Dabra Zamaddo's icon sǝʿǝla Adhǝno is recovered.
Wendy Laura Belcher, Jeremy Brown
Clavis (list of identifiable texts) | ID | |
PEMMThe Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project | 1013 | [external link] |
- Dabra Zamaddo's icon Sǝʿla ʾAdḫǝno is recovered.en
General description
A monk named Habta Sellase was searching for the icon of Mary from Dabra Zamaddo. This monk had traveled far, and when he arrived at Dabra Lalibala, Mary came to him and told him that her icon had been hidden there ever since its removal from Dabra Zamaddo. Mary directed him to a nearby church. There Habta Sellase inquired about the icon, but nobody knew anything about it. He fell asleep in despair, but Mary came to him in a dream and showed him the exact place where her icon lay hidden. When he woke up, he went to the location Mary had shown him and found the icon. On the journey to return the icon to Dabra Zamaddo, Habta Sellase came upon a fork in the road. Mary instructed him to take the path on the right. She also urged him to hurry, since a black dog was coming along the other road. Habta Sellase and his retinue had walked for three miles when one of his servants said he needed to return to the fork to retrieve a forgotten item. Habta Sellase begged the servant to heed Mary’s warning, but he did not. When the servant arrived at the fork, he discovered not a black dog but Arami soldiers, who promptly killed him.
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The earliest PEMM manuscript in which this story appears is from around 1900. Originally composed in Dabra Zamaddo↗
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Clavis Bibliography
Belcher, W. L. and J. R. Brown 2018. ‘The Princeton Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Egyptian Miracles of Mary’,.item 1013
Clavis Bibliography
Translation Bibliography
Getatchew Haile 2013. Voices from Däbrä Zämäddo: Acts of Abba Bärtälomewos and Abba Yoḥannǝs, 45 Miracles of Mary, ed., tr. Getatchew Haile, Aethiopistische Forschungen, 79 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013).page 210-212
Translation Bibliography
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