Map of the manuscripts at their current location
Map of the manuscripts of Taʾammǝrihu la-ʾAbbā Yoḥanni za-Dabra ʿAśā at their current location.
For each textual unit a different color of dots is given (i.e. a different KML file is loaded). For each manuscript containing the selected textual units the point is placed at the current repository or at the place of origin according to the selection. The default is the current repository. If place of origin is selected and for the manuscript this information is not available (e.g. in cases where this corresponds in fact to the current repository), the point will be made on the repository which is always available. The dates given for each manuscript correspond to the most inclusive range possible from the origin dates given in the manuscript. If a manuscript has a part from exactly 1550 and one dated 1789 to 1848, then the time span will be 1550 - 1848.