Dabra Zamaddo's Abbot Abuna Bartalomewos and how a fountain of honey milk sprang up under his feet
Wendy Laura Belcher
Clavis (list of identifiable texts) | ID | |
PEMMThe Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project | 1015 | [external link] |
- Dabra Zamaddo's Abbot ʾAbuna Bartalomewos and how a fountain of honey milk sprang up under his feeten
General description
Abbuna Bartalomewos brought a tabot into the grotto at Dabra Zamaddo, and there he established a place to stand on top of a rock. The grotto was very dry, and one day, as the abbot was standing there, Mary caused milk to spring from under his feet. Abbuna Bartalomewos praised Mary for performing her miracle, then asked her to change the milk into water, as water was more appropriate for the monks. Mary heard the abbot’s request and changed the milk into water.
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The earliest PEMM manuscript in which this story appears is from around 1900. Originally composed in Dabra Zamaddo↗
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Clavis Bibliography
Belcher, W. L. and J. R. Brown 2018. ‘The Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary’,.item 1015
Clavis Bibliography
Translation Bibliography
Getatchew Haile 2013. Voices from Däbrä Zämäddo: Acts of Abba Bärtälomewos and Abba Yoḥannǝs, 45 Miracles of Mary, ed., tr. Getatchew Haile, Aethiopistische Forschungen, 79 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013).page 215-216
Translation Bibliography
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