archangel (f. 11rb)
- ms_i1.2.20 (complete), 20th Maskaram (f. 11rb)
- ms_i1.2.20.1 (complete), ʾabbā ʾAtnāsewos (f. 11rb)
- ms_i1.2.20.2 (complete), ʾAteni, Māledhā, Mārenā, ʾEwosṭātewos and his family, Qoṗoryanos, ʾAstenā, Ṗis, ʾAlāṗis, ʾĀgāṗis, ʾAmon, Sofyā, Filā, ʾAbrǝhām the monk (f. 11rb)
- ms_i1.2.21 (complete), 21th Maskaram (ff. 11rb-11va)
- ms_i1.2.21.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mary (f. 11va)
- ms_i1.2.21.2 (complete), Qoṗrǝyānos, Yostenā and their companions (f. 11va)
- ms_i1.2.21.3 (complete), Radʾ, Yǝsdǝs, Tādewos, ʾAbifānyos, ʾArmānyos, Sǝmʿon, 318 Fathers (f. 11va)
- ms_i1.2.22 (complete), 22th Maskaram (ff. 11va-11vb)
- ms_i1.2.22.1 (complete), Kotolos, ʾAksu, Ṭāṭos (f. 11va)
- ms_i1.2.22.2 (complete), Yolyos and his companions (f. 11va)
- ms_i1.2.22.3 (complete), Sābor's children (ff. 11va-11vb)
- ms_i1.2.22.4 (complete), Bālāge, Yāʿqob son of Zabǝdewos (f. 11vb)
- ms_i1.2.23 (complete), 23th Maskaram (f. 11vb)
- ms_i1.2.23.1 (complete), ʾAwtānewos, ʾƎndrǝyās (f. 11vb)
- ms_i1.2.23.2 (complete), Gorgoryos mankǝrāwi, ʾƎnṣi?, ʾabbā Bilinā, Qozmi, Taklā, ʾEwosṭātewos, (added above the line: Tawalda Madḫǝn, mamhǝr of Bizan) (f. 11vb)
- ms_i1.2.24 (complete), 24th Maskaram (ff. 11vb-12ra)
- ms_i1.2.24.1 (complete), Gorgoryos the monk (f. 11vb)
- ms_i1.2.24.2 (complete), Fǝṭrāṭos the disciple (f. 11vb)
- ms_i1.2.24.3 (complete), Beterwā, Tāyn, Gabrǝʾel the patriarch, Tewodros, Nǝṭrālemǝs, Zǝyānos, Yosṭos, ʾƎlsarǝy, Fǝrāṭos, Qozmos, Dimyānos (ff. 11vb-12ra)
- ms_i1.2.25 (complete), 25th Maskaram (ff. 12ra-12va)
- ms_i1.2.25.1 (complete), Yonās the prophet (ff. 12ra-12va)
- ms_i1.2.25.2 (complete), Foqā, Yoḥannǝs, ʾƎdrāwos, Ṗeṭros, ʾƎnṭonyos, John the Baptist, 7 children, Ṗeṭros, Ṗāwlos, end of Kǝramt (f. 12va)
- ms_i1.2.26 (complete), 26th Maskaram (f. 12va)
- ms_i1.2.26.1 (complete), Annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist (f. 12va)
- ms_i1.2.26.2 (complete), 10000 martyrs, ʾabuna Giyorgis, ʾAgātā of Egypt (f. 12va)
- ms_i1.2.27 (complete), 27th Maskaram (f. 12vb)
- ms_i1.2.27.1 (complete), ʾEwosṭātewos and his children (f. 12vb)
- ms_i1.2.27.2 (complete), Henok ṣaḥafe tǝʾǝzāz, ʾabbā Fiqṭor, Ṭeqalā (f. 12vb)
- ms_i1.2.28 (complete), 28th Maskaram (ff. 12vb-13ra)
- ms_i1.2.28.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām, Yǝsḥaq, Yāʿqob (f. 12vb)
- ms_i1.2.28.2 (complete), ʾAbadir and ʾIrāʾi (ff. 12vb-13ra)
- ms_i1.2.28.3 (complete), ʾIrāni, Ḥannā, Ṗawfǝrnā, Luqās the monk (f. 13ra)
- ms_i1.2.29 (complete), 29th Maskaram (ff. 13ra-13rb)
- ms_i1.2.29.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Christ (f. 13ra)
- ms_i1.2.29.2 (complete), ʾArsimā, ʾAwginyā and their companions (ff. 13ra-13rb)
- ms_i1.2.29.3 (complete), Yoḥannǝs the Evangelist (f. 13rb)
- ms_i1.2.30 (complete), 30th Maskaram (f. 13rb)
- ms_i1.2.30.1 (complete), ʾAtnāsewos the Patriarch, Gorgoryos, Yāʿqob and Yoḥannǝs, ʾabbā Bulā, Māryu, ʾAbtǝrus, ʾAstārās, ʾabbā ʾAron of Dabra Galilā, ʾabuna ʾAbsādi of Dabra Māryām (f. 13rb)
- ms_i1.3 (complete), Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 13va-25ra)
- ms_i1.3.1 (complete), 1st Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 13va)
- ms_i1.3.1.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Mary (f. 13va)
- ms_i1.3.1.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAnǝṭǝsṭyā (f. 13va)
- ms_i1.3.1.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾArkoṭǝn, ʾAnǝsoṭosyā, Bǝsoy the martyr, 100 martyrs of Alexandria, ʾIsāyǝn, Sosǝnā the virgin, Māryām the sister of ʾAlʿāzār, 10.000 martyrs of Alexandria, Gabra Manfas Qǝddus the monk, Ḥǝrmata māy (f. 13va)
- ms_i1.3.2 (complete), 2nd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 13va-14ra)
- ms_i1.3.2.1 (complete), ʾabbā Sāwiros, patriarch of Antiochia (ff. 13va-14ra)
- ms_i1.3.2.2 (complete), Taklā the martyr, Hǝryāqos (f. 14ra)
- ms_i1.3.3 (complete), 3rd Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 14ra)
- ms_i1.3.3.1 (complete), Gorgoryos, bishop of Armenia (f. 14ra)
- ms_i1.3.3.2 (complete), Tāʾodrā, Sǝmʿon the patriarch, Danāsyos, Giyorgis ḥaddis, the people of Ninǝwā, Maqārǝs, Taʾowafilās, ʾAwmarā, ʾabbā Simāʾon (f. 14ra)
- ms_i1.3.4 (complete), 4th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 14ra-)
- ms_i1.3.4.1 (complete), Excerpts from Kufāle, Leviticus, Numeri (ff. 14ra-14rb)
- ms_i1.3.4.2 (complete), Commemoration of Wākos (ff. #14rb-)
- ms_i1.3.4.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbrǝhā and ʾAṣbǝḥa (ff. #14rb-)
- ms_i1.3.4.4 (complete), Commemoration of Ḥanānyā (ff. #14rb-)
- ms_i1.3.9 (complete), 9th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 14va-14vb)
- ms_i1.3.9.1 (complete), Commemoration of Liwāros, the patriarch of Rome (f. 14va)
- ms_i1.3.9.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAmānusyos, the patriarch of Alexandria (f. 14va)
- ms_i1.3.9.3 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon the bishop, martyrdom of Tomās the apostle and a miracle in Sihat (f. 14va)
- ms_i1.3.9.4 (complete), Commemoration of 150 martyrs (f. 14va)
- ms_i1.3.9.5 (complete), Commemoration of a solar eclipse (f. 14va)
- ms_i1.3.9.6 (complete), Commemoration of Dāwit (f. 14va)
- ms_i1.3.9.7 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎsṭifānos (f. 14va)
- ms_i1.3.9.8 (complete), Miracle of Tomās (ff. 14va-14vb)
- ms_i1.3.10 (complete), 10th Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 14vb)
- ms_i1.3.10.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sargis and Bākos (f. 14vb)
- ms_i1.3.10.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾEsqǝros, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 14vb)
- ms_i1.3.10.3 (complete), Commemoration of Malayālya the martyr and Yoḥannǝs the priest (f. 14vb)
- ms_i1.3.11 (complete), 11th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 14vb-15ra)
- ms_i1.3.11.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob, patriarch of Antiochia and Yāʿqob, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 14vb)
- ms_i1.3.11.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾArmāmin (f. 14vb)
- ms_i1.3.11.3 (complete), Commemoration of Balāgiyā (f. 14vb)
- ms_i1.3.11.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎrmǝyās the monk, who worked a miracle at Dabra Bizan (f. 14vb)
- ms_i1.3.12 (complete), 12th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 15ra-17ra)
- ms_i1.3.12.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Michael (f. 15ra)
- ms_i1.3.12.2 (complete), Commemoration of Mātewos (f. 15ra)
- ms_i1.3.12.3 (complete), Commemoration of Dimātrǝyos, patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 15ra-16va)
- ms_i1.3.12.4 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros, Diwǝnāwos, Yāʿqob, ʾAbuṭǝfā, Tewodros, ʾAminos (f. 17ra)
- ms_i1.3.13 (complete), 13th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 17ra-18ra)
- ms_i1.3.13.1 (complete), Excerpts from Genesis, Kufāle, Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri, , ʾAbṭǝlis, Canones, Śǝrʿāta Ḥawāryāt (ff. 17ra-17vb)
- ms_i1.3.13.2 (complete), Computus (ff. 17vb-18ra)
- ms_i1.3.13.3 (complete), Commemoration of Zakāryās the monk, ʾAwlānā, ʾAwlākiyos, Taʾodrās, ʾAbǝllās and his brothers, Niṭālāwǝs, ʾAbelā (f. 18ra)
- ms_i1.3.14 (complete), 14th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 18ra-19ra)
- ms_i1.3.14.1 (complete), Commemoration of Filǝṗṗos (f. 18ra)
- ms_i1.3.14.2 (complete), Commemoration of Gabra Krǝstos (ff. 18ra-18vb)
- ms_i1.3.14.3 (complete), Commemoration of all righteous (f. 18vb)
- ms_i1.3.14.5 (complete), Commemoration of Yǝmrāḥ the king and priest (f. 18vb)
- ms_i1.3.14.6 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAragāwi (f. 18vb)
- ms_i1.3.14.7 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭarākǝwā and his companions, Dametewos, Zamikāʾel of Dabra Hāleluyā, ʾƎmrāyǝs and his companions (ff. 18vb-19ra)
- ms_i1.3.15 (complete), 15th Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 19ra)
- ms_i1.3.15.1 (complete), Commemoration of Badlāymon (f. 19ra)
- ms_i1.3.15.2 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝlātyon, ʾAṭrākis, ʾabbā Yǝrfǝs, ʾAdrāniqos, ʾArmolis, ʾArmis, ʾArmǝqṭǝs, ʾAdmānyā, Ṣamatā, ʾIsāyyǝyās, Silās, a council, the invention of the bones of the righteous, the consecration of ʾErmǝnʾem, institution of a yearly council by the apostles (f. 19ra)
- ms_i1.3.16 (complete), 16th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 19ra-19rb)
- ms_i1.3.16.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the ascension of Mary (f. 19ra)
- ms_i1.3.16.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAgāton, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 19ra)
- ms_i1.3.16.3 (complete), Commemoration of Fārbu, ʾAbulu, Ṗeṭros, 45 righteous, ʾAron, Qarbu, ʾAnālyu, ʾabbā Ṗāwli, Mārqos, Gadl and ʾAgātyu (f. 19rb)
- ms_i1.3.17 (complete), 17th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 19rb-19va)
- ms_i1.3.17.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎsṭifānos (f. 19rb)
- ms_i1.3.17.2 (complete), Commemoration of Diyosqoros, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 19rb)
- ms_i1.3.17.3 (complete), Commemoration of Qarbu (f. 19rb)
- ms_i1.3.17.4 (complete), Commemoration of Filyās (ff. 19rb-19va)
- ms_i1.3.17.5 (complete), Commemoration of Gorgoryos the patriarch, Gǝrmāsewos, Bārṭesewos, ʾAniriqos, Filyās (f. 19va)
- ms_i1.3.17.6 (complete), Yāʿqob (f. 19va)
- ms_i1.3.18 (complete), 18th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 19va-20vb)
- ms_i1.3.18.1 (complete), Excerpts from Kufāle, Genesis, Numeri, Deuteronomy (ff. 19va-20vb)
- ms_i1.3.18.2 (complete), Commemoration of Tāʾofilos, patriarch of Alexandria, ʾArkalās the patrirach, Likyos, Fokā the martyr (f. 20vb)
- ms_i1.3.19 (complete), 19th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 20vb-21va)
- ms_i1.3.19.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Gabriel (f. 20vb)
- ms_i1.3.19.2 (complete), Commemoration of Tāʾofilos and his wife (f. 20vb)
- ms_i1.3.19.3 (complete), Commemoration of the council of Antioch (f. 20vb)
- ms_i1.3.19.4 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs of Daylam (f. 21ra)
- ms_i1.3.19.5 (complete), Commemoration of the righteous of Maṭarā (ff. 21ra-21va)
- ms_i1.3.19.6 (complete), Commemoration of Bartalomewos, Ṗaṭriqā, Nǝgewos, Malālyā (f. 21va)
- ms_i1.3.20 (complete), 20th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 21va-22vb)
- ms_i1.3.20.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs ḥaṣṣir (ff. 21va-21vb)
- ms_i1.3.20.2 (complete), Commemoration of Qozmos, Dǝmyānos and their mother, invention of the bones of ʾAgnāṭǝyos and Bunāsi (f. 21vb)
- ms_i1.3.20.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾElsāʿ (ff. 21vb-22)
- ms_i1.3.21 (complete), 21st Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 22vb-23va)
- ms_i1.3.21.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mary (f. 22vb)
- ms_i1.3.21.2 (complete), Commemoration of the translation of ʾAlʿāzār (f. 22vb)
- ms_i1.3.21.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIyoʾel (ff. 22vb-23va)
- ms_i1.3.21.4 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the martyr, ʾAdrāni, ʾAnātimātewos, ʾAfisṭos, Lodiryos and ʾAsmānit and her 7 children (f. 23va)
- ms_i1.3.22 (complete), 22nd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 23va-24rb)
- ms_i1.3.22.1 (complete), Commemoration of Luqās (ff. 23va-24rb)
- ms_i1.3.22.2 (complete), Commemoration of Karmākos, ʾAmon and many martyrs, Kor, ʾAbdākiyā, ʾAryon (f. 24rb)
- ms_i1.3.23 (complete), 23rd Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 24rb-24va)
- ms_i1.3.23.1 (complete), Commoration of Yoḥannǝs, patriarch of Alexandria, Diyonāsyos, Maksamyānos, Ṭenqǝyāqe, Teʾudosyos, Tasāwos, Taʾakisǝs, Yosāb, ʾƎndrǝyās (ff. 24rb-24va)
- ms_i1.3.24 (complete), 24th Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 24va)
- ms_i1.3.24.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾElāryon (f. 24va)
- ms_i1.3.24.2 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗāwlos, Zenā, ʾAwsyā, ʾAmlāryos, Qʷasṭanṭinos, Lāygǝnā and Zāynān (f. 24va)
- ms_i1.3.25 (complete), 25th Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 24va)
- ms_i1.3.25.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbib (f. 24va)
- ms_i1.3.25.2 (complete), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of Yulyos of ʾAqfās (f. 24va)
- ms_i1.3.25.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbel and Dalilā the virgin (f. 24va)
- ms_i1.3.25.4 (complete), Excerpt from Kufāle (f. 24va)
- ms_i1.3.26 (complete), 26th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 24va-24vb)
- ms_i1.3.26.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭimon, Yāʿqob, Filǝṗṗos, Sǝmānāṭis (ff. 24va-24vb)
- ms_i1.3.27 (complete), 27th Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 24vb)
- ms_i1.3.27.1 (complete), Commemoration of Maqārǝs (f. 24vb)
- ms_i1.3.27.2 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗāwlos, Yolyānos and his companions (f. 24vb)
- ms_i1.3.28 (complete), 28th Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 24vb)
- ms_i1.3.28.1 (complete), Commemoration of Markǝyānos, Marqoryos (f. 24vb)
- ms_i1.3.28.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yǝmʾatā (f. 24vb)
- ms_i1.3.28.3 (complete), Commemoration of Maqdu, Maqārǝs, Yāfet, (f. 24vb)
- ms_i1.3.28.4 (complete), Monthly commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām, Yǝsḥaq and Yāʿqob (f. 24vb)
- ms_i1.3.29 (complete), 29th Ṭǝqǝmt (ff. 24vb-25ra)
- ms_i1.3.29.1 (complete), Commemoration of Dimātrǝyos (f. 24vb)
- ms_i1.3.29.2 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Christ (ff. 24vb-25ra)
- ms_i1.3.29.3 (complete), Commemoration of Dǝmetrǝyos, Tāwfǝlos, Yoḥannǝs (f. 25ra)
- ms_i1.3.29.4 (complete), Commemoration of the kings of Lǝṣa (f. 25ra)
- ms_i1.3.30 (complete), 30th Ṭǝqǝmt (f. 25ra)
- ms_i1.3.30.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbrǝhām (f. 25ra)
- ms_i1.3.30.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yǝsḥaq, the king of Ethiopia (f. 25ra)
- ms_i1.3.30.3 (complete), Commemoration of Fālibunā, Kaynā, vision of the head of John the Baptist, Martes, Mārǝs (f. 25ra)
- ms_i1.4 (complete), Ḫǝdār (ff. 25ra-33ra)
- ms_i1.4.1 (complete), 1st Ḫǝdār (ff. 25ra-25rb)
- ms_i1.4.1.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Mary (f. 25ra)
- ms_i1.4.1.2 (complete), Commemoration of Maksimos, Dumātewos, Fiqṭor, Filǝs (ff. 25ra-25rb)
- ms_i1.4.2 (complete), 2nd Ḫǝdār (f. 25rb)
- ms_i1.4.2.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 25rb)
- ms_i1.4.2.2 (complete), Commemoration of Setenwā, patriarch of Alexandria, ʾAnǝsṭǝsyā, ʾabbā Libānos, ʾAtnātewos, Lǝdānewos (f. 25rb)
- ms_i1.4.3 (complete), 3rd Ḫǝdār (ff. 25rb-26ra)
- ms_i1.4.3.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎnbāqom (ff. 25rb-26ra)
- ms_i1.4.4 (complete), 4th Ḫǝdār (f. 26ra)
- ms_i1.4.4.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob and Yoḥannes, bishops of Fārs (f. 26ra)
- ms_i1.4.4.2 (complete), Commemoration of Tomās (f. 26ra)
- ms_i1.4.4.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbimākos, ʾAzāryānos, ʾabbā ʿAbaydo (f. 26ra)
- ms_i1.4.4.4 (complete), Commemoration of Zakāryās, assembly of martyrs, Ṗekonos, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 26ra)
- ms_i1.4.5 (complete), 5th Ḫǝdār (ff. 26ra-26vb)
- ms_i1.4.5.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yoḥanni (ff. 26ra-26va)
- ms_i1.4.5.2 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos, translation of Tewodros, Yāʿqob, Yoḥannǝs, Tomās, Yāʿqob the priest (f. 26vb)
- ms_i1.4.5.3 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Ṗeṭros and Ṗāwlos (f. 26vb)
- ms_i1.4.6 (complete), 6th Ḫǝdār (f. 26vb)
- ms_i1.4.6.1 (complete), Commemoration of Filkos, patriarch of Rome (f. 26vb)
- ms_i1.4.6.2 (complete), Commemoration of the consecration of the Church of Qʷǝsqʷām (f. 26vb)
- ms_i1.4.6.3 (complete), Commemoration of Tewofilos, Qerǝllos, ʾAbifānyos, ʾAwfǝros, ʾAdinǝwos, Yǝsṭos, Mārtǝros, Lukinos, Sāwniʿānos, Lǝbāndiqoros, ʾUlāsdos, Qʷarnālewos (f. 26vb)
- ms_i1.4.6.4 (complete), Commemoration of the birth of Henok (f. 26vb)
- ms_i1.4.7 (complete), 7th Ḫǝdār (ff. 26vb-27ra)
- ms_i1.4.7.1 (complete), Commemoration of Giyorgis ʾƎskǝndǝrāwi (f. 26vb)
- ms_i1.4.7.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Fāyyum, ʾabbā Minās, consecration of the church of Giyorgis of Lǝddā, commemoration of the death of Ṣǝyoqʷǝlṭǝyānos (ff. 26vb-27ra)
- ms_i1.4.7.3 (complete), Commemoration of the reign of Constantine (f. 27ra)
- ms_i1.4.7.4 (complete), Commemoration of Zinobis and Zinobyā (f. 27ra)
- ms_i1.4.8 (complete), 8th Ḫǝdār (ff. 27ra-28va)
- ms_i1.4.8.1 (complete), Commemoration of the four heavenly creatures, with excerpts from Henok, Hezekiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Kings, Maccabees, Psalms, John, Solomon, Sirach and Daniel (ff. 27ra-28rb)
- ms_i1.4.8.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAfnin (f. 28rb)
- ms_i1.4.8.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs (f. 28va)
- ms_i1.4.8.4 (complete), Commemoration of the vision of the cross of Constantine (f. 28va)
- ms_i1.4.9 (complete), 9th Ḫǝdār (f. 28va)
- ms_i1.4.9.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yǝsḥaq, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 28va)
- ms_i1.4.9.2 (complete), Commemoration of the council of Nicaea (f. 28va)
- ms_i1.4.9.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yǝsǝk, patriarch (f. 28va)
- ms_i1.4.10 (complete), 10th Ḫǝdār (ff. 28va-29ra)
- ms_i1.4.10.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sofyā and their mother (f. 28va)
- ms_i1.4.10.2 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗāwlos and three martyrs (f. 28va)
- ms_i1.4.10.3 (complete), Commemoration of the council of Rome (ff. 28va-29ra)
- ms_i1.4.11 (complete), 11th Ḫǝdār (ff. 29ra-29rb)
- ms_i1.4.11.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ḥannā, the mother of Mary (f. 29ra)
- ms_i1.4.11.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾArsǝwos, Bārgǝwā and his companions, ʾAnǝṭāys, Mālyǝs, Fāsyā, ʾAkāmenǝs, ʾArlǝs, ʾElyās, Yosef (f. 29ra)
- ms_i1.4.11.3 (complete), Commemoration of the fall of the devil (ff. 29ra-29rb)
- ms_i1.4.12 (complete), 12th Ḫǝdār (ff. 29rb-30ra)
- ms_i1.4.12.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Michael, with excerpts from Henok, Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Kings, Apocalypse, Judah (ff. 29rb-29vb)
- ms_i1.4.12.3 (complete), Commemoration of King Krǝstosāwi, ʾAnǝsṭos, Yǝsḥaq and King Baʾǝda Māryām I (f. 29vb)
- ms_i1.4.12.2 (complete), Commemoration of the disciples of Bizan (ff. 29vb-30ra)
- ms_i1.4.13 (complete), 13th Ḫǝdār (ff. 30ra-30va)
- ms_i1.4.13.1 (complete), Feast of the myriads of angels, with excerpts from Exodus, Henok, Maccabees, Psalms, Acts of the Apostles, Matthew (ff. 30ra-30rb)
- ms_i1.4.13.2 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos, patriarch, and Zakāryās, patriarch of Alexandria, ʾƎskǝnāfǝr (ff. 30rb-30va)
- ms_i1.4.13.3 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝṭǝlyā, Makronā, Maryonā, Falbātǝr, ʾAbrāni, ʾAronewos the king (f. 30va)
- ms_i1.4.13.4 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs, mamhǝr of Dabra Bizan (f. 30va)
- ms_i1.4.14 (complete), 14th Ḫǝdār (ff. 30va-30vb)
- ms_i1.4.14.1 (complete), Commemoration of Bartinos, Lorāsṭos, ʾAndrāwos, consecration of the church of Dabra Qalmon, Mabrinos, Ṭarāṭinā, ʾIyǝsṭǝnā (ff. 30va-30vb)
- ms_i1.4.15 (complete), 15th Ḫǝdār (f. 30vb)
- ms_i1.4.15.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Minās, Gārsis, Balāṭǝn, the righteous, Minās (f. 30vb)
- ms_i1.4.16 (complete), 16th Ḫǝdār (f. 30vb)
- ms_i1.4.16.1 (complete), Commemoration of the church of ʾabba Nāfǝr (f. 30vb)
- ms_i1.4.16.2 (complete), Fasting of the birth of Christ among the Jacobites in Egypt (f. 30vb)
- ms_i1.4.16.3 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭāṭos, Dānǝʾel, ʾAnoryos (f. 30vb)
- ms_i1.4.16.4 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mary (f. 30vb)
- ms_i1.4.17 (complete), 17th Ḫǝdār (f. 30vb)
- ms_i1.4.17.1 (complete), Commemoration of the translation of ʾAfa Warq, Sāmuʾel, ʾabbā Bāb, Mǝlāki, ʾabbā ʾAmo (f. 30vb)
- ms_i1.4.18 (complete), 18th Ḫǝdār (ff. 30vb-31ra)
- ms_i1.4.18.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAṭrāsis and Yonā (f. 30vb)
- ms_i1.4.18.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾElewtǝros (f. 30vb)
- ms_i1.4.18.3 (complete), Commemoration of Filǝṗṗos the apostle, excerpt from Senodos (ff. 30vb-31ra)
- ms_i1.4.19 (complete), 19th Ḫǝdār (f. 31ra)
- ms_i1.4.19.1 (complete), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of Sargis and Bākos (f. 31ra)
- ms_i1.4.19.2 (complete), Commemoration of Bartalomewos, with excerpt from Senodos (f. 31ra)
- ms_i1.4.19.3 (complete), Commemoration of Tāʾodrā, Giyorgis ḥaddis (f. 31ra)
- ms_i1.4.19.4 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Gabrǝʾel (f. 31ra)
- ms_i1.4.19.5 (complete), Commemoration of Tewofǝlos, Ṗaṭriqā and Damālis (f. 31ra)
- ms_i1.4.20 (complete), 20th Ḫǝdār (f. 31rb)
- ms_i1.4.20.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAnyānu the patriarch, Tewodros, ʾabbā Yoḥannǝs, consecration of the church of Tewodros (f. 31rb)
- ms_i1.4.21 (complete), 21st Ḫǝdār (f. 31rb)
- ms_i1.4.21.1 (complete), Commemoration of Gorgoryos the patriarch (f. 31rb)
- ms_i1.4.21.2 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mary, with excerpt (f. 31rb)
- ms_i1.4.21.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Qasmā, patriarch of Alexandria, Ṗalfā, Zakiyos, Nomānos, Yoḥannǝs, Tomās, Fiqṭor, Yǝsḥaq (f. 31rb)
- ms_i1.4.22 (complete), 22nd Ḫǝdār (ff. 31rb-31va)
- ms_i1.4.22.1 (complete), Commemoration of Qozmos, Dǝmyānos, ʾAntimos, Landinos, ʾAbrānewos and their mother Tewǝdādā (f. 31va)
- ms_i1.4.22.2 (complete), Commemoration of Romānos, Zakewos, Tādewos the patriarch, Baqalṭos, companions of Qozmos and Dǝmyānos (f. 31va)
- ms_i1.4.23 (complete), 23rd Ḫǝdār (ff. 31va-31vb)
- ms_i1.4.23.1 (complete), Commemoration of Qarnilawos (f. 31va)
- ms_i1.4.23.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbdǝyu (ff. 31va-31vb)
- ms_i1.4.23.3 (complete), Commemoration of Gorgoryos, Bilon, Qosmā, consecration of the church of Mārinā (f. 31vb)
- ms_i1.4.24 (complete), 24th Ḫǝdār (ff. 31vb-32va)
- ms_i1.4.24.1 (complete), Commemoration of the 24 heavenly priests, with excerpts (ff. 31vb-32va)
- ms_i1.4.24.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAzqir (f. 32va)
- ms_i1.4.24.3 (complete), Commemoration of Qālǝtǝw, Gāyǝyos, ʾAtrǝyso (f. 32va)
- ms_i1.4.25 (complete), 25th Ḫǝdār (ff. 32va-32vb)
- ms_i1.4.25.1 (complete), Commemoration of Marqorewos (f. 32va)
- ms_i1.4.25.2 (complete), Commemoration of Qālos, Romānos (f. 32vb)
- ms_i1.4.26 (complete), 26th Ḫǝdār (f. 32vb)
- ms_i1.4.26.1 (complete), Commemoration of Balāqyānos and Bānbānyos (f. 32vb)
- ms_i1.4.26.2 (complete), Commemoration of the martyrs of Nagrān and Ḫirut (f. 32vb)
- ms_i1.4.26.3 (complete), Commemoration of Gorgoryos, ʾIyasus Moʾa (f. 32vb)
- ms_i1.4.26.4 (complete), Commemoration of Galewos, Māyǝn, Mokǝwos, Māryālǝs, Bārbāryānos (f. 32vb)
- ms_i1.4.27 (complete), 27th Ḫǝdār (f. 32vb)
- ms_i1.4.27.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob (f. 32vb)
- ms_i1.4.27.2 (complete), Commemoration of Filǝṗṗos, Yāʿqob and ʾAʿāre (f. 32vb)
- ms_i1.4.28 (complete), 28th Ḫǝdār (ff. 32vb-33ra)
- ms_i1.4.28.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām, Yǝsḥaq and Yāʿqob (f. 32vb)
- ms_i1.4.28.2 (complete), Commemoration of Zanqǝyos, Liqānos (ff. 32vb-33ra)
- ms_i1.4.28.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbsādi and invention of Susǝnnā's bones (f. 33ra)
- ms_i1.4.29 (complete), 29th Ḫǝdār (f. 33ra)
- ms_i1.4.29.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Christ (f. 33ra)
- ms_i1.4.29.2 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 33ra)
- ms_i1.4.29.3 (complete), Commemoration of Qalemǝnṭos, patriarch of Rome (f. 33ra)
- ms_i1.4.29.4 (complete), Commemoration of the Egyptian martyrs under Dǝyoglǝdyānos (f. 33ra)
- ms_i1.4.30 (complete), 30th Ḫǝdār (f. 33ra)
- ms_i1.4.30.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAkyos, patriarch of Alexandria, Gabra Masqal, Bifāmon, ʾabbā ʾAnyāyos, Ṗeṭros the third, Qozmos, Qāryos (f. 33ra)
- ms_i1.5 (complete), Tāḫśāś (ff. 33rb-52ra)
- ms_i1.5.1 (complete), 1st Tāḫśāś (ff. 33rb-34vb)
- ms_i1.5.1.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mary (f. 33rb)
- ms_i1.5.1.2 (complete), Commemoration of Nābuti (f. 33rb)
- ms_i1.5.1.3 (complete), Commemoration of Bersǝbeḥ, Ḥabi the bishop, Yoḥannǝs the bishop, consecration of the church of ʾabbā Sinodā, ʾabbā Bāymān, Ṗeṭros ḥaddis, ʾabbā Yāʿqob farasāwi, ʾElyās the monk (f. 33rb)
- ms_i1.5.1.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾElyās the prophet (ff. 33rb-34vb)
- ms_i1.5.2 (complete), 2nd Tāḫśāś (ff. 34vb-35ra)
- ms_i1.5.2.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAnānyā, ʾAzāryā and Misāʾel (ff. 34vb-35ra)
- ms_i1.5.2.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Hor the monk, ʾAbsǝtfǝn the martyr, ʾAnbasā, Nātnāʾel (f. 35ra)
- ms_i1.5.2.3 (complete), Commemoration of the companions of Fāsiladas (f. 35ra)
- ms_i1.5.3 (complete), 3rd Tāḫśāś (f. 35ra)
- ms_i1.5.3.1 (complete), Commemoration of Mary's entry to the temple (f. 35ra)
- ms_i1.5.3.2 (complete), Commemoration of Fānuʾel, with excerpt (f. 35ra)
- ms_i1.5.3.3 (complete), Commemoration of Tawsǝdṭos, Muse the monk (f. 35ra)
- ms_i1.5.4 (complete), 4th Tāḫśāś (ff. 35ra-35va)
- ms_i1.5.4.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎndrǝyās the apostle, with excerpts (ff. 35ra-35va)
- ms_i1.5.4.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʿOṣ, the virgins, Yāʿqob, Kǝryās, Sǝmʿon, Tādrās, Tāwfinā (f. 35va)
- ms_i1.5.5 (complete), 5th Tāḫśāś (ff. 35va-36rb)
- ms_i1.5.5.1 (complete), Commemoration of Nāḥom the prophet, with excerpts (ff. 35va-36rb)
- ms_i1.5.5.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾEwosdǝros, Ḥanānyā, Filǝnṭos, Yoḥannǝs, Bārkǝyos, ʾAwgʷānyā and her father Filǝṗṗos (f. 36rb)
- ms_i1.5.6 (complete), 6th Tāḫśāś (f. 36rb)
- ms_i1.5.6.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾArsimā and her companions (f. 36rb)
- ms_i1.5.6.2 (complete), Commemoration of Baṭǝlsis, ʾAbrǝhām, Surfit, Mārʿon, Mikāʾel, Yolsāwǝs, Ṭālmǝyos (f. 36rb)
- ms_i1.5.7 (complete), 7th Tāḫśāś (f. 36va)
- ms_i1.5.7.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Mātewos, ʾabbā Dānǝʾel (f. 36va)
- ms_i1.5.8 (complete), 8th Tāḫśāś (f. 36va)
- ms_i1.5.8.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yāklǝyāwos, Barbārā, Yolyānā, ʾabbā Sāmuʾel, ʾabbā ʾEsi and Taklā (f. 36va)
- ms_i1.5.8.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yǝrqǝlā, Yoḥannǝs, ʾƎlqoloniṭos, ʾAwgenyos and his daughter (f. 36va)
- ms_i1.5.9 (complete), 9th Tāḫśāś (f. 36va)
- ms_i1.5.9.1 (complete), Commemoration of Bāymǝn, Badalam, ʾArmǝyā, Zakaryās (f. 36va)
- ms_i1.5.10 (complete), 10th Tāḫśāś (ff. 36va-36vb)
- ms_i1.5.10.1 (complete), Translation of Sāwiros the patriarch, commemoration of Niqālāwos (f. 36va)
- ms_i1.5.10.2 (complete), Commemoration of Tālsǝs, ʾAlʿāzār (ff. 36va-36vb)
- ms_i1.5.10.3 (complete), Commemoration of Melāyos, Tāwfǝyā (f. 36vb)
- ms_i1.5.10.4 (complete), Commemoration of Set (f. 36vb)
- ms_i1.5.11 (complete), 11th Tāḫśāś (f. 36vb)
- ms_i1.5.11.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bakimos (f. 36vb)
- ms_i1.5.11.2 (complete), Commemoration of Bartalomewos, Baṭlān, ʾƎgziʾ Kǝbrā, the mother of Zarʾa Yāʿqob (f. 36vb)
- ms_i1.5.12 (complete), 12th Tāḫśāś (ff. 36vb-37ra)
- ms_i1.5.12.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mikāʾel (f. 36vb)
- ms_i1.5.12.2 (complete), Commemoration of the council of Rome (ff. 36vb-37ra)
- ms_i1.5.12.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAnkiṭos (f. 37ra)
- ms_i1.5.12.4 (complete), Commemoration of Sāmuʾ el of Wāldǝbbā (f. 37ra)
- ms_i1.5.12.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwses, ʾab ʾƎnṭonyos, ʾabbā Dǝḥrā, Yoḥannǝs mǝʾǝmman, Maḥar za-Rome (f. 37ra)
- ms_i1.5.13 (complete), 13th Tāḫśāś (ff. 37ra-37rb)
- ms_i1.5.13.1 (complete), Commemoration of Bārusfǝyos and ʾAbrākos (ff. 37ra-37rb)
- ms_i1.5.13.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Maqārǝs (f. 37rb)
- ms_i1.5.13.3 (complete), Commemoration of the consecration of the church of Rufāʾel (f. 37rb)
- ms_i1.5.13.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbrāniqos, Ḥarsǝfon, Conception of Ḥannā, Qonelewos, Warqǝṭṗās, ʾArfǝre (f. 37rb)
- ms_i1.5.14 (complete), 14th Tāḫśāś (ff. 37rb-37va)
- ms_i1.5.14.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon of Mānuf (f. 37rb)
- ms_i1.5.14.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝhor and ʾabbā Minās (f. 37rb)
- ms_i1.5.14.3 (complete), Commemoration of Marbǝhnām (f. 37rb)
- ms_i1.5.15 (complete), 15th Tāḫśāś (f. 37va)
- ms_i1.5.15.1 (complete), Commemoration of Gorgoryos of Armenia (f. 37va)
- ms_i1.5.16 (complete), 16th Tāḫśāś (ff. 37va-38ra)
- ms_i1.5.16.1 (complete), Commemoration of Māryām, the sister of ʾAron, with excerpts (ff. 37va-37vb)
- ms_i1.5.16.2 (complete), Commemoration of Gedewon (ff. 37vb-38ra)
- ms_i1.5.16.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Hǝrwās, Ḥanānyā, Kozi, Sǝnsǝrāden, Hǝrmǝg, ʾAwnyā, ʾAnānyos, Gaze (f. 38ra)
- ms_i1.5.17 (complete), 17th Tāḫśāś (f. 38rb)
- ms_i1.5.17.1 (complete), Translation of Sǝmʿon the Stylite (f. 38rb)
- ms_i1.5.17.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwsǝryāyos, ʾAwkatyos, Suryom, Mārqos, Marṭlǝʾel, Nātnāʾel (f. 38rb)
- ms_i1.5.18 (complete), 18th Tāḫśāś (f. 38rb)
- ms_i1.5.18.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yāryā and Filmunā (f. 38rb)
- ms_i1.5.18.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yāryā and Filmunā (f. 38rb)
- ms_i1.5.18.3 (complete), Translation of Tito (f. 38rb)
- ms_i1.5.18.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Salāmā, Fārsǝyon, Lekǝyon, Galinigos, ʾAwnāsyos, ..., ʾArsis, Dǝkyā, Dimos, Translation of Tomās (f. 38rb)
- ms_i1.5.19 (complete), 19th Tāḫśāś (ff. 38rb-38vb)
- ms_i1.5.19.1 (complete), Commemoration of Gabrǝʾel and his hosts, with excerpts (ff. 38rb-38va)
- ms_i1.5.19.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs (f. 38va)
- ms_i1.5.19.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAnānyā, ʾAzāryā and Misāʾel (ff. 38va-38vb)
- ms_i1.5.20 (complete), 20th Tāḫśāś (ff. 38vb-39ra)
- ms_i1.5.20.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ḥagge (ff. 38vb-39ra)
- ms_i1.5.20.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs ḥaḍir and Dānǝʾel, Tāwfinā, ʾabbā Surmān, Mārqos, Mārṭǝʾel (f. 39ra)
- ms_i1.5.21 (complete), 21st Tāḫśāś (f. 39ra)
- ms_i1.5.21.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mary (f. 39ra)
- ms_i1.5.21.2 (complete), Commemoration of Barnābās (f. 39ra)
- ms_i1.5.22 (complete), 22nd Tāḫśāś (ff. 39ra-39rb)
- ms_i1.5.22.1 (complete), Consecration of the church of Gabrǝʾel (f. 39ra)
- ms_i1.5.22.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎnṭonyos, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 39ra)
- ms_i1.5.22.3 (complete), Institution of the feast of Mary by Dāqǝsyos (ff. 39ra-39rb)
- ms_i1.5.23 (complete), 23rd Tāḫśāś (ff. 39rb-43va)
- ms_i1.5.23.1 (complete), Commemoration of Dāwit, with excerpts (ff. 39rb-43va)
- ms_i1.5.23.2 (complete), Commemoration of Maqārǝs, ʾAntǝrdǝs, Filǝṗṗos, ʾAbrākos, ʾAytǝltās, Qaneliwos, Marqorewos (f. 43va)
- ms_i1.5.24 (complete), 24th Tāḫśāś (ff. 43va-43vb)
- ms_i1.5.24.1 (complete), Commemoration of the people of Kadiḥ, ʾAgnǝsṭǝyos, Filgǝyos, ʾabbā Ṗāwli (f. 43va)
- ms_i1.5.24.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAster (ff. 43va-43vb)
- ms_i1.5.25 (complete), 25th Tāḫśāś (ff. 43vb-46va)
- ms_i1.5.25.1 (complete), Commemoration of the Maccabees, with excerpts (ff. 43vb-46va)
- ms_i1.5.25.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs kāmā, vision of Mary (f. 46va)
- ms_i1.5.26 (complete), 26th Tāḫśāś (f. 46va)
- ms_i1.5.26.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAnǝsṭāsyā and Yolyānā (f. 46va)
- ms_i1.5.27 (complete), 27th Tāḫśāś (ff. 46va-46vb)
- ms_i1.5.27.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbsādi (f. 46vb)
- ms_i1.5.27.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bagʿu (f. 46vb)
- ms_i1.5.28 (complete), 28th Tāḫśāś (ff. 46vb-47ra)
- ms_i1.5.28.1 (complete), Commemoration of the birth of Christ (ff. 46vb-47ra)
- ms_i1.5.28.2 (complete), Commemoration of the people of ʾƎnsǝnā (f. 47ra)
- ms_i1.5.28.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām, Yǝsḥǝq and Yāʿqob (f. 47ra)
- ms_i1.5.29 (complete), 29th Tāḫśāś (ff. 47rb-52ra)
- ms_i1.5.29.1 (complete), Commemoration of the birth of Christ, with excerpts (ff. 47rb-52ra)
- ms_i1.5.29.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAqāryos, ʾIyāsu, Yāʿqob, Fǝlis, Tewodros (f. 52ra)
- ms_i1.5.30 (complete), 30th Tāḫśāś (f. 52ra)
- ms_i1.5.30.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yoḥannǝs, martyrs of ʾAkmim, Koryon, Fimon and his companions (f. 52ra)
- ms_i1.5.30.2 (complete), Commemoration of the forty soldiers (f. 52ra)
- ms_i1.5.30.3 (complete), ...Commemoration of children of Bethlehem (f. 52ra)
- ms_i1.6 (complete), Ṭǝrr (ff. 52rb-81va)
- ms_i1.6.1 (complete), 1st Ṭǝrr (f. 52rb)
- ms_i1.6.1.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Mary (f. 52rb)
- ms_i1.6.1.2 (complete), Invention of the relics of ʾƎsṭifānos (f. 52rb)
- ms_i1.6.1.3 (complete), Martyrs of ʾAkmin (f. 52rb)
- ms_i1.6.1.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Diyosqoros and his brothers, Waldǝyānos, Tādros, Ṗāwlos (f. 52rb)
- ms_i1.6.2 (complete), 2nd Ṭǝrr (ff. 52rb-52va)
- ms_i1.6.2.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAlāninus, Tāʾna, companions of Filātāwos (f. 52rb)
- ms_i1.6.2.2 (complete), Commemoration of Sābelā (f. 52rb)
- ms_i1.6.2.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbel, with excerpt (f. 52va)
- ms_i1.6.2.4 (complete), Commemoration of Maqārǝs, construction of the church of Mary of ʾabbā Sinodā (f. 52va)
- ms_i1.6.2.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Mātewos the monk (f. 52va)
- ms_i1.6.3 (complete), 3rd Ṭǝrr (ff. 52va-52vb)
- ms_i1.6.3.1 (complete), Commemoration of the martyr children, with excerpts (ff. 52va-52vb)
- ms_i1.6.3.2 (complete), Commemoration of Libānos Mattāʿ (f. 52vb)
- ms_i1.6.3.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAmon (f. 52vb)
- ms_i1.6.3.4 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob and Yoḥannǝs (f. 52vb)
- ms_i1.6.4 (complete), 4th Ṭǝrr (ff. 52vb-58va)
- ms_i1.6.4.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the Evangelist, with excerpts (ff. 52vb-58va)
- ms_i1.6.4.2 (complete), Commemoration of Giyorgis and Mātinā the patriarch, Tāʾodrā, ʾabbā Liqānos of Dabra Fǝnṣāte, ʾabbā Nārdos of Dabra Bizan (f. 58va)
- ms_i1.6.5 (complete), 5th Ṭǝrr (ff. 58va-58vb)
- ms_i1.6.5.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwsǝnyos (f. 58va)
- ms_i1.6.5.2 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Ṗeṭros and Ṗāwlos (f. 58va)
- ms_i1.6.5.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yārewnyos, many women, Tabāʿt, Langinās, ʾƎlla ʾƎskǝndǝryā, ʾabbā Mātewos the patriarch of Alexandria (f. 58va)
- ms_i1.6.6 (complete), 6th Ṭǝrr (ff. 58vb-63rb)
- ms_i1.6.6.1 (complete), Commemoration of Noḥ, with excerpts (ff. 58vb-62ra)
- ms_i1.6.6.2 (complete), Circumcision of Christ, with excerpts (ff. 62ra-63ra)
- ms_i1.6.6.3 (complete), Commemoration of Markǝyānos the patriarch and Bāsǝlyos (f. 63rb)
- ms_i1.6.6.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾEfrem, ʾAwmāryos (f. 63rb)
- ms_i1.6.6.5 (complete), Birth of ʾAbrǝhām (f. 63rb)
- ms_i1.6.7 (complete), 7th Ṭǝrr (ff. 63rb-63va)
- ms_i1.6.7.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝlṗeṭros, patriarch of Rome, Lomsǝlon, Gorgoryos, Mārqos, ʾAntǝyānos, Luyā, Maylǝn, Sǝsyos, Mārqǝy (f. 63va)
- ms_i1.6.8 (complete), 8th Ṭǝrr (ff. 63va-64rb)
- ms_i1.6.8.1 (complete), Consecration of ʾƎnsǝnā by Maqārǝs (f. 63va)
- ms_i1.6.8.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAndrāniqos, patriarch of Alexandria, ʾabbā Bǝnyāmi (f. 63va)
- ms_i1.6.8.3 (complete), Commemoration of Mǝlkǝyās, with excerpts (ff. 63va-64rb)
- ms_i1.6.9 (complete), 9th Ṭǝrr (f. 64rb)
- ms_i1.6.9.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbrǝham (f. 64rb)
- ms_i1.6.9.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbrǝham, Giyorgis, Nosamǝs, Disqǝrǝs (f. 64rb)
- ms_i1.6.10 (complete), 10th Ṭǝrr (ff. 64va-64vb)
- ms_i1.6.10.1 (complete), Institution of the fasting (ff. 64va-64vb)
- ms_i1.6.10.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Kināryā, Ṗaṭriqā, Ṭāmyāni (f. 64vb)
- ms_i1.6.11 (complete), 11th Ṭǝrr (ff. 64vb-68rb)
- ms_i1.6.11.1 (complete), Baptism of Christ, with excerpts (ff. 64vb-68rb)
- ms_i1.6.12 (complete), 12th Ṭǝrr (ff. 68rb-68va)
- ms_i1.6.12.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob (f. 68rb)
- ms_i1.6.12.2 (complete), Commemoration of Tewodros (ff. 68rb-68va)
- ms_i1.6.12.3 (complete), Commemoration of Bankǝros and Wǝlǝndyos (f. 68va)
- ms_i1.6.12.4 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mikāʾel (f. 68va)
- ms_i1.6.12.5 (complete), Commemoration of Yolyānos and Dānǝʾel (f. 68va)
- ms_i1.6.13 (complete), 13th Ṭǝrr (ff. 68va-68vb)
- ms_i1.6.13.1 (complete), Commemoration of the miracle of Cana (ff. 68va-68vb)
- ms_i1.6.13.2 (complete), Commemoration of the seven children (f. 68vb)
- ms_i1.6.13.3 (complete), Commemoration of Qārnos and Minā (f. 68vb)
- ms_i1.6.14 (complete), 14th Ṭǝrr (ff. 68vb-69ra)
- ms_i1.6.14.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAslido (f. 68vb)
- ms_i1.6.14.2 (complete), Commemoration of Maksimos (f. 68vb)
- ms_i1.6.14.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎmrāyǝs (f. 68vb)
- ms_i1.6.14.4 (complete), Commemoration of the companions of Qirqos (f. 68vb)
- ms_i1.6.14.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Hor, Lukyānos (f. 68vb)
- ms_i1.6.15 (complete), 15th Ṭǝrr (f. 69ra)
- ms_i1.6.15.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʿUbid (f. 69ra)
- ms_i1.6.15.2 (complete), Commemoration of Qirqos (f. 69ra)
- ms_i1.6.15.3 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros, Sofyā, ʾAdamrā, Yǝsḥaq (f. 69ra)
- ms_i1.6.16 (complete), 16th Ṭǝrr (ff. 69ra-69rb)
- ms_i1.6.16.1 (complete), Commemoration of Filātāwos (ff. 69ra-69rb)
- ms_i1.6.16.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the patriarch (f. 69rb)
- ms_i1.6.16.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIyaluṭā (f. 69rb)
- ms_i1.6.16.4 (complete), Commemoration of Nǝrṭos (f. 69rb)
- ms_i1.6.16.5 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the ascension of Mary (f. 69rb)
- ms_i1.6.17 (complete), 17th Ṭǝrr (f. 69rb)
- ms_i1.6.17.1 (complete), Commemoration of Maksimos and Dǝmātewos (f. 69rb)
- ms_i1.6.17.2 (complete), Cremation of the relics of Giyorgis (f. 69rb)
- ms_i1.6.17.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAʾmrǝdǝs and ʾAbkǝrazān (f. 69rb)
- ms_i1.6.18 (complete), 18th Ṭǝrr (f. 69va)
- ms_i1.6.18.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob, bishop of Nisibis (f. 69va)
- ms_i1.6.18.2 (complete), Commemoration of Māryā and Mārtā (f. 69va)
- ms_i1.6.19 (complete), 19th Ṭǝrr (f. 69va)
- ms_i1.6.19.1 (complete), Invention of the relics of ʾabbā Hor, his sister Bǝsrā and mother Niri (f. 69va)
- ms_i1.6.19.2 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Gabrǝʾel (f. 69va)
- ms_i1.6.19.3 (complete), Commemoration of Baṭrǝsinā and ʾabbā Bǝsrā (f. 69va)
- ms_i1.6.20 (complete), 20th Ṭǝrr (ff. 69va-69vb)
- ms_i1.6.20.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbrokoros (ff. 69va-69vb)
- ms_i1.6.20.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Noḫ (f. 69vb)
- ms_i1.6.20.3 (complete), Consecration of the church of Marbǝhnām (f. 69vb)
- ms_i1.6.20.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Kluz (f. 69vb)
- ms_i1.6.20.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Nabyud (f. 69vb)
- ms_i1.6.20.6 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbǝlwānos, Bǝnhǝwā, consecration of the church of Yoḥannǝs (f. 69vb)
- ms_i1.6.21 (complete), 21th Ṭǝrr (ff. 69vb-70va)
- ms_i1.6.21.1 (complete), Commemoration of Mary (ff. 69vb-70rb)
- ms_i1.6.21.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIlāryā (f. 70va)
- ms_i1.6.21.3 (complete), Commemoration of Gorgoryos (f. 70va)
- ms_i1.6.21.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎrmǝyās, Ṗāwlos, Niqālāwos, ʾabbā Fiqṭor (f. 70va)
- ms_i1.6.22 (complete), 22th Ṭǝrr (ff. 70va-71va)
- ms_i1.6.22.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎnṭonǝs (ff. 70va-71va)
- ms_i1.6.22.2 (complete), Commemoration of all holy monks by the people of Bizan (f. 71va)
- ms_i1.6.22.3 (complete), Commemoration of Minās, the bishop of Māfǝn (f. 71va)
- ms_i1.6.23 (complete), 23th Ṭǝrr (f. 71va)
- ms_i1.6.23.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos (f. 71va)
- ms_i1.6.23.2 (complete), Commemoration of Tawadosyos, ʾAtnāsewos, Gerǝllos (f. 71va)
- ms_i1.6.24 (complete), 24th Ṭǝrr (ff. 71va-71vb)
- ms_i1.6.24.1 (complete), Commemoration of Māryām (ff. 71va-71vb)
- ms_i1.6.24.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbsādi (f. 71vb)
- ms_i1.6.24.3 (complete), Commemoration of the righteous of Kadiḥ (f. 71vb)
- ms_i1.6.24.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Maqārǝs of Alexandria (f. 71vb)
- ms_i1.6.25 (complete), 25th Ṭǝrr (f. 71vb)
- ms_i1.6.25.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros (f. 71vb)
- ms_i1.6.25.2 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝklā, Yāʿqob (f. 71vb)
- ms_i1.6.25.3 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝbātyānos (f. 71vb)
- ms_i1.6.26 (complete), 26th Ṭǝrr (ff. 71vb-72va)
- ms_i1.6.26.1 (complete), Commemoration of the 49 monks (ff. 71vb-72rb)
- ms_i1.6.26.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAnǝsṭāsyā (f. 72rb)
- ms_i1.6.26.3 (complete), Commemoration of Marṭinos, Sǝrǝnyosyos and Yosef (f. 72va)
- ms_i1.6.27 (complete), 27th Ṭǝrr (ff. 72va-80vb)
- ms_i1.6.27.1 (complete), Commemoration of Henok, with excerpts (ff. 72va-80va)
- ms_i1.6.27.2 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝrābyon, ʾabbā Bifāmon (f. 80vb)
- ms_i1.6.27.3 (complete), Translation of Ṭimotewos (f. 80vb)
- ms_i1.6.27.4 (complete), Commemoration of Suryās the angel (f. 80vb)
- ms_i1.6.27.5 (complete), Commemoration of Tāwfǝnṭos and Sarnis (f. 80vb)
- ms_i1.6.28 (complete), 28th Ṭǝrr (ff. 80vb-81ra)
- ms_i1.6.28.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎslemǝnṭos (f. 80vb)
- ms_i1.6.28.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAkāwǝḥ (ff. 80vb-81ra)
- ms_i1.6.28.3 (complete), Blessing of the bread and fish (f. 81ra)
- ms_i1.6.28.4 (complete), Monthly commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām, Yǝsḥaq and Yāʿqob (f. 81ra)
- ms_i1.6.28.5 (complete), Commemoration of Yosef (f. 81ra)
- ms_i1.6.28.6 (complete), Commemoration of Tabelā (f. 81ra)
- ms_i1.6.29 (complete), 29th Ṭǝrr (ff. 81ra-81rb)
- ms_i1.6.29.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAksani (f. 81ra)
- ms_i1.6.29.2 (complete), Commemoration of Saryāqos (f. 81ra)
- ms_i1.6.29.3 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Christ (f. 81ra)
- ms_i1.6.29.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabuna Yǝbārǝkanna Krǝstos, son of ʾabuna Filǝṗṗos (ff. 81ra-81rb)
- ms_i1.6.29.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Gabra Nāzrāwi (f. 81rb)
- ms_i1.6.29.6 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Gabra Nāzrāwi (f. 81rb)
- ms_i1.6.29.7 (complete), Commemoration of the righteous of Māḫbara Degwā (f. 81rb)
- ms_i1.6.29.8 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAsnet, Filmunǝmā, ʾEyǝlǝni, Sǝrbǝmon (f. 81rb)
- ms_i1.6.30 (complete), 30th Ṭǝrr (ff. 81rb-81va)
- ms_i1.6.30.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭeqalā, Māryā, Mārtā, ʾAmatā and ʾAbyā (ff. 81rb-81va)
- ms_i1.6.30.2 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗisṗis, ʾĀlāṗis, ʾAgāṗis and their mother Sofyā (f. 81va)
- ms_i1.6.30.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾArni (f. 81va)
- ms_i1.6.30.4 (complete), Commemoration of Gorgoryos the theologian and Minās the patriarch (f. 81va)
- ms_i1.7 (complete), Yakkātit (ff. 81vb-93rb)
- ms_i1.7.1 (complete), 1th Yakkātit (ff. 81vb-82vb)
- ms_i1.7.1.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Mary (f. 81vb)
- ms_i1.7.1.2 (complete), Commemoration of the council of Constantinople (ff. 81vb-82rb)
- ms_i1.7.1.3 (complete), Consecration of the church of Ṗeṭros (f. 82rb)
- ms_i1.7.1.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAskanāfǝr and his wife and Bulā the martyr (ff. 82rb-82va)
- ms_i1.7.2 (complete), 2th Yakkātit (ff. 82vb-83rb)
- ms_i1.7.2.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Ṗāwli (ff. 82vb-83rb)
- ms_i1.7.2.2 (complete), Commemoration of Langinos (f. 83rb)
- ms_i1.7.2.3 (complete), Commemoration of a miracle worked by Tomās (f. 83rb)
- ms_i1.7.3 (complete), 3th Yakkātit (ff. 83rb-83va)
- ms_i1.7.3.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yāʿqob (f. 83rb)
- ms_i1.7.3.2 (complete), Commemoration of māri ʾEfrem, Bāwlādyos, Tawlāmāṭǝs, Barsomā (f. 83rb)
- ms_i1.7.3.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾƎbloy (f. 83va)
- ms_i1.7.4 (complete), 4th Yakkātit (f. 83va)
- ms_i1.7.4.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAgābis (f. 83va)
- ms_i1.7.4.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAgǝnānṭǝyos, ʾAnṭemos (f. 83va)
- ms_i1.7.5 (complete), 5th Yakkātit (f. 83va)
- ms_i1.7.5.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Ṗeṭros and Ṗāwlos (f. 83va)
- ms_i1.7.5.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAqrǝṗos (f. 83va)
- ms_i1.7.5.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝsoy and ʾabbā Nob (f. 83va)
- ms_i1.7.5.4 (complete), Commemoration of the 49 elders and martyrs of Scetis, ʾAbulidas, Bānwā and Bulā (f. 83va)
- ms_i1.7.6 (complete), 6th Yakkātit (ff. 83va-83vb)
- ms_i1.7.6.1 (complete), Ascension of the body of ʾAbolidos (f. 83vb)
- ms_i1.7.6.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbuqir and Yoḥannǝs (f. 83vb)
- ms_i1.7.6.3 (complete), Commemoration of Māryām (f. 83vb)
- ms_i1.7.7 (complete), 7th Yakkātit (ff. 83vb-84ra)
- ms_i1.7.7.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾƎlla ʾƎskǝndǝros, patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 83vb-84ra)
- ms_i1.7.7.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Tewodros the patriarch, ʾAbrāqǝn, ʾAbadinā, Baryānos, Nǝbǝdālmās (f. 84ra)
- ms_i1.7.8 (complete), 8th Yakkātit (ff. 84ra-84rb)
- ms_i1.7.8.1 (complete), Christ's entry to the temple (ff. 84ra-84rb)
- ms_i1.7.8.2 (complete), Christ's entry to the temple (ff. 84ra-84rb)
- ms_i1.7.8.3 (complete), Commemoration of Ḥannā (f. 84rb)
- ms_i1.7.8.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Ṣewā Madḥǝn (f. 84rb)
- ms_i1.7.9 (complete), 9th Yakkātit (ff. 84rb-)
- ms_i1.7.10 (complete), 14th Yakkātit (ff. 84va-84vb)
- ms_i1.7.10.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Sāwiros, patriarch of Antioch (ff. 84va-84vb)
- ms_i1.7.10.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob, patriarch of Alexandria, Dāryos, Ṗāwlos, ʾAkʷǝdirās, Sednā (f. 84vb)
- ms_i1.7.11 (complete), 15th Yakkātit (ff. 84vb-)
- ms_i1.7.11.1 (complete), Commemoration of Zakāryās the prophet, with excerpts (ff. 84vb-88ra)
- ms_i1.7.11.2 (complete), Consecration of the church of the martyrs (f. 88ra)
- ms_i1.7.11.3 (complete), Commemoration of Bāftāwos (f. 88ra)
- ms_i1.7.11.4 (complete), Commemoration of Mārtā and Māryā, Bānodā, Bafǝqr (f. 88ra)
- ms_i1.7.12 (complete), 16th Yakkātit (ff. 88ra-90vb)
- ms_i1.7.12.1 (complete), Commemoration of Muse, with excerpts (ff. 88ra-90va)
- ms_i1.7.12.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾElsābeṭ (f. 90va)
- ms_i1.7.12.3 (complete), Kidāna Mǝḥrat (f. 90va)
- ms_i1.7.12.4 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the ascension of Mary (f. 90va)
- ms_i1.7.12.5 (complete), Commemoration of the companions of Yonās (?), Babnudā (ff. 90va-90vb)
- ms_i1.7.13 (complete), 17th Yakkātit (f. 90vb)
- ms_i1.7.13.1 (complete), Commemoration of Minās the monk (f. 90vb)
- ms_i1.7.14 (complete), 18th Yakkātit (f. 90vb)
- ms_i1.7.14.1 (complete), Commemoration of the sacrifice of ʾAbrǝham (f. 90vb)
- ms_i1.7.14.2 (complete), Commemoration of Malāniwos (f. 90vb)
- ms_i1.7.14.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob the righteous (f. 90vb)
- ms_i1.7.15 (complete), 19th Yakkātit (f. 90vb)
- ms_i1.7.15.1 (complete), Translation of Martǝyānos (f. 90vb)
- ms_i1.7.15.2 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Gabrǝʾel (f. 90vb)
- ms_i1.7.16 (complete), 20th Yakkātit (ff. 90vb-91ra)
- ms_i1.7.16.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros the patriarch (f. 91ra)
- ms_i1.7.16.2 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝlyos, Tāʾodros, Ṭimotewos (f. 91ra)
- ms_i1.7.16.3 (complete), Commemoration of Filmon (f. 91ra)
- ms_i1.7.17 (complete), 21st Yakkātit (ff. 91ra-91rb)
- ms_i1.7.17.1 (complete), Return of Christ from the forty days in the desert (f. 91ra)
- ms_i1.7.17.2 (complete), Meeting of Christ with John the Baptist, appointment of Ṗeṭros and ʾƎndrǝyās (f. 91ra)
- ms_i1.7.17.3 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mary (f. 91ra)
- ms_i1.7.17.4 (complete), Commemoration of Tomās (f. 91ra)
- ms_i1.7.17.5 (complete), Commemoration of Gabrǝʾel, patriarch of Alexandria, Zakāryās, bishop of Sǝkā (ff. 91ra-91rb)
- ms_i1.7.17.6 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwnǝsimos (f. 91rb)
- ms_i1.7.17.7 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAkyos (f. 91rb)
- ms_i1.7.18 (complete), 22nd Yakkātit (ff. 91rb-91va)
- ms_i1.7.18.1 (complete), Commemoration of Mārinā the bishop, Bāmyā and Farqin (f. 91rb)
- ms_i1.7.18.2 (complete), Appointment of Filǝṗṗos and Lewi (f. 91rb)
- ms_i1.7.18.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bulā, 380 martyrs, Niqolwā (ff. 91rb-91vb)
- ms_i1.7.19 (complete), 23rd Yakkātit (f. 91va)
- ms_i1.7.19.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwsānyos, Waslidos (f. 91va)
- ms_i1.7.19.2 (complete), Wedding at Cana (f. 91va)
- ms_i1.7.19.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwsǝgnǝyos (f. 91va)
- ms_i1.7.20 (complete), 24th Yakkātit (ff. 91va-91vb)
- ms_i1.7.20.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAgāṗis the bishop (f. 91va)
- ms_i1.7.20.2 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos, Minās, Lalawar and Barkoros (ff. 91va-91vb)
- ms_i1.7.21 (complete), 25th Yakkātit (f. 91vb)
- ms_i1.7.21.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾArsinos, Filmunā, Likiyā (f. 91vb)
- ms_i1.7.21.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎnṭonǝs ḥaddis (f. 91vb)
- ms_i1.7.21.3 (complete), Commemoration of Qonā, Minās, Damāylǝlnās and Warginos (f. 91vb)
- ms_i1.7.22 (complete), 26th Yakkātit (ff. 91vb-92vb)
- ms_i1.7.22.1 (complete), Commemoration of Hoseʿ, with excerpts (ff. 91vb-92vb)
- ms_i1.7.22.2 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝdoq and his companions (f. 92vb)
- ms_i1.7.22.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabuna Saraqa Bǝrhān of Dabra Bizan (f. 92vb)
- ms_i1.7.22.4 (complete), Commemoration of Bāwǝn (f. 92vb)
- ms_i1.7.23 (complete), 27th Yakkātit (f. 92vb)
- ms_i1.7.23.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎnǝsṭātewos the patriarch of Antioch (f. 92vb)
- ms_i1.7.24 (complete), 28th Yakkātit (ff. 92vb-93ra)
- ms_i1.7.24.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām, Yǝsḥaq and Yāʿqob (f. 92vb)
- ms_i1.7.24.2 (complete), Commemoration of Nerqādewos and Didǝmos (f. 92vb)
- ms_i1.7.25 (complete), 29th Yakkātit (f. 93ra)
- ms_i1.7.25.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Christ (f. 93ra)
- ms_i1.7.25.2 (complete), Commemoration of Bulikǝryos the bishop and Filāqos (f. 93ra)
- ms_i1.7.26 (complete), 30th Yakkātit (ff. 93ra-93rb)
- ms_i1.7.26.1 (complete), Invention of the head of John the Baptist (ff. 93ra-93rb)
- ms_i1.7.26.2 (complete), Commemoration of Minā, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 93rb)
- ms_i1.8 (complete), Maggābit (ff. 93va-112vb)
- ms_i1.8.1 (complete), 1th Maggābit (f. 93va)
- ms_i1.8.1.1 (complete), Commemoration of Barkǝsyos (f. 93va)
- ms_i1.8.1.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Marqorā (f. 93va)
- ms_i1.8.1.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎlla ʾƎskǝndǝros (f. 93va)
- ms_i1.8.1.4 (complete), Commemoration of Mātusālā (f. 93va)
- ms_i1.8.1.5 (complete), Commemoration of Marqorewos, Ṭarāsyos, 50 martyrs, Nabibā (f. 93va)
- ms_i1.8.1.6 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Mary (f. 93va)
- ms_i1.8.2 (complete), 2th Maggābit (ff. 93va-93vb)
- ms_i1.8.2.1 (complete), Commemoration of Gorgoryos (ff. 93va-93vb)
- ms_i1.8.2.2 (complete), Commemoration of Marqorā (f. 93vb)
- ms_i1.8.2.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Mankǝrāwi, ʾabbā Mārqos, Gabra Krǝstos, Luqās and Bǝsoy (f. 93vb)
- ms_i1.8.3 (complete), 3th Maggābit (f. 93vb)
- ms_i1.8.3.1 (complete), Commemoration of Qāsmā the patriarch, ʾabbā Marqorewos, Zarʾa Śannāy the monk (f. 93vb)
- ms_i1.8.4 (complete), 4th Maggābit (ff. 93vb-94ra)
- ms_i1.8.4.1 (complete), Commemoration of the council at daset daqiqa ʿAmor (f. 93vb)
- ms_i1.8.4.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbulyos (ff. 93vb-94ra)
- ms_i1.8.5 (complete), 5th Maggābit (f. 94ra)
- ms_i1.8.5.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾArabamon (f. 94ra)
- ms_i1.8.5.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwṭokiyā (f. 94ra)
- ms_i1.8.5.3 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Ṗeṭros and Ṗāwlos (f. 94ra)
- ms_i1.8.5.4 (complete), Commemoration of Tanśǝʾa Krǝstos and Ṭimonā (f. 94ra)
- ms_i1.8.6 (complete), 6th Maggābit (f. 94ra)
- ms_i1.8.6.1 (complete), Commemoration of Diyosqoros (f. 94ra)
- ms_i1.8.6.2 (complete), Commemoration of Tāʾodoṭos (f. 94ra)
- ms_i1.8.6.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎnṭonǝs and ʾAlkaredǝs (f. 94ra)
- ms_i1.8.7 (complete), 7th Maggābit (ff. 94ra-94rb)
- ms_i1.8.7.1 (complete), Commemoration of Filmon and ʾAbǝlomyos (f. 94ra)
- ms_i1.8.7.2 (complete), Commemoration of Tāʾodoṭos (ff. 94ra-94rb)
- ms_i1.8.8 (complete), 8th Maggābit (f. 94rb)
- ms_i1.8.8.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAryānos (f. 94rb)
- ms_i1.8.8.2 (complete), Commemoration of Mātyās, with excerpt (f. 94rb)
- ms_i1.8.8.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yolyos the patriarch (f. 94rb)
- ms_i1.8.8.4 (complete), Commemoration of the seven children (f. 94rb)
- ms_i1.8.8.5 (complete), Commemoration of Bakimos, abbot of Makāna Ḍarābi (f. 94rb)
- ms_i1.8.9 (complete), 9th Maggābit (ff. 94rb-94va)
- ms_i1.8.9.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎskǝndǝryānos, his wife, ʾƎwsānyos, Rǝmā and 40 martyrs, Kotān (f. 94va)
- ms_i1.8.9.2 (complete), Commemoration of the companions of ʾabbā Nob (f. 94va)
- ms_i1.8.10 (complete), 10th Maggābit (ff. 94va-94vb)
- ms_i1.8.10.1 (complete), Invention of the cross, with excerpts (ff. 94va-94vb)
- ms_i1.8.11 (complete), 11th Maggābit (f. 95ra)
- ms_i1.8.11.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bislāwos (f. 95ra)
- ms_i1.8.11.2 (complete), Commemoration of Tewoṭiqānos and ʾƎlǝskǝndǝrā (f. 95ra)
- ms_i1.8.11.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAlef (f. 95ra)
- ms_i1.8.11.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwsānyos, ʾEfrem, ʾArqādyu and Helyos (f. 95ra)
- ms_i1.8.12 (complete), 12th Maggābit (ff. 95ra-95va)
- ms_i1.8.12.1 (complete), Commemoration of Dǝmātrǝyos (ff. 95rb-95va)
- ms_i1.8.12.2 (complete), Commemoration of Malāki (f. 95va)
- ms_i1.8.12.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʿAmda Ṣǝyon (f. 95va)
- ms_i1.8.12.4 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mikāʾel (f. 95va)
- ms_i1.8.13 (complete), 13th Maggābit (ff. 95va-96rb)
- ms_i1.8.13.1 (complete), Commemoration of the 40 martyrs of Sabǝsṭǝyā (ff. 95va-96ra)
- ms_i1.8.13.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Dinosyos, patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 96ra-96rb)
- ms_i1.8.14 (complete), 14th Maggābit (f. 96rb)
- ms_i1.8.14.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Sinodā (f. 96rb)
- ms_i1.8.14.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwzābyos, ʾAnkǝndǝros, ʾAlbindǝyos (f. 96rb)
- ms_i1.8.14.3 (complete), Commemoration of a miracle worked by Tomās (f. 96rb)
- ms_i1.8.15 (complete), 15th Maggābit (ff. 96rb-96va)
- ms_i1.8.15.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sārā (f. 96va)
- ms_i1.8.15.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾElyās the martyr (f. 96va)
- ms_i1.8.15.3 (complete), Commemoration of Fasǝlanus, Safǝnyos and Giyorgis ḥaddis (f. 96va)
- ms_i1.8.16 (complete), 16th Maggābit (ff. 96va-97va)
- ms_i1.8.16.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the (institution) of Mary's ascension (f. 96va)
- ms_i1.8.16.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Kāʾel, patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 96va-97va)
- ms_i1.8.16.3 (complete), Commemoration of Hǝryās (f. 97va)
- ms_i1.8.17 (complete), 17th Maggābit (ff. 97va-97vb)
- ms_i1.8.17.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAlʿāzār (f. 97va)
- ms_i1.8.17.2 (complete), Commemoration of Giyorgis the martyr, Balāsyos the martyr, ʾabbā Yolos, assumption of Niqor (f. 97va)
- ms_i1.8.17.3 (complete), Commemoration of Tǝyokǝṭos (ff. 97va-97vb)
- ms_i1.8.17.4 (complete), Commemoration of Yonās of gadāma Borakā (f. 97vb)
- ms_i1.8.18 (complete), 18th Maggābit (ff. 97vb-98ra)
- ms_i1.8.18.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAysdǝros (ff. 97vb-98ra)
- ms_i1.8.18.2 (complete), Thanksgiving for rain (f. 98ra)
- ms_i1.8.19 (complete), 19th Maggābit (f. 98ra)
- ms_i1.8.19.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Gabrǝʾel (f. 98ra)
- ms_i1.8.19.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAlbulos (f. 98ra)
- ms_i1.8.19.3 (complete), Commemoration of seven martyrs (f. 98ra)
- ms_i1.8.20 (complete), 20th Maggābit (ff. 98ra-98rb)
- ms_i1.8.20.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Kāʾel, patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 98ra-98rb)
- ms_i1.8.20.2 (complete), Commemoration of the resurrection of ʾAlʿazār (f. 98rb)
- ms_i1.8.20.3 (complete), Consecration of the church of ʾAswāron (f. 98rb)
- ms_i1.8.20.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎsṭorāniṭiqā and her companions (f. 98rb)
- ms_i1.8.21 (complete), 21st Maggābit (ff. 98rb-98va)
- ms_i1.8.21.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mary (f. 98rb)
- ms_i1.8.21.2 (complete), Commemoration of the anointing of Christ (f. 98rb)
- ms_i1.8.21.3 (complete), Commemoration of conspiration of the high priests to kill ʾAlʿāzār (f. 98va)
- ms_i1.8.21.4 (complete), Commemoration of Tewodros, Ṭimotewos and two martyrs (f. 98va)
- ms_i1.8.21.5 (complete), Commemoration of Lāmeḥ (f. 98va)
- ms_i1.8.22 (complete), 22nd Maggābit (ff. 98va-99rb)
- ms_i1.8.22.1 (complete), Commemoration of Qerǝllos (f. 98va)
- ms_i1.8.22.2 (complete), Commemoration of Palm Sunday, with excerpts (ff. 98va-99rb)
- ms_i1.8.23 (complete), 23rd Maggābit (ff. 99rb-102vb)
- ms_i1.8.23.1 (complete), Commemoration of Dānǝʾel, with excerpts (ff. 99rb-102vb)
- ms_i1.8.23.2 (complete), Assembly of the Jews in the house of Qayfā (f. 102vb)
- ms_i1.8.24 (complete), 24th Maggābit (ff. 103ra-103va)
- ms_i1.8.24.1 (complete), Decision of the assembly of the Jews to kill Christ, with excerpts (ff. 103ra-103rb)
- ms_i1.8.24.2 (complete), Commemoration of Maqārǝs, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 103rb)
- ms_i1.8.24.3 (complete), Commemoration of Qonitā the Samaritan and Mǝlkǝyās (f. 103rb)
- ms_i1.8.25 (complete), 25th Maggābit (f. 103va)
- ms_i1.8.25.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwnisiforos (f. 103va)
- ms_i1.8.25.2 (complete), Commemoration (f. 103va)
- ms_i1.8.26 (complete), 26th Maggābit (ff. 103va-105vb)
- ms_i1.8.26.1 (complete), Commemoration of the Juda's treason, with excerpts (ff. 103va-103vb)
- ms_i1.8.26.2 (complete), Commemoration of washing of the feet (f. 103vb)
- ms_i1.8.26.3 (complete), Commemoration of the last supper, with excerpts (ff. 103vb-105vb)
- ms_i1.8.26.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbrokǝstiyā (f. 105vb)
- ms_i1.8.26.5 (complete), Commemoration of Qǝrqǝbos (f. 105vb)
- ms_i1.8.26.6 (complete), Calendaric note (f. 105vb)
- ms_i1.8.27 (complete), 27th Maggābit (ff. 105vb-108va)
- ms_i1.8.27.1 (complete), Commemoration of the crucifixion, with excerpts (ff. 105vb-107vb)
- ms_i1.8.27.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Maqārǝs (ff. 107vb-108va)
- ms_i1.8.28 (complete), 28th Maggābit (f. 108va)
- ms_i1.8.28.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām, Yǝsḥaq and Yāʿqob (f. 108va)
- ms_i1.8.28.2 (complete), Commemoration of Qʷasṭanṭinos (f. 108va)
- ms_i1.8.28.3 (complete), How the Jews put stones in front of the tomb of Christ (f. 108va)
- ms_i1.8.29 (complete), 29th Maggābit (ff. 108va-111vb)
- ms_i1.8.29.1 (complete), Commemoration of the Announciation (ff. 108va-109rb)
- ms_i1.8.29.2 (complete), Commemoration of the Resurrection (ff. 109rb-111va)
- ms_i1.8.29.3 (complete), Preaching of Ṗāwlos in Wariqon (ff. 111va-111vb)
- ms_i1.8.30 (complete), 30th Maggābit (f. 111vb)
- ms_i1.8.30.1 (complete), Commemoration of Gabrǝʾel (f. 111vb)
- ms_i1.8.30.2 (complete), Commemoration of Somson (f. 111vb)
- ms_i1.8.30.3 (complete), Assumption of Yāʿqob (f. 111vb)
- ms_i1.8.30.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yoḥannǝs of Dabra Galilā (f. 111vb)
- ms_i1.9 (complete), Miyāzyā (ff. 112ra-130rb)
- ms_i1.9.1 (complete), 1th Miyāzyā (ff. 112ra-113va)
- ms_i1.9.1.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAron, with excerpts (ff. 112ra-113rb)
- ms_i1.9.1.2 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Mary (f. 113rb)
- ms_i1.9.1.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Sǝlwānos (ff. 113rb-113va)
- ms_i1.9.1.4 (complete), Commemoration of a miracle against the Arabs in Upper Egypt (f. 113va)
- ms_i1.9.1.5 (complete), Commemoration of Maṭronā, Yosṭos and his wife (f. 113va)
- ms_i1.9.1.6 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎndrǝyās (f. 113va)
- ms_i1.9.1.7 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabuna Gabra S (f. 113va)
- ms_i1.9.2 (complete), 2th Miyāzyā (ff. 113va-113vb)
- ms_i1.9.2.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAkrǝsṭǝforos (ff. 113va-113vb)
- ms_i1.9.2.2 (complete), Commemoration of Malālʾel (f. 113vb)
- ms_i1.9.2.3 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon of Ḥalib (f. 113vb)
- ms_i1.9.2.4 (complete), Commemoration of Filǝṗṗos, Lodyā and their children (f. 113vb)
- ms_i1.9.3 (complete), 3th Miyāzyā (ff. 113vb-114rb)
- ms_i1.9.3.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs, bishop of Jerusalem (f. 114ra)
- ms_i1.9.3.2 (complete), Commemoration of Mikāʾel, patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 114ra-114rb)
- ms_i1.9.3.3 (complete), Commemoration of Mārqos the patriarch, Fokā and Senāte (f. 114rb)
- ms_i1.9.4 (complete), 4th Miyāzyā (ff. 114rb-114va)
- ms_i1.9.4.1 (complete), Commemoration of Fiqṭor, Dākiyos and Bǝreni (ff. 114rb-114va)
- ms_i1.9.5 (complete), 5th Miyāzyā (ff. 114va-115rb)
- ms_i1.9.5.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ḥǝzqǝʾel (ff. 114va-115rb)
- ms_i1.9.5.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAflānis, Tāʾodrā, ʾArsāni (f. 115rb)
- ms_i1.9.6 (complete), 6th Miyāzyā (ff. 115rb-116va)
- ms_i1.9.6.1 (complete), Commemoration of the creation (ff. 115rb-115va)
- ms_i1.9.6.2 (complete), Commemoration of Noḫ (f. 115va)
- ms_i1.9.6.3 (complete), Commemoration of Dāwit (ff. 115va-115vb)
- ms_i1.9.6.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAddām (f. 115vb)
- ms_i1.9.6.5 (complete), Commemoration of Ḥewān (f. 115vb)
- ms_i1.9.6.6 (complete), Commemoration of the consecration of the tabernacle (ff. 115vb-116ra)
- ms_i1.9.6.7 (complete), Commemoration of Māryām the Egyptian (ff. 116ra-116rb)
- ms_i1.9.6.8 (complete), Christ appears to Tomās (ff. 116rb-116va)
- ms_i1.9.6.9 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Māıqos (f. 116va)
- ms_i1.9.7 (complete), 7th Miyāzyā (ff. 116va-117ra)
- ms_i1.9.7.1 (complete), Commemoration of the second day of the dedication of the tabernacle (f. 116va)
- ms_i1.9.7.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIyoʾaqem (ff. 116va-116vb)
- ms_i1.9.7.3 (complete), Commemoration of the second day of creation, with excerpt (ff. 116vb-117ra)
- ms_i1.9.7.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAgābǝs and Tāʾodrā (f. 117ra)
- ms_i1.9.7.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Maqrufā (f. 117ra)
- ms_i1.9.7.6 (complete), Commemoration of the country of the blessed and ʾabbā Zosimās (f. 117ra)
- ms_i1.9.7.7 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭidaṭrǝs, Mefelsāyos and Dāsyos (f. 117ra)
- ms_i1.9.8 (complete), 8th Miyāzyā (ff. 117ra-117vb)
- ms_i1.9.8.1 (complete), Commemoration of the third day of creation, with excerpt (ff. 117ra-117va)
- ms_i1.9.8.2 (complete), Commemoration of the third day of dedication of the tabernacle (f. 117va)
- ms_i1.9.8.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAgāṗis, ʾAyreni and Sānonyā (f. 117va)
- ms_i1.9.8.4 (complete), Commemoration of 150 martyrs by the king of Fārs (f. 117va)
- ms_i1.9.8.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabuna Yosef, ʾIsāyǝyyās (ff. 117va-117vb)
- ms_i1.9.9 (complete), 9th Miyāzyā (ff. 117vb-118vb)
- ms_i1.9.9.1 (complete), Commemoration of the fourth day of creation (ff. 117vb-118ra)
- ms_i1.9.9.2 (complete), Commemoration of the fourth day of the dedication of the tabernacle (f. 118ra)
- ms_i1.9.9.3 (complete), Commemoration of Zosimās (ff. 118ra-118vb)
- ms_i1.9.9.4 (complete), Commemoration of Sinodosyǝs the patriarch of Alexandria (f. 118vb)
- ms_i1.9.10 (complete), 10th Miyāzyā (ff. 118vb-119rb)
- ms_i1.9.10.1 (complete), Commemoration of the fifth day of creation, with excerpt (ff. 118vb-119ra)
- ms_i1.9.10.2 (complete), Commemoration of the fifth day of the dedication of the tabernacle (f. 119ra)
- ms_i1.9.10.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwsānyos (f. 119ra)
- ms_i1.9.10.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yǝskā (f. 119ra)
- ms_i1.9.10.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Gabrǝʾel, patriach of Alexandria (ff. 119ra-119rb)
- ms_i1.9.10.6 (complete), Commemoration of King Ṣanāryor and ʾabbā Yǝsḥaq (f. 119rb)
- ms_i1.9.11 (complete), 11th Miyāzyā (ff. 119rb-119vb)
- ms_i1.9.11.1 (complete), Commemoration of the sixth day of creation, with excerpt (ff. 119rb-119va)
- ms_i1.9.11.2 (complete), Commemoration of the sixth day of the dedication of the tabernacle (ff. 119va-119vb)
- ms_i1.9.11.3 (complete), Commemoration of Tāʾodrā (f. 119vb)
- ms_i1.9.11.4 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs, bishop of Gāzā (f. 119vb)
- ms_i1.9.11.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bakimos, Sǝmʿon and Tāʾodrā the governor (f. 119vb)
- ms_i1.9.12 (complete), 12th Miyāzyā (ff. 119vb-120vb)
- ms_i1.9.12.1 (complete), Commemoration of the seventh day of creation, with excerpts (ff. 119vb-120va)
- ms_i1.9.12.2 (complete), Commemoration of the seventh day of the dedication of the tabernacle (f. 120va)
- ms_i1.9.12.3 (complete), Commemoration of Mikāʾel (f. 120va)
- ms_i1.9.12.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎlla ʾƎskǝndǝros, patriarch of Jerusalem (ff. 120va-120vb)
- ms_i1.9.12.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎnṭonǝs (f. 120vb)
- ms_i1.9.12.6 (complete), Commemoration of ʾEsdǝros and Gāyyos (f. 120vb)
- ms_i1.9.12.7 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIyoʾel, Yulyānu and ʾƎlla ʾƎskǝndǝros (f. 120vb)
- ms_i1.9.13 (complete), 13th Miyāzyā (ff. 120vb-121ra)
- ms_i1.9.13.1 (complete), Commemoration of Adam naming the animals (ff. 120vb-121ra)
- ms_i1.9.13.2 (complete), Commemoration of the eighth day of the dedication of the tabernacle (f. 121ra)
- ms_i1.9.13.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yǝsāʿ and ʾabbā Yosef (f. 121ra)
- ms_i1.9.13.4 (complete), Commemoration of Diyonis (f. 121ra)
- ms_i1.9.13.5 (complete), Commemoration of Dǝmyānos (f. 121ra)
- ms_i1.9.13.6 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabuna ʾAklisātemos and five monks (f. 121ra)
- ms_i1.9.14 (complete), 14th Miyāzyā (ff. 121ra-121rb)
- ms_i1.9.14.1 (complete), Commemoration of Adam naming the animals (f. 121ra)
- ms_i1.9.14.2 (complete), Commemoration of the ninth day of the dedication of the tabernacle (f. 121ra)
- ms_i1.9.14.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Maksimos, patriarch of Alexandria (ff. 121ra-121rb)
- ms_i1.9.15 (complete), 15th Miyāzyā (ff. 121rb-121vb)
- ms_i1.9.15.1 (complete), Commemoration of Adam naming the birds (f. 121rb)
- ms_i1.9.15.2 (complete), Commemoration of the tenth day of the dedication of the tabernacle (f. 121rb)
- ms_i1.9.15.3 (complete), Commemoration of consecration of the first church of the Jacobites in Egypt (ff. 121rb-121va)
- ms_i1.9.15.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAgābos (f. 121va)
- ms_i1.9.15.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎlla Sǝkǝndǝryā (ff. 121va-121vb)
- ms_i1.9.16 (complete), 16th Miyāzyā (ff. 121vb-122ra)
- ms_i1.9.16.1 (complete), Commemoration of Adam naming the crawling animals (f. 121vb)
- ms_i1.9.16.2 (complete), Commemoration of the eleventh day of the dedication of the tabernacle (f. 121vb)
- ms_i1.9.16.3 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the assumption of Mary (f. 121vb)
- ms_i1.9.16.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎntinos (ff. 121vb-122ra)
- ms_i1.9.16.5 (complete), Commemoration of Sābā and ʾabbā ʾAtinos (f. 122ra)
- ms_i1.9.16.6 (complete), Excerpt from Qalemǝnṭos on the fall of the devil on the fourth day of the second week (f. 122ra)
- ms_i1.9.17 (complete), 17th Miyāzyā (ff. 122ra-122vb)
- ms_i1.9.17.1 (complete), Commemoration of the fifth day of the second week of creation, with excerpts (ff. 122ra-122va)
- ms_i1.9.17.2 (complete), Commemoration of the twelfth day of the dedication of the tabernacle (f. 122va)
- ms_i1.9.17.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob (ff. 122va-122vb)
- ms_i1.9.17.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAnǝsyos the deacon (f. 122vb)
- ms_i1.9.18 (complete), 18th Miyāzyā (ff. 122vb-123ra)
- ms_i1.9.18.1 (complete), Commemoration of the creation of Eve (ff. 122vb-123ra)
- ms_i1.9.18.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwsǝnyos (f. 123ra)
- ms_i1.9.18.3 (complete), Commemoration of the martyrs of Ṭarsos (f. 123ra)
- ms_i1.9.19 (complete), 19th Miyāzyā (ff. 123ra-124vb)
- ms_i1.9.19.1 (complete), Excerpts on the sacrifice of Isaac (ff. 123ra-124vb)
- ms_i1.9.19.2 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon, bishop of Fārs (f. 124vb)
- ms_i1.9.19.3 (complete), Commemoration of Gabrǝʾel (f. 124vb)
- ms_i1.9.20 (complete), 20th Miyāzyā (ff. 124vb-125ra)
- ms_i1.9.20.1 (complete), Commemoration of the first feast of unleavened breads (f. 124vb)
- ms_i1.9.20.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bābnodā (ff. 124vb-125ra)
- ms_i1.9.20.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAmoni (f. 125ra)
- ms_i1.9.20.4 (complete), Commemoration of Gerǝllos, his wife, his daughter and twelve children (f. 125ra)
- ms_i1.9.21 (complete), 21st Miyāzyā (ff. 125ra-125rb)
- ms_i1.9.21.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mary (f. 125ra)
- ms_i1.9.21.2 (complete), Commemoration of Bǝrutāwos (ff. 125ra-125rb)
- ms_i1.9.21.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAkrǝskos, Yǝqridos, Yǝyorās (f. 125rb)
- ms_i1.9.22 (complete), 22nd Miyāzyā (ff. 125rb-126va)
- ms_i1.9.22.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yǝsḥaq (ff. 125rb-126ra)
- ms_i1.9.22.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yǝsḥaq (ff. 126ra-126va)
- ms_i1.9.22.3 (complete), Commemoration of Mārqos, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 126va)
- ms_i1.9.23 (complete), 23rd Miyāzyā (ff. 126va-128ra)
- ms_i1.9.23.1 (complete), Commemoration of Giyorgis (ff. 126va-128ra)
- ms_i1.9.23.2 (complete), Commemoration of all saints (f. 128ra)
- ms_i1.9.24 (complete), 24th Miyāzyā (ff. 128ra-128rb)
- ms_i1.9.24.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝnā (ff. 128ra-128rb)
- ms_i1.9.24.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Sānotyos, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 128rb)
- ms_i1.9.24.3 (complete), Consecration of Dabra Sinā and ʾabbā Yǝsdǝrā of Sinā, Anotewos, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 128rb)
- ms_i1.9.25 (complete), 25th Miyāzyā (ff. 128rb-128va)
- ms_i1.9.25.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sārā and her children (f. 128rb)
- ms_i1.9.25.2 (complete), Commemoration of Bābnodā and Tāʾodrā and 100 martyrs (f. 128rb)
- ms_i1.9.25.3 (complete), Commemoration of Dorā and ʾabbā Yoḥannǝs the patriarch (ff. 128rb-128va)
- ms_i1.9.26 (complete), 26th Miyāzyā (ff. 128va-129ra)
- ms_i1.9.26.1 (complete), Commemoration of Susǝnyos (f. 128va)
- ms_i1.9.26.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs (ff. 128va-128vb)
- ms_i1.9.26.3 (complete), Commemoration of Sāsyos, Sǝbǝbiṭārās, ʾabbā Sǝrgā, Dǝrāyǝk and Sāyǝs (f. 128vb)
- ms_i1.9.26.4 (complete), End of the feast of unleavened bread (f. 129ra)
- ms_i1.9.27 (complete), 27th Miyāzyā (ff. 129ra-129rb)
- ms_i1.9.27.1 (complete), Commemoration of Fiqṭor (ff. 129ra-129rb)
- ms_i1.9.28 (complete), 28th Miyāzyā (ff. 129rb-129va)
- ms_i1.9.28.1 (complete), Commemoration of Mablǝyos (f. 129rb)
- ms_i1.9.28.2 (complete), Commemoration of Wāslikos and many martyrs (f. 129rb)
- ms_i1.9.28.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām, Yǝshāq and Yāʿqob (ff. 129rb-129va)
- ms_i1.9.29 (complete), 29th Miyāzyā (ff. 129va-129vb)
- ms_i1.9.29.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Christ (f. 129va)
- ms_i1.9.29.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾArǝsṭos (f. 129va)
- ms_i1.9.29.3 (complete), Commemoration of Gāgǝyos (ff. 129va-129vb)
- ms_i1.9.29.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Gamso (f. 129vb)
- ms_i1.9.30 (complete), 30th Miyāzyā (ff. 129vb-130rb)
- ms_i1.9.30.1 (complete), Commemoration of Mārqos the Evangelist (ff. 129vb-130rb)
- ms_i1.10 (complete), Gǝnbot (ff. 130rb-146rb)
- ms_i1.10.1 (complete), 1th Gǝnbot (ff. 130rb-132rb)
- ms_i1.10.1.1 (complete), Commemoration of the birth of Mary, with excerpts (ff. 130rb-132rb)
- ms_i1.10.2 (complete), 2nd Gǝnbot (ff. 132rb-134ra)
- ms_i1.10.2.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIyob (ff. 132rb-134ra)
- ms_i1.10.2.2 (complete), Commemoration of Tewodros (f. 134ra)
- ms_i1.10.2.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾEsi's companions (f. 134ra)
- ms_i1.10.2.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAmmǝḫā Ṣǝyon, ʿaqqābe saʿāt of Ḥayq (f. 134ra)
- ms_i1.10.3 (complete), 3rd Gǝnbot (ff. 134ra-134rb)
- ms_i1.10.3.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yāsǝn (f. 134ra)
- ms_i1.10.3.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwsǝmos the priest and Semǝn the martyr (f. 134ra)
- ms_i1.10.4 (complete), 4th Gǝnbot (f. 134rb)
- ms_i1.10.4.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 134rb)
- ms_i1.10.4.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎbsoy the martyr (f. 134rb)
- ms_i1.10.4.3 (complete), Commemoration of Sosimā, ʾabbā Nodā (f. 134rb)
- ms_i1.10.4.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Mikāʾel of Ethiopia (f. 134rb)
- ms_i1.10.5 (complete), 5th Gǝnbot (ff. 134rb-137va)
- ms_i1.10.5.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎrmǝyās, with excerpts (ff. 134rb-137rb)
- ms_i1.10.5.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs, Danāsyos and Samrāwit (ff. 137b-137va)
- ms_i1.10.6 (complete), 6th Gǝnbot (ff. 137va-137vb)
- ms_i1.10.6.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yǝsḥaq (f. 137va)
- ms_i1.10.6.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Maqāryos (ff. 137va-137vb)
- ms_i1.10.6.3 (complete), Commemoration of Bābnodā (f. 137vb)
- ms_i1.10.6.4 (complete), Commemoration of one of three and ʾAysǝsāq and ʾƎndrās (f. 137vb)
- ms_i1.10.6.5 (complete), Commemoration of Gabaza ʾAksum (f. 137vb)
- ms_i1.10.7 (complete), 7th Gǝnbot (ff. 137vb-138ra)
- ms_i1.10.7.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yǝsḥaq (ff. 137vb-138ra)
- ms_i1.10.8 (complete), 8th Gǝnbot (ff. 138ra-139vb)
- ms_i1.10.8.1 (complete), Commemoration of the ascension of Christ, with excerpts (ff. 138ra-139va)
- ms_i1.10.8.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs of Sǝnhut (ff. 139va-139vb)
- ms_i1.10.8.3 (complete), Commemoration of Dānǝʾel (f. 139vb)
- ms_i1.10.8.4 (complete), Commemoration of the companions of Yoḥannǝs of Sǝnḥut in the church of Sǝbrā ʾƎlkiyǝmā, where our Lord ascended into Heaven, Lus and Mātiyās, nǝbura ʾǝd of Sihāt (f. 139vb)
- ms_i1.10.9 (complete), 9th Gǝnbot (ff. 139vb-140ra)
- ms_i1.10.9.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎleni (ff. 139vb-140ra)
- ms_i1.10.9.2 (complete), Commemoration of Baydor, Helonā the queen and Sǝlwānos (f. 140ra)
- ms_i1.10.10 (complete), 10th Gǝnbot (f. 140ra)
- ms_i1.10.10.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAnānyā, ʾAzāryā and Misāʾel (f. 140ra)
- ms_i1.10.10.2 (complete), Commemoration of the companions of ʾabbā Nob (f. 140ra)
- ms_i1.10.10.3 (complete), Commemoration of Taklā and Fok (f. 140ra)
- ms_i1.10.10.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām ḍarābi (f. 140ra)
- ms_i1.10.10.5 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the patriarch (f. 140ra)
- ms_i1.10.11 (complete), 11th Gǝnbot (ff. 140ra-140rb)
- ms_i1.10.11.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yāred (f. 140ra)
- ms_i1.10.11.2 (complete), Commemoration of Taʾawkǝlyā (f. 140rb)
- ms_i1.10.11.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAfomyā (f. 140rb)
- ms_i1.10.11.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Fǝnotyot the bishop (f. 140rb)
- ms_i1.10.11.5 (complete), Commemoration of the martyrs and consecration of the church of ʾabbā Baftǝyos, ʾabbā Bakimos, ʾAbladena and Yolyos (f. 140rb)
- ms_i1.10.12 (complete), 12th Gǝnbot (ff. 140rb-140va)
- ms_i1.10.12.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Michael (f. 140rb)
- ms_i1.10.12.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs ʾAfa Warq (f. 140rb)
- ms_i1.10.12.3 (complete), Commemoration of the cross on Golgotā (f. 140rb)
- ms_i1.10.12.4 (complete), Commemoration of Minās the deacon and ʾƎsṭifānos (f. 140rb)
- ms_i1.10.12.5 (complete), Commemoration of Yāred (ff. 140rb-140va)
- ms_i1.10.13 (complete), 13th Gǝnbot (f. 140va)
- ms_i1.10.13.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾArsānyos (f. 140va)
- ms_i1.10.13.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the Evangelist and ʾAwsānyos (f. 140va)
- ms_i1.10.14 (complete), 14th Gǝnbot (ff. 140va-140vb)
- ms_i1.10.14.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗakʷǝmis (ff. 140va-140vb)
- ms_i1.10.14.2 (complete), Commemoration of the martyr monk, the martyrs and ʾArsaledǝs (f. 140vb)
- ms_i1.10.14.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbimākos and ʾAbreqāni (f. 140vb)
- ms_i1.10.15 (complete), 15th Gǝnbot (ff. 140vb-141ra)
- ms_i1.10.15.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon (ff. 140vb-141ra)
- ms_i1.10.15.2 (complete), Commemoration of the martyrs of Dandarā (f. 141ra)
- ms_i1.10.15.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yǝhudā and ʾabbā Hor (f. 141ra)
- ms_i1.10.16 (complete), 16th Gǝnbot (ff. 141ra-142ra)
- ms_i1.10.16.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the ascension of Mary (f. 141ra)
- ms_i1.10.16.2 (complete), Commemoration of Sirāk, with excerpts (ff. 141ra-141vb)
- ms_i1.10.16.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the Evangelist (f. 141vb)
- ms_i1.10.16.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbifǝnǝwos the bishop and Yǝmnǝwos (ff. 141vb-142ra)
- ms_i1.10.17 (complete), 17th Gǝnbot (f. 142ra)
- ms_i1.10.17.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾEfānyos (f. 142ra)
- ms_i1.10.17.2 (complete), Commemoration of the entry of Noḫ and his children into the Ark (f. 142ra)
- ms_i1.10.17.3 (complete), Commemoration of the exit of Noḫ and his children from the Ark (f. 142ra)
- ms_i1.10.18 (complete), 18th Gǝnbot (ff. 142ra-142vb)
- ms_i1.10.18.1 (complete), Commemoration of Pentecost, with excerpts (ff. 142ra-142vb)
- ms_i1.10.18.2 (complete), Commemoration of Gargāh (f. 142vb)
- ms_i1.10.18.3 (complete), Commemoration of Sinodā the martyr (f. 142vb)
- ms_i1.10.19 (complete), 19th Gǝnbot (f. 142vb)
- ms_i1.10.19.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yǝsḥaq (f. 142vb)
- ms_i1.10.19.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAysdǝros (f. 142vb)
- ms_i1.10.19.3 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Gabrǝʾel (f. 142vb)
- ms_i1.10.20 (complete), 20th Gǝnbot (ff. 142vb-143ra)
- ms_i1.10.20.1 (complete), Commemoration of Adam's entry into Paradise, with excerpt (f. 143ra)
- ms_i1.10.20.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAmonyos (f. 143ra)
- ms_i1.10.20.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Herodā's companions (f. 143ra)
- ms_i1.10.20.4 (complete), Commemoration of Kāleb (f. 143ra)
- ms_i1.10.20.5 (complete), Commemoration of Zakāryās the Antiochene (f. 143ra)
- ms_i1.10.21 (complete), 21st Gǝnbot (ff. 143ra-143rb)
- ms_i1.10.21.1 (complete), Commemoration (f. 143ra)
- ms_i1.10.21.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAron the Syrian (f. 143ra)
- ms_i1.10.21.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAmoṣ and Mardarā (f. 143ra)
- ms_i1.10.22 (complete), 22nd Gǝnbot (ff. 143rb-144rb)
- ms_i1.10.22.1 (complete), Commemoration of the fall of man, with excerpts (ff. 143rb-144ra)
- ms_i1.10.22.2 (complete), Commemoration of the end of the flood, with excerpts (ff. 144ra-144rb)
- ms_i1.10.22.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAndroniqos (f. 144rb)
- ms_i1.10.22.4 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob, Yolyānos and his mother (f. 144rb)
- ms_i1.10.23 (complete), 23rd Gǝnbot (f. 144rb)
- ms_i1.10.23.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yolyos (f. 144rb)
- ms_i1.10.23.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAnǝsyā, ʾAfrādiṭas, Yolyās, Tāʾodriṭos (f. 144rb)
- ms_i1.10.23.3 (complete), Commemoration of Tāʾodros (f. 144rb)
- ms_i1.10.24 (complete), 24th Gǝnbot (f. 144va)
- ms_i1.10.24.1 (complete), Commemoration of the arrival of Christ in Egypt (f. 144va)
- ms_i1.10.24.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎnbāqom the prophet (f. 144va)
- ms_i1.10.24.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbuqaltā (f. 144va)
- ms_i1.10.24.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAlʿāzār (f. 144va)
- ms_i1.10.24.5 (complete), Commemoration of Salome (f. 144va)
- ms_i1.10.24.6 (complete), Commemoration of ʾĀklodis and Tewoflās (f. 144va)
- ms_i1.10.24.7 (complete), Commemoration of Māryu (f. 144va)
- ms_i1.10.25 (complete), 25th Gǝnbot (ff. 144va-144vb)
- ms_i1.10.25.1 (complete), Commemoration of Lonǝs (f. 144va)
- ms_i1.10.25.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Herodā and his companions (f. 144va)
- ms_i1.10.25.3 (complete), Commemoration of our Lord's planting of Yosef's branches (f. 144va)
- ms_i1.10.25.4 (complete), Commemoration of Balāwos, ʾƎlontǝren, Rāmnisā, 240 martyrs, Qʷasṭanṭinos and Helā, ʾabbā Kirākos, ʾabbā Gabra Krǝstos (ff. 144va-144vb)
- ms_i1.10.25.5 (complete), Prohibition of eating the from the tree of knowledge, with excerpts (f. 144vb)
- ms_i1.10.26 (complete), 26th Gǝnbot (ff. 144vb-145vb)
- ms_i1.10.26.1 (complete), Commemoration of Tomās (ff. 144vb-145va)
- ms_i1.10.26.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎlfāws and Zakaryās (ff. 145va-145vb)
- ms_i1.10.27 (complete), 27th Gǝnbot (f. 145vb)
- ms_i1.10.27.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 145vb)
- ms_i1.10.27.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAlʿāzār (f. 145vb)
- ms_i1.10.27.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the priest (f. 145vb)
- ms_i1.10.28 (complete), 28th Gǝnbot (f. 145vb)
- ms_i1.10.28.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām, Yǝsḥaq and Yāʿqob (f. 145vb)
- ms_i1.10.28.2 (complete), Translation of ʾAbifānyos (f. 145vb)
- ms_i1.10.28.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Sanāṭā and ʾArgābos (f. 145vb)
- ms_i1.10.29 (complete), 29th Gǝnbot (ff. 145vb-146ra)
- ms_i1.10.29.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Christ (f. 145vb)
- ms_i1.10.29.2 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon (f. 145vb)
- ms_i1.10.29.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎskǝndǝr the king (ff. 145vb-146ra)
- ms_i1.10.29.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAngǝlhā and Yǝsḥaq the monk (f. 146ra)
- ms_i1.10.29.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAfṣe (f. 146ra)
- ms_i1.10.30 (complete), 30th Gǝnbot (ff. 146ra-146rb)
- ms_i1.10.30.1 (complete), Commemoration of Mikāʾel, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 146ra)
- ms_i1.10.30.2 (complete), Commemoration of Korǝs (f. 146ra)
- ms_i1.10.30.3 (complete), Commemoration of Demādis (f. 146ra)
- ms_i1.10.30.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾArwā (f. 146ra)
- ms_i1.11 (complete), Sane (ff. 146rb-167ra)
- ms_i1.11.1 (complete), 1th Sane (ff. 146rb-148rb)
- ms_i1.11.1.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Mary (f. 146rb)
- ms_i1.11.1.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yosef, with excerpts (ff. 146rb-148rb)
- ms_i1.11.1.3 (complete), Commemoration of Bafāmon, Lodyos and Tomās the patriarch of Alexandria (f. 148rb)
- ms_i1.11.2 (complete), 2nd Sane (f. 148va)
- ms_i1.11.2.1 (complete), Apparition of the relics of John the Baptist and ʾElsāʿ the prophet (f. 148va)
- ms_i1.11.2.2 (complete), Commemoration of Qerǝllos, ʾAkelṭǝs, Qawsṭas (f. 148va)
- ms_i1.11.3 (complete), 3rd Sane (f. 148vb)
- ms_i1.11.3.1 (complete), Commemoration of Mārtā (f. 148vb)
- ms_i1.11.3.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAlaryon (f. 148vb)
- ms_i1.11.3.3 (complete), Commemoration of Sārnā, Takla Samāʿtāt and Giyorgis ṣalim (f. 148vb)
- ms_i1.11.4 (complete), 4th Sane (ff. 148vb-149ra)
- ms_i1.11.4.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sanusi (ff. 148vb-149ra)
- ms_i1.11.4.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bāmot, ʾĀznāhās and Sofyā (f. 149ra)
- ms_i1.11.5 (complete), 5th Sane (f. 149ra)
- ms_i1.11.5.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob mǝsrāqāwi (f. 149ra)
- ms_i1.11.5.2 (complete), Commemoration of Marqorewos, Fǝg, ʾAblawāg and Yǝsḥaq (f. 149ra)
- ms_i1.11.5.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾĀbsāryos (f. 149ra)
- ms_i1.11.6 (complete), 6th Sane (ff. 149ra-149rb)
- ms_i1.11.6.1 (complete), Commemoration of Tāʾodoros (ff. 149ra-149rb)
- ms_i1.11.6.2 (complete), Commemoration of the 40 martyrs of Maryuṭ, 40 martyrs and Gabra Krǝstos (f. 149rb)
- ms_i1.11.7 (complete), 7th Sane (ff. 149rb-150ra)
- ms_i1.11.7.1 (complete), Noḫ's exit from the ark of covenant, with excerpts (ff. 149rb-149vb)
- ms_i1.11.7.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbaskiron (ff. 149vb-150ra)
- ms_i1.11.8 (complete), 8th Sane (ff. 150ra-150rb)
- ms_i1.11.8.1 (complete), Consecration of the church of Mary (ff. 150ra-150rb)
- ms_i1.11.8.2 (complete), Commemoration of Mādā and her children, ʾArmānos, 1000 martyrs (f. 150rb)
- ms_i1.11.8.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAtkaroni, ʾAwlogis (f. 150rb)
- ms_i1.11.9 (complete), 9th Sane (ff. 150rb-152rb)
- ms_i1.11.9.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sāmuʾel (ff. 150rb-152ra)
- ms_i1.11.9.2 (complete), Commemoration of Lukiyānos and his companions (ff. 152ra-152rb)
- ms_i1.11.9.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs the bishop and ʾArkalā (f. 152rb)
- ms_i1.11.10 (complete), 10th Sane (f. 152rb)
- ms_i1.11.10.1 (complete), Commemoration of Balamun, Basṭamon and their mother (f. 152rb)
- ms_i1.11.10.2 (complete), Commemoration of the edict of Constantine (f. 152rb)
- ms_i1.11.10.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAqlimos, ʾabbā Nāʾan, Yǝskā (f. 152rb)
- ms_i1.11.10.4 (complete), Commemoration of the companions of ʾabbā Nob (f. 152rb)
- ms_i1.11.11 (complete), 11th Sane (ff. 152va-152vb)
- ms_i1.11.11.1 (complete), Commemoration of Galāwdewos (ff. 152va-152vb)
- ms_i1.11.11.2 (complete), Consecration of the tābot of 40 martyrs (f. 152vb)
- ms_i1.11.11.3 (complete), Commemoration of Kirubyānu the patriarch (f. 152vb)
- ms_i1.11.12 (complete), 12th Sane (ff. 152vb-153ra)
- ms_i1.11.12.1 (complete), Commemoration of Michael (ff. 152vb-153ra)
- ms_i1.11.12.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yosṭos the patriarch (f. 153ra)
- ms_i1.11.12.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAfomyā (f. 153ra)
- ms_i1.11.12.4 (complete), Commemoration of Lālibalā and Masqal Kǝbrā (f. 153ra)
- ms_i1.11.13 (complete), 13th Sane (ff. 153ra-153rb)
- ms_i1.11.13.1 (complete), Commemoration of Michael and the heavenly hosts (ff. 153ra-153rb)
- ms_i1.11.13.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs, bishop of Jerusalem (f. 153rb)
- ms_i1.11.13.3 (complete), Commemoration of Gabrǝʾel in Egypt (f. 153rb)
- ms_i1.11.13.4 (complete), Commemoration of Qaynān (f. 153rb)
- ms_i1.11.13.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbulāg and many martyrs (f. 153rb)
- ms_i1.11.13.6 (complete), Commemoration of ʾābuna Mātyān (f. 153rb)
- ms_i1.11.14 (complete), 14th Sane (ff. 153rb-153va)
- ms_i1.11.14.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾĀbekarā, Yoḥannǝs, ʾAbṭalmā, Filǝbbā (ff. 153rb-153va)
- ms_i1.11.14.2 (complete), Third feast of Gabrǝʾel (f. 153va)
- ms_i1.11.15 (complete), 15th Sane (f. 153va)
- ms_i1.11.15.1 (complete), Commemoration of Minās, reading of his miracle (f. 153va)
- ms_i1.11.15.2 (complete), Commemoration of Barnābās (f. 153va)
- ms_i1.11.16 (complete), 16th Sane (ff. 153va-154ra)
- ms_i1.11.16.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbunāfǝr (ff. 153va-153vb)
- ms_i1.11.16.2 (complete), Commemoration of Gabriel's visit to Joseph and the flight to Egypt (ff. 153vb-154ra)
- ms_i1.11.16.3 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mary's assumption (f. 154ra)
- ms_i1.11.16.4 (complete), Commemoration of Yǝkunno ʾAmlāk (f. 154ra)
- ms_i1.11.17 (complete), 17th Sane (ff. 154ra-156va)
- ms_i1.11.17.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Latṣun (ff. 154ra-154va)
- ms_i1.11.17.2 (complete), Commemoration of Garimā (ff. 154va-155rb)
- ms_i1.11.17.3 (complete), Commemoration of the righteous of ʿĀkʷaren, ʾabbā Ṗalamon, Bartalomewos, ʾƎskǝndǝryā, ʾAskandǝros, Yosef, ʾArsimā (ff. 155rb-155va)
- ms_i1.11.18 (complete), 18th Sane (f. 155va)
- ms_i1.11.18.1 (complete), Commemoration of Dǝmyānos (f. 155va)
- ms_i1.11.18.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIsdǝros the martyr (f. 155va)
- ms_i1.11.19 (complete), 19th Sane (ff. 155va-155vb)
- ms_i1.11.19.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Gabrǝʾel (f. 155va)
- ms_i1.11.19.2 (complete), Commemoration of the fathers of Dabra Qʷāʿāt (f. 155va)
- ms_i1.11.19.3 (complete), Commemoration of the five soldiers (f. 155va)
- ms_i1.11.19.4 (complete), Commemoration of Giyorgis ḥaddis (ff. 155va-155vb)
- ms_i1.11.19.5 (complete), Commemoration of Bǝsoy (f. 155vb)
- ms_i1.11.20 (complete), 20th Sane (ff. 155vb-156ra)
- ms_i1.11.20.1 (complete), Construction of the church of Mary, with excerpts (ff. 155vb-156ra)
- ms_i1.11.20.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾĀrsǝgǝl and Minā (f. 156ra)
- ms_i1.11.20.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾElsāʿ the prophet (f. 156ra)
- ms_i1.11.21 (complete), 21st Sane (ff. 156ra-158ra)
- ms_i1.11.21.1 (complete), Commemoration of the feast of unleavened bread, with excerpts (ff. 156ra-157ra)
- ms_i1.11.21.2 (complete), Commemoration of Mary (ff. 157ra-158ra)
- ms_i1.11.21.3 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos (f. 158ra)
- ms_i1.11.21.4 (complete), Commemoration of Kirgis the patriarch (f. 158ra)
- ms_i1.11.21.5 (complete), Commemoration of the myron, invention of the relics of ʾAstāfǝn (f. 158ra)
- ms_i1.11.22 (complete), 22nd Sane (ff. 158rb-158va)
- ms_i1.11.22.1 (complete), Muse receives the tables of commandment, with excerpts (ff. 158rb-158va)
- ms_i1.11.22.2 (complete), Commemoration of Qozmos and Dǝmyānos (f. 158va)
- ms_i1.11.22.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIsāyǝyyās of Jerusalem (f. 158va)
- ms_i1.11.23 (complete), 23rd Sane (ff. 158va-162ra)
- ms_i1.11.23.1 (complete), Commemoration of Salomon, with excerpts (ff. 158va-162ra)
- ms_i1.11.23.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Marqorā, Tomās, Fiṗṗos and ʾAmoṣ (f. 162ra)
- ms_i1.11.24 (complete), 24th Sane (ff. 162ra-162rb)
- ms_i1.11.24.1 (complete), Commemoration of Muse ṣalim (ff. 162ra-162rb)
- ms_i1.11.24.2 (complete), Commemoration of Bāsǝlewos (f. 162rb)
- ms_i1.11.25 (complete), 25th Sane (f. 162rb)
- ms_i1.11.25.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yǝhudā (f. 162rb)
- ms_i1.11.25.2 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 162rb)
- ms_i1.11.25.3 (complete), Kǝramt (f. 162rb)
- ms_i1.11.25.4 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros and Ṗāwlos, Fǝrenā, Ṗilāṭos (f. 162rb)
- ms_i1.11.26 (complete), 26th Sane (ff. 162va-165rb)
- ms_i1.11.26.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIyāsu the prophet (ff. 162va-165rb)
- ms_i1.11.26.2 (complete), Consecration of the church of Gabrǝʾel (f. 165rb)
- ms_i1.11.26.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs (f. 165rb)
- ms_i1.11.26.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Kǝfǝl (f. 165rb)
- ms_i1.11.27 (complete), 27th Sane (ff. 165rb-165va)
- ms_i1.11.27.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ḥanānyā (f. 165rb)
- ms_i1.11.27.2 (complete), Commemoration of Tomās (ff. 165rb-165va)
- ms_i1.11.27.3 (complete), Commemoration of 24 martyrs, Māmās, Silās (f. 165va)
- ms_i1.11.27.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAlʿāzār (f. 165va)
- ms_i1.11.28 (complete), 28th Sane (ff. 165va-165vb)
- ms_i1.11.28.1 (complete), Commemoration of Tāʾodosyos the patriarch (f. 165va)
- ms_i1.11.28.2 (complete), Monthly commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām, Yǝsḥaq and Yāʿqob (f. 165va)
- ms_i1.11.28.3 (complete), Commemoration of Bāsǝlyos, Bifānitis and Marqorewos (f. 165va)
- ms_i1.11.29 (complete), 29th Sane (ff. 165vb-167ra)
- ms_i1.11.29.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Christ (f. 165vb)
- ms_i1.11.29.2 (complete), Commemoration of the monks of Dabra Tonā (f. 165vb)
- ms_i1.11.29.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Ḥor, ʾabbā ʾAbsoy and Dedrā (f. 165vb)
- ms_i1.11.29.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Mārqos (ff. 165vb-166vb)
- ms_i1.11.29.5 (complete), Commemoration of Tewodros (ff. 166vb-167ra)
- ms_i1.11.29.6 (complete), Commemoration of Lǝlǝsā (f. 167ra)
- ms_i1.11.30 (complete), 30th Sane (f. 167ra)
- ms_i1.11.30.1 (complete), Commemoration of the birth of John the Baptist (f. 167ra)
- ms_i1.11.30.2 (complete), Commemoration of Mārtā and Māryā (f. 167ra)
- ms_i1.11.30.3 (complete), Commemoration of Gabra Krǝstos (f. 167ra)
- ms_i1.12 (complete), Ḥamle (ff. 167rb-196ra)
- ms_i1.12.1 (complete), 1th Ḥamle (ff. 167rb-167va)
- ms_i1.12.1.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Mary (f. 167rb)
- ms_i1.12.1.2 (complete), Commemoration of Qafronyā (f. 167rb)
- ms_i1.12.1.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbuhi and Bǝnyāmi (ff. 167rb-167va)
- ms_i1.12.1.4 (complete), Commemoration of a miracle of Tomās (f. 167va)
- ms_i1.12.1.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAgnāṭǝyos the patriarch (f. 167va)
- ms_i1.12.2 (complete), 2nd Ḥamle (ff. 167va-168rb)
- ms_i1.12.2.1 (complete), Commemoration of Tādewos (ff. 167va-168ra)
- ms_i1.12.2.2 (complete), Commemoration of Wakālyos the patriarch of Rome, Bartalomewos and Gabra Madḫǝn (f. 168ra)
- ms_i1.12.3 (complete), 3rd Ḥamle (ff. 168rb-168va)
- ms_i1.12.3.1 (complete), Commemoration of Surāfel and Kirubel (f. 168rb)
- ms_i1.12.3.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Qerǝllos (ff. 168rb-168va)
- ms_i1.12.3.3 (complete), Commemoration of Krǝstinyos (f. 168va)
- ms_i1.12.3.4 (complete), Commemoration of Muse the priest (f. 168va)
- ms_i1.12.4 (complete), 4th Ḥamle (ff. 168va-169rb)
- ms_i1.12.4.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sofonyās (ff. 168va-169rb)
- ms_i1.12.4.2 (complete), Commemoration of the twelve minor prophets (f. 169rb)
- ms_i1.12.4.3 (complete), Translation of the relics of ʾAbuqir and Yoḥannǝs (f. 169rb)
- ms_i1.12.4.4 (complete), Commemoration of Kirākos and Bimen (f. 169rb)
- ms_i1.12.5 (complete), 5th Ḥamle (ff. 169rb-183va)
- ms_i1.12.5.1 (complete), Commemoration of the apostles, with excerpts (ff. 169rb-182vb)
- ms_i1.12.5.2 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros and Ṗāwlos (ff. 182vb-183va)
- ms_i1.12.5.3 (complete), Commemoration of the minor disciples (f. 183va)
- ms_i1.12.5.4 (complete), Commemoration of Yǝsḥaq the Ethiopian (f. 183va)
- ms_i1.12.5.5 (complete), Commemoration of the saints of Dabra ʿĀśā (f. 183va)
- ms_i1.12.5.6 (complete), Commemoration of Sāquʾel (f. 183va)
- ms_i1.12.6 (complete), 6th Ḥamle (ff. 183va-187vb)
- ms_i1.12.6.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʿƎzrā, with excerpts (ff. 183va-187vb)
- ms_i1.12.6.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwolmenās (f. 187vb)
- ms_i1.12.6.3 (complete), Commemoration of Tāʾodosyā, 2 monks and 12 women (f. 187vb)
- ms_i1.12.6.4 (complete), Commemoration of Kaladyānu the patriarch, Bartalomewos, 1000 martyrs (f. 187vb)
- ms_i1.12.7 (complete), 7th Ḥamle (ff. 187vb-189rb)
- ms_i1.12.6.5 (complete), Commemoration with excerpt from Kufāle (f. 187vb)
- ms_i1.12.7.1 (complete), Apparition of God to ʾAbrǝhām, with excerpts (ff. 187vb-188vb)
- ms_i1.12.7.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Maqābis (ff. 188vb-189ra)
- ms_i1.12.7.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Sinodā (ff. 189ra-189rb)
- ms_i1.12.7.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAgābyos the patriarch of Rome (f. 189rb)
- ms_i1.12.7.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIyuʾel the prophet (f. 189rb)
- ms_i1.12.7.6 (complete), Commemoration of Giyorgis of Saglā (f. 189rb)
- ms_i1.12.7.7 (complete), Commemoration of John the Baptist (f. 189rb)
- ms_i1.12.8 (complete), 8th Ḥamle (ff. 189va-190ra)
- ms_i1.12.8.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝsoy (ff. 189va-189vb)
- ms_i1.12.8.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbirom and his sister ʾAtām (f. 189vb)
- ms_i1.12.8.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝlanā (f. 189vb)
- ms_i1.12.8.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bāymā (f. 189vb)
- ms_i1.12.8.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Nob's companions (ff. 189vb-190ra)
- ms_i1.12.8.6 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Kiros (f. 190ra)
- ms_i1.12.9 (complete), 9th Ḥamle (f. 190ra)
- ms_i1.12.9.1 (complete), Commemoration of Kaladyānos, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 190ra)
- ms_i1.12.9.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAron (f. 190ra)
- ms_i1.12.10 (complete), 10th Ḥamle (ff. 190rb-190va)
- ms_i1.12.10.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon (f. 190rb)
- ms_i1.12.10.2 (complete), Commemoration of Tāʾodri (f. 190rb)
- ms_i1.12.10.3 (complete), Commemoration of Tāʾodrās (f. 190rb)
- ms_i1.12.10.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾEsi's companions (f. 190rb)
- ms_i1.12.10.5 (complete), Commemoration of Mār Māṭrā, ʾƎndrǝyās, consecration of the church of Sargis (f. 190rb)
- ms_i1.12.11 (complete), 11th Ḥamle (f. 190va)
- ms_i1.12.11.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs and Sǝmʿon (f. 190va)
- ms_i1.12.11.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾIsāyǝyyās (f. 190va)
- ms_i1.12.11.3 (complete), Commemoration of Dǝmyānos (f. 190va)
- ms_i1.12.12 (complete), 12th Ḥamle (f. 190va)
- ms_i1.12.12.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Michael (f. 190va)
- ms_i1.12.12.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Hor (f. 190va)
- ms_i1.12.13 (complete), 13th Ḥamle (ff. 190va-190vb)
- ms_i1.12.13.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bǝsǝndā (f. 190va)
- ms_i1.12.13.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Mon (ff. 190va-190vb)
- ms_i1.12.13.3 (complete), Commemoration of Maqārǝs (f. 190vb)
- ms_i1.12.14 (complete), 14th Ḥamle (f. 190vb)
- ms_i1.12.14.1 (complete), Commemoration of Susǝnyos/ʾAbrokonyos (f. 190vb)
- ms_i1.12.14.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bataborā, Maqārǝs and Muse (f. 190vb)
- ms_i1.12.15 (complete), 15th Ḥamle (ff. 190vb-191vb)
- ms_i1.12.15.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾEfrem (ff. 190vb-191ra)
- ms_i1.12.15.2 (complete), Commemoration of Qirqos and ʾIyaluṭā (ff. 191ra-191rb)
- ms_i1.12.15.3 (complete), Commemoration of the ascension of Ṗāwlos and Ṗeṭros (ff. 191rb-191vb)
- ms_i1.12.15.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Harayon, martyrs, Fǝre Mǝnāṭos (f. 191vb)
- ms_i1.12.16 (complete), 16th Ḥamle (ff. 191vb-192ra)
- ms_i1.12.16.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the assumption of Mary (ff. 191vb-192ra)
- ms_i1.12.16.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs of the Golden Gospel (f. 192ra)
- ms_i1.12.16.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Zedel the martyr, Zakāryās the priest, ʾAwlǝnyā, Mārāq the bishop (f. 193ra)
- ms_i1.12.17 (complete), 17th Ḥamle (ff. 192ra-192rb)
- ms_i1.12.17.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yonās (f. 192ra)
- ms_i1.12.17.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAfomyā (ff. 192ra-192rb)
- ms_i1.12.17.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIsdǝros, Niros, Gidā, ʾAwā, ʾAndisǝʾ (f. 192rb)
- ms_i1.12.17.4 (complete), Invention of the relics of Yosṭos (f. 192rb)
- ms_i1.12.18 (complete), 18th Ḥamle (ff. 192rb-192va)
- ms_i1.12.18.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob, the brother of the Lord (ff. 192rb-192va)
- ms_i1.12.18.2 (complete), Commemoration of Qirqos in Ethiopia (f. 192va)
- ms_i1.12.18.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAtnāsyos of Qʷǝlzǝm (f. 192va)
- ms_i1.12.18.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎndrunā and Ṭobyā (f. 192va)
- ms_i1.12.19 (complete), 19th Ḥamle (ff. 192va-192vb)
- ms_i1.12.19.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Gabrǝʾel (f. 192va)
- ms_i1.12.19.2 (complete), Commemoration of Mar Baṭlān (f. 192va)
- ms_i1.12.19.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Batarābo, Maqārǝs and Muse (ff. 192va-192vb)
- ms_i1.12.20 (complete), 20th Ḥamle (ff. 192vb-193rb)
- ms_i1.12.20.1 (complete), Commemoration of Tewodros (ff. 192vb-193ra)
- ms_i1.12.20.2 (complete), Commemoration of Taʾowkisṭos, Ṭimotewos the patriarch of Alexandria, Muse, ʾIyalug (ff. 193ra-193rb)
- ms_i1.12.21 (complete), 21st Ḥamle (f. 193rb)
- ms_i1.12.21.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mary (f. 193rb)
- ms_i1.12.21.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾUrākel (f. 193rb)
- ms_i1.12.21.3 (complete), Commemoration of Baṣalota Mikāʾel and Yārānos (f. 193rb)
- ms_i1.12.22 (complete), 22nd Ḥamle (ff. 193rb-193va)
- ms_i1.12.22.1 (complete), Commemoration of Maqāryos (f. 193rb)
- ms_i1.12.22.2 (complete), Commemoration of Lawǝninos (ff. 193rb-193va)
- ms_i1.12.22.3 (complete), Commemoration of Markǝlos and Śimon the patriarch of Alexandria (f. 193va)
- ms_i1.12.23 (complete), 23rd Ḥamle (ff. 193va-194ra)
- ms_i1.12.23.1 (complete), Commemoration of Mārinā (ff. 193va-193vb)
- ms_i1.12.23.2 (complete), Commemoration of Langinos (f. 193vb)
- ms_i1.12.23.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Sinodā, ʾAbṭāmāwos, Karsinā, ʾAnimos, ʾabbā Ṗalāmon (f. 193vb)
- ms_i1.12.24 (complete), 24th Ḥamle (ff. 194ra-194va)
- ms_i1.12.24.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Nob (ff. 194ra-194va)
- ms_i1.12.24.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Sǝmʿon, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 194va)
- ms_i1.12.24.3 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos, patriarch of Alexandria, ʾabbā Tawalda Madḫǝn (f. 194va)
- ms_i1.12.25 (complete), 25th Ḥamle (ff. 194va-195rb)
- ms_i1.12.25.1 (complete), Commemoration of Taklā (f. 194va)
- ms_i1.12.25.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾƎdnāni (ff. 194va-194vb)
- ms_i1.12.25.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yǝsḥaq (f. 194vb)
- ms_i1.12.25.4 (complete), Commemoration of Taklā and Moge (f. 194vb)
- ms_i1.12.25.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAbakʷǝrazun (ff. 194vb-195rb)
- ms_i1.12.25.6 (complete), Commemoration of the martyrs of ʾAtreb (f. 195rb)
- ms_i1.12.25.7 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAmon (f. 195rb)
- ms_i1.12.25.8 (complete), Commemoration of Māryā (f. 195rb)
- ms_i1.12.25.9 (complete), Ascension of Henok (f. 195rb)
- ms_i1.12.26 (complete), 26th Ḥamle (ff. 195rb-195va)
- ms_i1.12.26.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yosef (ff. 195rb-195va)
- ms_i1.12.26.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Salāmā in Ethiopia (f. 195va)
- ms_i1.12.26.3 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 195va)
- ms_i1.12.26.4 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 195va)
- ms_i1.12.26.5 (complete), Commemoration of Yǝsḥaq, metropolitan of Ethiopia, ascension of ʾElyās, ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Dabra Hāleluyā (f. 195va)
- ms_i1.12.27 (complete), 27th Ḥamle (ff. 195va-195vb)
- ms_i1.12.27.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Mon (f. 195va)
- ms_i1.12.27.2 (complete), Commemoration of Fibāmon (f. 195va)
- ms_i1.12.27.3 (complete), Commemoration of Ḥǝzqǝʾel the prophet, consecration of the church of Yoḥannǝs (ff. 195va-195vb)
- ms_i1.12.27.4 (complete), Ṣalota dǝḫnat (f. 195vb)
- ms_i1.12.28 (complete), 28th Ḥamle (f. 195vb)
- ms_i1.12.28.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām, Yǝsḥaq and Yāʿqob (f. 195vb)
- ms_i1.12.28.2 (complete), Commemoration of Mary Magdalene (f. 195vb)
- ms_i1.12.28.3 (complete), Commemoration of Tomās the martyr (f. 195vb)
- ms_i1.12.29 (complete), 29th Ḥamle (ff. 195vb-196ra)
- ms_i1.12.29.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Christ (f. 195vb)
- ms_i1.12.29.2 (complete), Commemoration of the translation of the relics of Tādewos (f. 195vb)
- ms_i1.12.29.3 (complete), Commemoration of Warsǝnofā (ff. 195vb-196ra)
- ms_i1.12.30 (complete), 30th Ḥamle (f. 196ra)
- ms_i1.12.30.1 (complete), Commemoration of Marqorā and ʾAfrām (f. 196ra)
- ms_i1.12.30.2 (complete), Consecration of the church of ʾAsrelyer (f. 196ra)
- ms_i1.12.30.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAndrǝyās (f. 196ra)
- ms_i1.12.30.4 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 196ra)
- ms_i1.13 (complete), Naḥase (ff. 196ra-209va)
- ms_i1.13.1 (complete), 1th Naḥase (ff. 196ra-197ra)
- ms_i1.13.1.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Mary (ff. 196ra-196rb)
- ms_i1.13.1.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAboli (ff. 196ra-196va)
- ms_i1.13.1.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yosef and Niqodemos (f. 196va)
- ms_i1.13.1.4 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗisṭis, ʾAlāṗis and ʾAgāṗis and their mother Sofyā (ff. 196va-196vb)
- ms_i1.13.1.5 (complete), Commemoration of the ascension of Ḥannā, the mother of Mary, Karsilā, Bulā (f. 196vb)
- ms_i1.13.2 (complete), 2nd Naḥase (f. 197ra)
- ms_i1.13.2.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yāysā (f. 197ra)
- ms_i1.13.2.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIyoṗarāqsǝyā, ʾAnṭonigo the patriarch of Alexandria (f. 197ra)
- ms_i1.13.3 (complete), 3rd Naḥase (f. 197ra)
- ms_i1.13.3.1 (complete), Commemoration of Sǝmʿon the stylite (f. 197ra)
- ms_i1.13.3.2 (complete), Commemoration of Sofyā, the mother of the virgins (f. 197ra)
- ms_i1.13.3.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAtnāsewos, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 197ra)
- ms_i1.13.4 (complete), 4th Naḥase (ff. 197rb-197vb)
- ms_i1.13.4.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ḥǝzqǝyās (ff. 197rb-197vb)
- ms_i1.13.4.2 (complete), Commemoration of Filǝṗṗos (f. 197vb)
- ms_i1.13.4.3 (complete), Consecration of the church of ʾAbuṭǝnyos (f. 197vb)
- ms_i1.13.4.4 (complete), Commemoration of Dāwit and his brother (f. 197vb)
- ms_i1.13.5 (complete), 5th Naḥase (ff. 197vb-199vb)
- ms_i1.13.5.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros and Ṗāwlos (f. 197vb)
- ms_i1.13.5.2 (complete), Commemoration of Filǝṗṗos of Dabra Bizan (ff. 197vb-199va)
- ms_i1.13.5.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs (f. 199va)
- ms_i1.13.5.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Dāwit, Nāḥom, ʾAsas, ʾAgǝbyos, ʾAbrǝhām (ff. 199va-199vb)
- ms_i1.13.6 (complete), 6th Naḥase (f. 199vb)
- ms_i1.13.6.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾIyaluṭā (f. 199vb)
- ms_i1.13.6.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Sāwiros, ʾabbā Sǝmyānos, Māryām Magdalāwit (f. 199vb)
- ms_i1.13.7 (complete), 7th Naḥase (ff. 199vb-200ra)
- ms_i1.13.7.1 (complete), Annunciation of Gabrǝʾel to ʾIyāqem (f. 199vb)
- ms_i1.13.7.2 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros (ff. 199vb-200ra)
- ms_i1.13.7.3 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭimotewos, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 200ra)
- ms_i1.13.7.4 (complete), Commemoration of Yosef, son of Rāḥel (f. 200ra)
- ms_i1.13.8 (complete), 8th Naḥase (ff. 200ra-200rb)
- ms_i1.13.8.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAlʿāzār and Salome and her children (f. 200ra)
- ms_i1.13.8.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAron, the brother of Muse (f. 200ra)
- ms_i1.13.8.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAlʿāzār, ʾAmon and ʾabbā ʾOri (f. 200ra)
- ms_i1.13.9 (complete), 9th Naḥase (f. 200rb)
- ms_i1.13.9.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bāri (f. 200rb)
- ms_i1.13.9.2 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗilāṭos, patriarch of Antioch (f. 200rb)
- ms_i1.13.10 (complete), 10th Naḥase (ff. 200rb-200va)
- ms_i1.13.10.1 (complete), Assembly (f. 200rb)
- ms_i1.13.10.2 (complete), Commemoration of Maṭrā (f. 200rb)
- ms_i1.13.10.3 (complete), Commemoration of Yoḥannǝs and two women (f. 200rb)
- ms_i1.13.10.4 (complete), Commemoration of the return of the kingdom by Yǝkunno ʾAmlāk (f. 200rb)
- ms_i1.13.10.5 (complete), Commemoration of Gabra Madḫǝn (ff. 200rb-200va)
- ms_i1.13.10.6 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAmanku Baʾǝgziʾ (f. 200va)
- ms_i1.13.11 (complete), 11th Naḥase (f. 200va)
- ms_i1.13.11.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwsim (f. 200va)
- ms_i1.13.11.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbṭǝlmāwos in Mānof and ʾAbṭǝlmāwos the bishop of Sǝkā (f. 200va)
- ms_i1.13.12 (complete), 12th Naḥase (ff. 200va-200vb)
- ms_i1.13.12.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Michael (f. 200va)
- ms_i1.13.12.2 (complete), Commemoration of Qʷasṭanṭinos (f. 200va)
- ms_i1.13.12.3 (complete), Commemoration of Nob (ff. 200va-200vb)
- ms_i1.13.12.4 (complete), Commemoration of the martyrs of ʾAnābā (f. 200vb)
- ms_i1.13.13 (complete), 13th Naḥase (ff. 200vb-201ra)
- ms_i1.13.13.1 (complete), Christ on Mount Tābor (ff. 200vb-201ra)
- ms_i1.13.13.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAfrā (f. 201ra)
- ms_i1.13.13.3 (complete), Birth of Muse (f. 201ra)
- ms_i1.13.13.4 (complete), Commemoration of Bǝnyāmi the priest (f. 201ra)
- ms_i1.13.14 (complete), 14th Naḥase (ff. 201ra-202ra)
- ms_i1.13.14.1 (complete), Miracle in Alexandria by Tāʾofilos (f. 201ra)
- ms_i1.13.14.2 (complete), Commemoration of Bāsǝliqos (ff. 201ra-201vb)
- ms_i1.13.15 (complete), 15th Naḥase (ff. 202ra-203ra)
- ms_i1.13.15.1 (complete), Commemoration of Mārinā (ff. 202ra-202rb)
- ms_i1.13.15.2 (complete), Commemoration of Krǝsṭinā (ff. 202rb-202vb)
- ms_i1.13.15.3 (complete), Commemoration of Lawransyos (ff. 202vb-203ra)
- ms_i1.13.15.4 (complete), Commemoration of the preparation of Mary's burial (f. 203ra)
- ms_i1.13.15.5 (complete), Commemoration of Mǝlkǝyās the prophet (f. 203ra)
- ms_i1.13.16 (complete), 16th Naḥase (f. 203ra)
- ms_i1.13.16.1 (complete), Commemoration of the ascension of Mary (f. 203ra)
- ms_i1.13.16.2 (complete), Commemoration of Fǝre Mǝnāṭos (f. 203ra)
- ms_i1.13.16.3 (complete), Commemoration of the ascension of Giyorgis (f. 203ra)
- ms_i1.13.17 (complete), 17th Naḥase (ff. 203ra-203rb)
- ms_i1.13.17.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎnṭāwos (ff. 203ra-203rb)
- ms_i1.13.17.2 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob (f. 203rb)
- ms_i1.13.17.3 (complete), Commemoration of Mary's burial (f. 203rb)
- ms_i1.13.17.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎndrānewos the deacon (f. 203rb)
- ms_i1.13.18 (complete), 18th Naḥase (f. 203rb)
- ms_i1.13.18.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎskǝndǝryā, patriarch of Alexandria (f. 203rb)
- ms_i1.13.18.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yosṭos, Fināḥas the priest (f. 203rb)
- ms_i1.13.18.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎlǝskǝndǝros, patriarch of Constantinople (f. 203rb)
- ms_i1.13.18.4 (complete), Arrival of Christ after the burial of Mary (f. 203rb)
- ms_i1.13.19 (complete), 19th Naḥase (f. 203va)
- ms_i1.13.19.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Gabrǝʾel (f. 203va)
- ms_i1.13.19.2 (complete), Commemoration of the translation of ʾabuna Maqāryos (f. 203va)
- ms_i1.13.19.3 (complete), Gǝbʾata nafs za-ʾǝgzǝʾǝtǝna (f. 203va)
- ms_i1.13.19.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Malnet, Laṭāṭus (f. 203va)
- ms_i1.13.20 (complete), 20th Naḥase (ff. 203va-203vb)
- ms_i1.13.20.1 (complete), Commemoration of the seven children of Ephesos (f. 203va)
- ms_i1.13.20.2 (complete), Ascension of Mary (f. 203va)
- ms_i1.13.21 (complete), 21st Naḥase (f. 203vb)
- ms_i1.13.21.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Mary (f. 203vb)
- ms_i1.13.21.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Salāmā (f. 203vb)
- ms_i1.13.21.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAyreni (f. 203vb)
- ms_i1.13.21.4 (complete), Commemoration of Hizāwi and Mikyās the prophet (f. 203vb)
- ms_i1.13.22 (complete), 22nd Naḥase (ff. 203vb-204vb)
- ms_i1.13.22.1 (complete), Commemoration of Mikyās the prophet, with excerpts (ff. 203vb-204vb)
- ms_i1.13.22.2 (complete), Commemoration of Dǝmātyos the martyr and ʾIyuʾel the prophet (f. 204vb)
- ms_i1.13.23 (complete), 23rd Naḥase (ff. 204vb-206ra)
- ms_i1.13.23.1 (complete), Commemoration of a miracle of Mary in Dabra ʾƎqonā (ff. 204vb-205ra)
- ms_i1.13.23.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām, with excerpts (ff. 205ra-205vb)
- ms_i1.13.23.3 (complete), Commemoration of Ṗeṭros of Dabra Bizan (ff. 205vb-206ra)
- ms_i1.13.23.4 (complete), Commemoration of the martyrs of Alexandria (f. 206ra)
- ms_i1.13.23.5 (complete), Commemoration of Dǝmyānos (f. 206ra)
- ms_i1.13.23.6 (complete), Commemoration of the martyrs of Caesarea, of Alexandria and of ʾabuna ʾAbrǝhām (f. 206ra)
- ms_i1.13.24 (complete), 24th Naḥase (ff. 206ra-206va)
- ms_i1.13.24.1 (complete), Blessing and birth of Yǝsḥaq (ff. 206ra-206va)
- ms_i1.13.24.2 (complete), Commemoration of Tomās, bishop of Marʿās (f. 206va)
- ms_i1.13.24.3 (complete), Commemoration of Takla Hāymānot of Dabra Libānos (f. 206va)
- ms_i1.13.24.4 (complete), Commemoration of Tādros the martyr and Yǝsḥaq ʾabuna (f. 206va)
- ms_i1.13.25 (complete), 25th Naḥase (ff. 206va-208va)
- ms_i1.13.25.1 (complete), Yāʿqob's death (ff. 206va-208ra)
- ms_i1.13.25.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎndrǝyānos and his companions and ʾƎnṭolyā the virgin (ff. 208ra-208va)
- ms_i1.13.25.3 (complete), Commemoration of Biṣāryon (f. 208va)
- ms_i1.13.25.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾAmon and ʾElyānǝs the martyr and his sister ʾEdkǝsyā and ʾabuna Yāʿqob (f. 208va)
- ms_i1.13.26 (complete), 26th Naḥase (ff. 208va-208vb)
- ms_i1.13.26.1 (complete), Death of Sārā (f. 208va)
- ms_i1.13.26.2 (complete), Commemoration of Moyǝyǝs the martyr and his sister Sārā (ff. 208va-208vb)
- ms_i1.13.26.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAgābis and Taklā (f. 208vb)
- ms_i1.13.26.4 (complete), Commemoration of Sārā, Rǝbqā, Rāḥel, Lǝyā, Bālān and Dinā (f. 208vb)
- ms_i1.13.26.5 (complete), Commemoration of Faqṗor the Alexandrian and his mother Sārā, relics of Giyorgis (f. 208vb)
- ms_i1.13.27 (complete), 27th Naḥase (ff. 208vb-209ra)
- ms_i1.13.27.1 (complete), Commemoration of Yāʿqob's sons (f. 208vb)
- ms_i1.13.27.2 (complete), Commemoration of Bǝnyāmin and his sister ʾĀwdoksyā (f. 208vb)
- ms_i1.13.27.3 (complete), Commemoration of Sāmuʾel the prophet (ff. 208vb-209ra)
- ms_i1.13.28 (complete), 28th Naḥase (f. 209ra)
- ms_i1.13.28.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of ʾAbrǝhām, Yǝsḥaq and Yāʿqob (f. 209ra)
- ms_i1.13.28.2 (complete), Ascension of Yǝsḥaq (f. 209ra)
- ms_i1.13.28.3 (complete), Ascension of Yāʿqob (f. 209ra)
- ms_i1.13.28.4 (complete), Commemoration of all holy fathers and prophets among the people of Bizan (f. 209ra)
- ms_i1.13.29 (complete), 29th Naḥase (ff. 209ra-209rb)
- ms_i1.13.29.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Christ (f. 209ra)
- ms_i1.13.29.2 (complete), Commemoration of Herenewos (ff. 209ra-209rb)
- ms_i1.13.29.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAtnātewos the bishop and two servants (f. 209rb)
- ms_i1.13.29.4 (complete), Commemoration of Malka Ṣedeq, the return of the relics of Yoḥannǝs to the Scetis, Māryā of Cappadokia (f. 209rb)
- ms_i1.13.30 (complete), 30th Naḥase (f. 209rb)
- ms_i1.13.30.1 (complete), Commemoration of Mǝlkǝyās (f. 209rb)
- ms_i1.13.30.2 (complete), Commemoration of a miracle worked by ʾƎndrǝyās (f. 209rb)
- ms_i1.14 (complete), Ṗagʷǝmen (ff. 209va-210vb)
- ms_i1.14.1 (complete), 1th Ṗagʷǝmen (f. 209va)
- ms_i1.14.1.1 (complete), Monthly commemoration of the birth of Mary (f. 209va)
- ms_i1.14.1.2 (complete), Imprisonment of John the Baptist (f. 209va)
- ms_i1.14.1.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAwniqos (f. 209va)
- ms_i1.14.1.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎbsoy the priest (f. 209va)
- ms_i1.14.1.5 (complete), Commemoration of Tito the apostle (f. 209va)
- ms_i1.14.2 (complete), 2nd Ṗagʷǝmen (ff. 209va-209vb)
- ms_i1.14.2.1 (complete), Commemoration of Ṭiṭos (ff. 209va-209vb)
- ms_i1.14.3 (complete), 3rd Ṗagʷǝmen (f. 209vb)
- ms_i1.14.3.1 (complete), Commemoration of Rufāʾel and consecration of his church (f. 209vb)
- ms_i1.14.3.2 (complete), Commemoration of ʾƎndrǝyānos and his wife ʾƎnṭolyā (f. 209vb)
- ms_i1.14.3.3 (complete), Commemoration of Malka Ṣedeq (f. 209vb)
- ms_i1.14.3.4 (complete), Commemoration of Zarʾa Yāʿqob (f. 209vb)
- ms_i1.14.3.5 (complete), Commemoration of Tādros (f. 209vb)
- ms_i1.14.4 (complete), 4th Ṗagʷǝmen (ff. 209vb-210ra)
- ms_i1.14.4.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Baʾamin (f. 209vb)
- ms_i1.14.4.2 (complete), Commemoration of Libāryos, patriarch of Rome (f. 209vb)
- ms_i1.14.4.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAndiyos and his brothers, ʾElsābeṭ (ff. 209vb-210ra)
- ms_i1.14.5 (complete), 5th Ṗagʷǝmen (ff. 210ra-210vb)
- ms_i1.14.5.1 (complete), Commemoration of ʾAmoṣ the prophet, with excerpts (ff. 210ra-210va)
- ms_i1.14.5.2 (complete), Monthly commemoration of Ṗeṭros and Ṗāwlos (f. 210va)
- ms_i1.14.5.3 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabuna Filǝṗṗos, martyr of the Ethiopians (f. 210va)
- ms_i1.14.5.4 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Yāʿqob the bishop (f. 210va)
- ms_i1.14.5.5 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Bārsomā (f. 210va)
- ms_i1.14.5.6 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā Magdǝr (f. 210va)
- ms_i1.14.5.7 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabbā ʾƎbǝllo (f. 210va)
- ms_i1.14.5.8 (complete), Commemoration of ʾabuna Gabra ʾIyasus of Dabra Ṣǝyon of Garʿāltā (f. 210va)
- a1 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title (f. 3r)
- a2 (RecordGuarantors), no ref in title (f. 16v)
- a3 (Unclear), no ref in title (f. 33r)
- a4 (Excerpt), no ref in title (f. 36r)
- a5 (Unclear), no ref in title (f. 211ra)
- a6 (Genealogy), no ref in title (ff. 211ra-211rb)
- a7 (PoemSalam), no ref in title (f. 211rb)
- a8 (Excerpt), no ref in title (f. 211va)
- a9 (Unclear), no ref in title (ff. 211va-211vb)
- a10 (Unclear), no ref in title (f. 211va)
- e1, no ref in title (f. 52r)
- e2, no ref in title (f. 113r)
- e3, no ref in title (f. 130r)
- e4, no ref in title (f. 167r)
- e5, no ref in title (f. 196r)
- e6, no ref in title (f. 211v)
- e7, no ref in title (ff. 1r-10r)
- e8, no ref in title (f. 16v)