Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Manawat Qǝddus Giyorgis, QGM-003
Denis Nosnitsin (cataloguer)
This manuscript description is based on the catalogues listed in the Catalogue Bibliography
General description
Taʾammǝra ʾIyasus "Miracles of Jesus"
Number of Text units: 2
Number of Codicological units: 1
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Original Location: Mänäwät Qǝddus Giyorgis / QGM↗
Quires A and I-VI (hand a) might date to 18th century (?). Quires quires VII-XI (hand b) might date to a somewhat later period; they were possibly commissioned by the donor of quires I-VI, Gabra ʾIyasus.Summary
Incipit ( ):
Explicit ( ):
()(Text I) (The miracles are introduced with word taʾamǝr "miracle" or mǝʿrāf "chapter".) (Text II) (The parts of Text II-1 are introduced with word mǝʿrāf "chapter".) (The miracles are introduced with word taʾamǝr "miracle", nagar "speech", mǝʿrāf "chapter".)
Additions In this unit there are in total 1 .
: Donation note.
check the viewer48ra : ዝንቱ፡ መጽሐፍ፡ ዘአቡነ፡ ገብረ፡ ኢየሱስ፡ ዘወሀቦ፡ ለቅዱስ፡ ጊዮ ርጊስ፡ መነቦት፡ ከመ፡ ይኩኖ፡ ለስርየተ፡ ኀጢአት፡ ወይባልሖ፡ እምኵኔኔ፡[sic] ነፍስ፡ ዘእሳት። ኦአበውየ፡ ኢትርስኡኒ፡ በአቡነ፡ ዘበሰማያት፡ ዘሠረቆ፡ ወዘፈሐቆ፡ በሥልጣነ፡ ጴጥሮስ፡ ወጳቅሎስ፡ ውጉዝ፡ ለይኩን፡ ዘአጥረዮ፡ በንዋዩ፡ The note is written probably in hand a. The name of the donor is ʾabuna ( Gabra ʾIyasus. ) -
: Unclear note with a list of names (?)
check the viewer81r : በደጃዝማች፡ ሐጐስ፡ በቀኝዝማች፡ ወልደ፡ ስላሴ፡ <...> የኵሒላ፡ ነገር፡ ወዳዕ፡ ነገር፡ እንዳ፡ ገብርሔት የመጡ፡ ሁሉ ኃጎስና፡ ሸለቃ፡ ደስታ፡ አንድ፡ ናሽው። እማኝ፡ ወልደ፡ ጊዮርጊስ፡ ህደሩ፡ ተክለ፡ ሃይማኖት፡ ስንቄ። ዳኛ፡ ደስታ፡ የጐደታ፡ ፍስሀ፡ ውታፍ፡ ልጅ፡ ( Written in Amharic, in a secondary hand, partly blotted out and difficult to understand. ) -
-va: Short hymn to Jesus Christ.
( )
check the viewer1v check the viewer1r check the viewer48vb check the viewer6va check the viewer26ra check the viewer4ra check the viewer16va check the viewer18vb check the viewer77vb check the viewer49ra check the viewer78vb check the viewer51va
- Pen trials: , 79va (?) - Scribbles: , 10r, 28r, 53r, 54r; recent scribbles: 2r, 48ra, 48vb, 49v, 50r, 64v, 65r, 76v, 77r, 77v, 78rb, 80ra, 80vb, 81ra, 81vb, 82r, 82v, 83r, 83v - A short note, barely legible: Text I - Miracles are sometimes separated from each other by a line of alternating black and red dots (, 12v, 14ra) - Lacunae: , 77vb. - Omitted letters or words written interlineally, in the same hand: , 6rb, 9rb, 10rb, 10va, 20rb, etc. - Omitted letters written in the margin: , 18ra - Correction written over erasure: , 19vb, 29va, 30va, 31ra, 33ra Text II: - Lacuna: - Omitted letters written interlineally, in the main hand: - Omitted words written in the margin: - Correction through blotting out: -
(Type: findingAid)
Text I: Readings are indicated by the titles of the miracles or the names of the feasts written in the upper margin in the main hand, encircled with a thin line: ዘበዓታ፡ check the viewerfol. 5rb ; ዘልደት፡ check the viewerfol. 6vb ; ዘቍስቋም፡ check the viewerfol. 10r ዘሕፃናት፡ check the viewerfol. 15r ዘጻድቃን፡ check the viewerfol. 23v ዘደብረ፡ ዘይት፡ check the viewerfol. 26r ዘጰራቅሊጦስ፡ check the viewerfol. 27r ዘጥምቀት፡ check the viewerfol. 30r ዘቃና፡ ዘ{ገ}ሊላ፡ check the viewerfol. 32r ዘሕማማት፡ check the viewerfol. 38vb ዘሆሳዕና፡ check the viewerfol. 40ra ዘቀትር፡ check the viewerfol. 42ra ዘትንሣኤ፡ check the viewerfol. 43va ዘአግብኦተ፡ ግብር፡ check the viewerfol. 45va Text II: ዘአዳም፡ check the viewerfol. 49r ዘበዓታ፡ check the viewerfol. 51va ዘሰንበት፡ check the viewerfol. 52vb ዘልደት፡ check the viewerfol. 54rb ዘጌና፡ check the viewerfol. 57rb ዘሰንበት፡ check the viewerfol. 59ra ዘሐዋርያት፡ check the viewerfol. 60ra ዘነግህ፡ ዘጸሎተ፡ ሐሙስ፡ check the viewerfol. 64v ዘጸሎተ፡ ሐሙስ፡ check the viewerfol. 66r ዘስቅለት፡ check the viewerfol. 68ra (blotted out): check the viewerfol. 71va ዘቀዳም፡ ስዑር፡ check the viewerfol. 73r ዘዕርገት፡ check the viewerfol. 74ra ዘሐዋርያት፡ check the viewerfol. 76r in a secondary hand: ዘሌሊተ፡ አርብ፡ check the viewerfol. 67rb ዘነግሕ፡ check the viewerfol. 68ra ዘሰለስት፡ check the viewerfol. 68va ዘስድስት፡ check the viewerfol. 70ra ዘትስአት፡ check the viewerfol. 71va ዘሰርክ፡ check the viewerfol. 72rb on the outer margin, in a secondary (recent?) hand ዘጰራቅሊጦስ፡ 75rb
Catalogue Bibliography
MS Manawat Qǝddus Giyorgis, Ethio-SPaRe
This manuscript has modern restorations.
Physical Description
Form of support
Parchment Codex
Outer dimensions | |
Height | 280 |
Width | 222 |
Depth | 62 |
Quire Structure Collation
Position | Number | Leaves | Quires | Description |
1 | 4 | No image availableFols 1r–2v, No image availableFols 3r–10v, No image availableFols 11r–18v, No image availableFols 19r–26v, No image availableFols 27r–34v, No image availableFols 35r–42v, No image availableFols 43r–48v, No image availableFols 49r–56v, No image availableFols 57r–63v, No image availableFols 64r–71v, No image availableFols 72r–79v, No image availableFols 80r–83v | A(2; fols. 1r-2v) - I(8; fols. 3r-10v) - II(8; fols. 11r-18v) - III(8; fols. 19r-26v) - IV(8; fols. 27r-34v) - V(8; fols. 35r-42v) - VI(6; fols. 43r-48v)- <VII(8; fols. 49r-56v) - VIII(7;s.l.: 3; stub before 6; fols. 57r-63v) - IX(8; fols. 64r-71v) - X(8; fols. 72r-79v) - XI(4;s.l.: 3, 4; two stubs before 1; fols. 80r-83v)> Quires VII-XI were probably added later. |
Collation diagrams
A(2; fols. 1r-2v) - I(8; fols. 3r-10v) - II(8; fols. 11r-18v) - III(8; fols. 19r-26v) - IV(8; fols. 27r-34v) - V(8; fols. 35r-42v) - VI(6; fols. 43r-48v)- <VII(8; fols. 49r-56v) - VIII(7;s.l.: 3; stub before 6; fols. 57r-63v) - IX(8; fols. 64r-71v) - X(8; fols. 72r-79v) - XI(4;s.l.: 3, 4; two stubs before 1; fols. 80r-83v)> Quires VII-XI were probably added later.
Quire ID:q1
Ethio-SPaRe formula : I(2+2//No image availableFols 1r–2v, No image availableFols 3r–10v, No image availableFols 11r–18v, No image availableFols 19r–26v, No image availableFols 27r–34v, No image availableFols 35r–42v, No image availableFols 43r–48v, No image availableFols 49r–56v, No image availableFols 57r–63v, No image availableFols 64r–71v, No image availableFols 72r–79v, No image availableFols 80r–83v) –
Formula: No image availableFols 1r–2v, No image availableFols 3r–10v, No image availableFols 11r–18v, No image availableFols 19r–26v, No image availableFols 27r–34v, No image availableFols 35r–42v, No image availableFols 43r–48v, No image availableFols 49r–56v, No image availableFols 57r–63v, No image availableFols 64r–71v, No image availableFols 72r–79v, No image availableFols 80r–83v A(2; fols. 1r-2v) - I(8; fols. 3r-10v) - II(8; fols. 11r-18v) - III(8; fols. 19r-26v) - IV(8; fols. 27r-34v) - V(8; fols. 35r-42v) - VI(6; fols. 43r-48v)- <VII(8; fols. 49r-56v) - VIII(7;s.l.: 3; stub before 6; fols. 57r-63v) - IX(8; fols. 64r-71v) - X(8; fols. 72r-79v) - XI(4;s.l.: 3, 4; two stubs before 1; fols. 80r-83v)> Quires VII-XI were probably added later.;
Formula 1: 1 (4),
Formula 2: 1 (4),
State of preservation
The leather cover is nearly fully missing. Some fols. are damaged by water and cockled, the text is partly difficult to read. The Ms. has been resewn, the wooden boards probably inverted or even replaced with new ones. Tears are carefully amended on check the viewer17 , 23, 70, 75, 83. ff. 2, 48 are mutilated (cut to half). Some of the fols. are of somewhat irregular shape, some are made out of two pieces of parchment.
Two wooden boards, formerly covered with leather which is now missing (a part has been preserved only on the inner side of the front board). Two pairs of sewing stations.
Binding decoration
Small holes are visible in the centre fold of the quires, one close to the head and one close to the tail of the codex.
Binding material
Original binding
Layout note 1
Number of columns: 2
Number of lines: 26
H | 220mm |
W | 190mm |
Intercolumn | 15mm |
Margins | |
top | 19 |
bottom | 40 |
right | 20 |
left | 10 |
intercolumn | 15 |
Ms Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Manawat Qǝddus Giyorgis, QGM-003 main part
looks ok for measures computed width is: 220mm, object width is: 222mm, computed height is: 279mm and object height is: 280mm.Layout note 1
Number of columns: 2
Number of lines: 28
H | 210mm |
W | 180mm |
Intercolumn | 14mm |
Margins | |
top | 28 |
bottom | 42 |
right | 30 |
left | 12 |
intercolumn | 14 |
Ms Sāʿsiʿ Ṣaʿdā ʾƎmbā, Manawat Qǝddus Giyorgis, QGM-003 main part
looks ok for measures computed width is: 222mm, object width is: 222mm, computed height is: 280mm and object height is: 280mm.Layout note 1
- varies from folio to folio; from 21 to 26.
- (Subtype: pattern) Ruling pattern: 1A-1A-1A1A/0-0/0-0/C.
- The upper line is written above the ruling.
- The bottom line is written above the ruling. On may fols. (quires I-VI) the scribe did not use the bottom line.
- (Subtype: pattern) Ruling pattern: 1A-1A-1A1A/0-0/0-0/C.
- The upper line is written above the ruling.
- The bottom line is written above the ruling.
- Pricking and ruling are visible.
- Primary pricks are visible.
- Ruling pricks are partly visible.
- Pricking and ruling are visible.
- Primary pricks are visible.
- Ruling pricks are visible.
Hand 1
Scribe: Täśfa Māryām scribe
Script: Ethiopic
Hand a: poor, irregular; hand b: regular
Ink: black; red (brilliant vermilion; dark vermilion)
Rubrication: Text I: nomina sacra; names of the donors; three groups of lines on the incipit page of Text I-1; a quotation from Gospel of John (fol. 3vb); two lines on fol. 4ra; separate words and collocations (fols. 5r, 11ra, 20rb, 26ra, 26va, 26vb, 28rb, 45ra, etc.); incipits of miracles; elements of the punctuation signs (text dividers); elements of Ethiopic numerals Text II: nomina sacra; names of donors; three groups of lines on the incipit page of Text I-1; incipits of parts of Text II-1 and of miracles; incipit of Text III-3; elements of the punctuation signs (text dividers); elements of Ethiopic numerals
Date: Hand a: 18th cent. (?). Hand b: somewhat later time (?)
Täśfa Māryām scribe Mentioned as the scribe on check the viewer9rb , 9vb, 43vaHand a: 18th cent. (?). Hand b: somewhat later time (?)Hand 2
Script: Ethiopic
Hand a: check the viewer3ra-48ra (Text I, quires I-VI), possibly imitates an old script.Hand 3
Script: Ethiopic
Hand b: check the viewer49ra-81ra (Text II, VII-XI): bears some similarity to hand a, but is much more regular. It cannot be excluded that both parts were written by the same scribe.Select one of the keywords listed from the record to see related data
Use the tag BetMas:ESqgm003 in your public hypothes.is annotations which refer to this entity.