There are 1 distinct bibliographical references
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- Pseudo-trilingual royal inscriptions, RIÉ 270 (page, 7)
- Lost. RIÉ 273 (page, 22)
- Lost. RIÉ 274 (page, 22)
- no repository data for RIE278 (page, 45)
- no repository data for RIE280 (page, 46)
- no repository data for RIE283 (page, 46)
- no repository data for RIE284 (page, 46)
- no repository data for RIE281 (page, 46)
- no repository data for RIE282 (page, 46)
- no repository data for RIE285 (page, 46)
- no repository data for RIE279 (page, 46)
- Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾAksum Ṣǝyon, RIÉ 185 and 270 (page, 5-11)
- Monumentum Adulitanum Inscription of unknown king (page, 20-24)
- No location record, Sudan National Museum, RIÉ 286 A (page, 51—52)
- no repository data for RIE272 (page, 21—22)
- no repository data for RIE276 (page, 26—32)
- Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾAksum Ṣǝyon, RIÉ 185bis and 270bis (page, 12–15)
- no repository data for RIE277 (page, 32—45; page, 32—45)
- ʾAsmarā, National Museum of Eritrea, RIÉ 275 (page, 23—25)
- No location record, Sudan National Museum, RIÉ 286 (page, 47—51)
- no repository data for RIE269 (page, 3—4)
- Māʾkalāy Tǝgrāy, ʾAksum Ṣǝyon, RIÉ 271 and 190 (page, 15—21)