Compare manuscripts which contain Miracle of Jesus: Mary Magdalene anoints the feet of Jesus in the house of Simon the Pharisee
They are currently 2.
- ms_i1, Taʾammǝra ʾIyasus (ff. 2ra-179va)
- ms_i1.1, Introduction to the Miracles of Jesus (ff. 2ra-)
- ms_i1.2, On the Conception of Jesus (ff. 10va-)
- ms_i1.3, Miracle of Jesus: Concerning the Virginity of Mary (ff. 12vb-)
- ms_i1.4, Miracle of Jesus: Salome praises Jesus (ff. 16ra-)
- ms_i1.5, Miracle of Jesus: The Birth of Jesus (ff. 16vb-)
- ms_i1.6, Miracle of Jesus: The presentation of Jesus at the temple (ff. 20ra-)
- ms_i1.7, Miracle of Jesus: The Epiphany (ff. 21ra-)
- ms_i1.8, Miracle of Mary: When the Holy Family encounters brigands during their return journey from Egypt, Christ repairs the broken sword of Ṭeṭos (ff. 24va-)
- ms_i1.9, Miracle of Jesus: The stolen cows of Ṭǝṭmǝnā, a neighbour of the Holy Family (ff. 27ra-)
- ms_i1.10, Miracle of Jesus: The fisher of the lake Tiberias whose fish were stolen (ff. 28vb-)
- ms_i1.11, Miracle of Jesus: The stolen calf (ff. 30va-)
- ms_i1.12, Miracle of Jesus: Jesus saves Joseph from a lion (ff. 32ra-)
- ms_i1.13, Miracle of Jesus: The inundated field (ff. 33vb-)
- ms_i1.14, Miracle of Jesus: The picture of Ezekiel’s vision (ff. 35vb-)
- ms_i1.15, Miracle of Jesus: The adulterous woman (ff. 40rb-)
- ms_i1.16, Miracle of Jesus: The Samaritan woman Bərsinyä (ff. 42ra-)
- ms_i1.17, Miracle of Jesus: The calling and the baptism of Simon and Andrew; The confession and the priority of Peter (ff. 44va-)
- ms_i1.18, Miracle of Jesus: Healing of the blind man by Jesus (ff. 46vb-)
- ms_i1.19, Miracle of Jesus: Raising of Yonās, the son of the widow of Nāyn (ff. 48va-)
- ms_i1.20, Miracle of Jesus: The resurrection of a dead man and the glorification of Jesus by sheep and an ox (ff. 50ra-)
- ms_i1.21, Miracle of Jesus: The olive branch planted by Zacchaeus (ff. 53va-)
- ms_i1.22, The resurrection of Sarah, Rebecca, and Rachel (ff. 55vb-)
- ms_i1.23, Miracle of Jesus: The miracle of the melons (ff. 58rb-)
- ms_i1.24, Miracle of Jesus: The healing of the woman suffering from hemmorage (ff. 60ra-)
- ms_i1.25, Miracle of Jesus: The healing of a deaf mute suffering from elephantiasis (ff. 62rb-)
- ms_i1.26, Miracle of Jesus: The expulsion of locusts from Galilee and Judaea, and the question of the Sabbath (ff. 65ra-)
- ms_i1.27, Miracle of Jesus: The lions of Ashkelon (ff. 68rb-)
- ms_i1.28, Miracle of Jesus: Eschatological discourse of Jesus in Jericho (ff. 69vb-)
- ms_i1.29, Miracle of Jesus: Jesusʾ sermon to the Apostles on the Mount of Olives (ff. 73vb-)
- ms_i1.30, Miracle of Jesus: The baptism and temptation of Jesus (ff. 77rb-)
- ms_i1.31, Miracle of Jesus: The marriage at Cana (ff. 82va-)
- ms_i1.32, Miracle of Jesus: The resurrection of Lazarus (ff. 85ra-)
- ms_i1.33, Miracle of Jesus: Jesusʾ sermon to the Apostles on Mount Sinai (ff. 88va-)
- ms_i1.34, Miracles of Jesus: Jesusʾ sermon to the Apostles in Jerusalem (ff. 111vb-)
- ms_i1.35, Pentecost (ff. 118va-)
- ms_i1.36, Miracle of Jesus: Mary Magdalene anoints the feet of Jesus in the house of Simon the Pharisee (ff. 122va-)
- ms_i1.37, Miracle of Jesus: The washing of the feet; The Last Supper; Judasʾ treason; Jesus is arrested (ff. 126rb-)
- ms_i1.38, Miracle of Jesus: The crucifixion (ff. 131vb-)
- ms_i1.39, Miracle of Jesus: Judas hangs himself; The Jews bribe the guardians of the sepulcher (ff. 140va-)
- ms_i1.40, Miracle of Jesus: The Resurrection (ff. 143ra-)
- ms_i1.41, Miracle of Jesus: The imprisonment of Joseph of Arimathea and of many of his disciples; Their miraculous deliverance (ff. 153vb-)
- ms_i1.42, Miracle of Jesus: Apparitions of Jesus after the ascension, The appearance of Jesus to His Apostles on the Sea of Tiberias; The miraculous draught of fishes; The appearance to Peter and to John (ff. 159rb-)
- ms_i1.43, Miracle of Jesus: Apparitions of Jesus after the ascension, Jesusʾ appearance in the cenacle; The Apostle Thomas sees and believes (ff. 162ra-)
- ms_i1.44, Miracle of Jesus: Apparitions of Jesus after the ascension, The Ascension (ff. 164va-)
- ms_i1.45, Miracle of Jesus: The Miracles of the Child Jesus (ff. 173rb-)
- a1 (Inventory), no ref in title
- e1 (AcquisitionNote), no ref in title (f. Ir)
- e2 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title (f. 2r)
- e3 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title
- e4, no ref in title (f. 1r)
- ms_i1 (complete), Taʾammǝra ʾIyasus (ff. 1r-49r)
- ms_i1.1 (complete), Introduction to the Miracles of Jesus (ff. 1r-4r)
- ms_i1.2 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Concerning the Virginity of Mary (ff. 4r-4v)
- ms_i1.3 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Salome praises Jesus (ff. 4v-)
- ms_i1.4 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The Birth of Jesus (ff. 4v-6r)
- ms_i1.5 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The presentation of Jesus at the temple (ff. 6r-6v)
- ms_i1.6 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The stolen cows of Ṭǝṭmǝnā, a neighbour of the Holy Family (ff. 6v-)
- ms_i1.7 (complete), Miracle of Mary: When the Holy Family encounters brigands during their return journey from Egypt, Christ repairs the broken sword of Ṭeṭos (ff. 6v-7r)
- ms_i1.8 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The fisher of the lake Tiberias whose fish were stolen (ff. 7r-7v)
- ms_i1.9 (complete), The Infancy Gospel (ff. 7v-8r)
- ms_i1.9.1 (complete), The Infancy Gospel, Jesus rides a ray of sunshine (ff. 7v-)
- ms_i1.9.2 (complete), The Infancy Gospel, Jesus makes birds out of mud and orders them to fly away (ff. 7v-)
- ms_i1.9.3 (complete), The Infancy Gospel, Jesus mixes and separates the colors of his master's ink (ff. 8r-)
- ms_i1.10 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The stolen calf (ff. 8r-8v)
- ms_i1.11 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Jesus saves Joseph from a lion (ff. 8v-)
- ms_i1.12 (complete), The resurrection of Sarah, Rebecca, and Rachel (ff. 8v-9v)
- ms_i1.13 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The adulterous woman (ff. 9v-)
- ms_i1.14 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The Epiphany (ff. 9v-10v)
- ms_i1.15 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The Miracles of the Child Jesus (ff. 10v-12r)
- ms_i1.16 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The inundated field (ff. 12r-12v)
- ms_i1.17 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The picture of Ezekiel’s vision (ff. 12v-14r)
- ms_i1.18 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The Samaritan woman Bərsinyä (ff. 14r-14v)
- ms_i1.19 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The calling and the baptism of Simon and Andrew; The confession and the priority of Peter (ff. 14v-15r)
- ms_i1.20 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Healing of the blind man by Jesus (ff. 15r-15v)
- ms_i1.21 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Raising of Yonās, the son of the widow of Nāyn (ff. 15v-16r)
- ms_i1.22 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The resurrection of a dead man and the glorification of Jesus by sheep and an ox (ff. 16r-16v)
- ms_i1.23 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The olive branch planted by Zacchaeus (ff. 16v-17r)
- ms_i1.24 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The miracle of the melons (ff. 17r-17v)
- ms_i1.25 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The healing of the woman suffering from hemmorage (ff. 17v-18r)
- ms_i1.26 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The healing of a deaf mute suffering from elephantiasis (ff. 18r-18v)
- ms_i1.27 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The expulsion of locusts from Galilee and Judaea, and the question of the Sabbath (ff. 18v-19r)
- ms_i1.28 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The lions of Ashkelon (ff. 19r-19v)
- ms_i1.29 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Eschatological discourse of Jesus in Jericho (ff. 19v-20v)
- ms_i1.30 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Jesusʾ sermon to the Apostles on the Mount of Olives (ff. 20v-21r)
- ms_i1.31 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The baptism and temptation of Jesus (ff. 21r-22v)
- ms_i1.32 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The marriage at Cana (ff. 22v-23r)
- ms_i1.33 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The resurrection of Lazarus (ff. 23r-23v)
- ms_i1.34 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Jesusʾ sermon to the Apostles on Mount Sinai (ff. 23v-30v)
- ms_i1.35 (complete), Miracles of Jesus: Jesusʾ sermon to the Apostles in Jerusalem (ff. 30v-32v)
- ms_i1.36 (complete), Legend of Abgar (Longer Version) (ff. 32v-35r)
- ms_i1.36.1, Revelation to Abgar of the miracles of Jesus (ff. 32v-)
- ms_i1.36.2, And the Letter of Abgar to Jesus (ff. 32v-33v)
- ms_i1.36.3, Response of Jesus to Abgar (ff. 33v-34v)
- ms_i1.36.4, Commemoration of the martyrs of Akhmim coinciding with the commemoration of the birth of Jesus and the death of Abgar (29 Taḫśaś) (ff. 34v-)
- ms_i1.36.5, Another story of the relationship between Jesus and Abgar (ff. 34v-35r)
- ms_i1.37 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The triumphant entry into Jerusalem; The expulsion of money changers and vendors from the temple (ff. 35r-36r)
- ms_i1.38 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Mary Magdalene anoints the feet of Jesus in the house of Simon the Pharisee (ff. 36r-37r)
- ms_i1.39 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The washing of the feet; The Last Supper; Judasʾ treason; Jesus is arrested (ff. 37r-38r)
- ms_i1.40 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The crucifixion (ff. 38r-40v)
- ms_i1.41 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Judas hangs himself; The Jews bribe the guardians of the sepulcher (ff. 40v-41r)
- ms_i1.42 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The Resurrection (ff. 41r-44r)
- ms_i1.43 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: The imprisonment of Joseph of Arimathea and of many of his disciples; Their miraculous deliverance (ff. 44r-46r)
- ms_i1.44 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Apparitions of Jesus after the ascension, The appearance of Jesus to His Apostles on the Sea of Tiberias; The miraculous draught of fishes; The appearance to Peter and to John (ff. 46r-46v)
- ms_i1.45 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Apparitions of Jesus after the ascension, Jesusʾ appearance in the cenacle; The Apostle Thomas sees and believes (ff. 46v-47r)
- ms_i1.46 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Apparitions of Jesus after the ascension, The Ascension (ff. 47r-48r)
- ms_i1.47 (complete), Miracle of Jesus: Apparitions of Jesus after the ascension, Pentecost (ff. 48r-49r)
- a1 (GuestText), Mazmura Dāwit
- a2 (Asmat), no ref in title
- a3 (Asmat), no ref in title
- e1, no ref in title
- a4, no ref in title
- e2, no ref in title
- e3, no ref in title
- e4, no ref in title
- e5, no ref in title
- e6, no ref in title