Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddi Qolqʷāl Giyorgis, AQG-005
Vitagrazia Pisani (cataloguer), Denis Nosnitsin
This manuscript description is based on the catalogues listed in the Catalogue Bibliography
General description
Gadla Samāʿtāt, Vitae of Saints and Martyrs (for the months from Tāḫśāś to Naḥāse)
Number of Text units: 2
Number of Codicological units: 1
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Original Location: ʿĀddi Qolqʷāl Giyorgis↗
If we suppose that the Ms. was commissioned by ʾabuna Ṗeṭros from Dabra Bizän (s. above), the date of its production may be collocated in the second half of the 15th century.Provenance
> ? Ṗeṭros is mentioned as the commissioner in the subscriptio at the end of Text I-36 and in the exhortations at the end of the most texts. In many of them, his name is mentioned together with the name of his monastery (i.e. ? Ṗeṭros za-Dabra <…>), which is however always partly erased. On check the viewer13rb (Text I-1) the last letter of the name is readable(ደብረ፡ <…>ን). On check the viewer228vb , 254ra, 262rb, it is said that he is the son (disciple) of ? Filǝṗos, named the “righteous” (“ṣadǝq”, check the viewer254rb ) and the “teacher” (“räban”, check the viewer262rb , 270va). Considering this date and the small clue on check the viewer13rb , it might be possible suppose that the monastery of ? Ṗeṭros and where this Ms. was originated is Dabra Bizän (in Eritrea). The founder of this monastery was the monk Filǝṗos (1322/23-1406; cp. EAE II, 15-17). On check the viewer57vb , ? Ṗeṭros is mentioned as the abbot (ʾabä mǝnet) of his monastery. According to an additional note in a Bible Ms. from Dabra Bizän, Ṗeṭros is mentioned as the 4th “mamhǝr” of the monastery, third successor of the founder Filǝṗos. His death is to be collocated between 1488/89 and 1491/92. His predecessor was Säräqä Bǝrhān (d. 1460/61 or 1457/58) (cp. Schneider, in AÉ 1978, 138-39).
Incipit ( ):
Explicit ( ):
()(- Some folios are missing and many are misplaced.) (For the reconstruction of the texts, the following Mss., containing almost the same texts or some of them, have been consulted and compared withAQG-005: Orient. 686 (cp. WrBriMus 167, ncheck the viewer257 ), Orient.687-688(cp. WrBriMus 167, ncheck the viewer257 ). The Catalague of Wright (WrBriMus) has been used as reference for some of the saints names and the commemoration dates.) (- On check the viewer270va- vb, after Text I-36, a long Subscriptio concludes the entire work:) ([check the viewer270va ] ተፈጸመ፡ በዝየ፡ ገድሎሙ፡ ለቅዱሳን፡ ሰማዕት፡ እለ፡ ተሣየጡ፡ በሞት፡ ሕይወት፨ ... ወአጽሐፊሁሰ፡ ለዝንቱ፡ መጽሓፍ፡ አቡነ፡ <…> ረባን፡ አበ፡ መነኮሳት፡ ... [check the viewer270vb ] ምስለ፡ ጸሓፊሁ፡ ሳሙኤል፡ … ወምስለ፡ አኃው፡ ዘደብረ፡<…> ….) (The note mentions the commissioner, whose name here is erased. He must be the afore mentioned ʾabuna Ṗeṭros who is mentioned in the exhortations throughout the Ms. In the subscriptio, after the erasure there are the titles räban (“master”; s. also on check the viewer262rb ) and ʾabä mänäkosat (“the head of the monks”). They are probably referred to Filǝṗṗos (s. above), the ʾabuna Ṗeṭros' "father". At the end of the note, there is the mention of the scribe Sāmuʾel, to whom some of the exhortations are dedicated, and of the "brothers of the däbr" from where most probably also the commissioner and the scribe come.) () (- Some of the gädl (i.e. I-1, I-2, I-10, I-13, I-14, I-15, I-17, I-21, I-22, I-23, I-27, I-28 ) end with a final note with the concluding formula “ተፈጸመ፡ (or ተፈጸመ፡ ብዝየ፡) ገድሉ፡…” of the text, followed sometimes by the commemoration dates of the saints to whom the text is dedicated, or also by supplication formulas.) (These final notes are alone or are followed by exhortation notes, short or extended, (ጸልዩ፡ ለዘ…) for the commissioner (sometimes also for his children, or for the children of his place), for the scribe, the reader, the translator of the gädl, and for the ones who believe and make the “tazkār” of the saints to whom the gädl is dedicated. These exhortations are after the majority of the texts (i.e. I-1, I-2 I-3 I-4 I-5, I-6 I-8, I-9, I-10 I-11, I-12, I-13, I-16, I-17, I-18, I-19, I-20, I-21, I-23, I-24, I-25, I-27, I-29, I-30, I-31, I-32, I-33, I-34, I-35).) () (- About the scribe and the mention of his name in the above mentioned exhortation notes, s. above in “short content”. On check the viewer23rb , in the exhortation at the end of Text I-2, the name of the scribe has been erased.) (- In the exhortation notes on check the viewer89rb , 91ra, 98rb, 114rb, 120ra, 127rb, respectively at the end of Texts I-12, I-13, I-11, I-14, I-17, I-18, the commissioner, ʾAbuna Ṗeṭros, is said to be “lover of the Gadla sämaʿtat” (መፍቀሬ፡ ገድሎሙ፡ ለሰማዕታት).) (On check the viewer127rb , it is also written that he is the “master of the ‘temple’” (መምህረ፡ አላዳስ).) (On check the viewer41vb ,150va, he is mentioned as: ʾabuna Ṗeṭros za-Dabra Mämhǝr.) (About the mention of the commissioner on the other folios, s. above in “short content”.) () (Details on some texts:) (- Text I-4. The miracles are not numbered.) (- Text I-25. On check the viewer187va , at the end of the text, as the month of the commemoration date for the martyrs ʾArǝrinosofis, Peter and ʾƎskǝryon, is written Ṗäsini (ጰሲኒ), instead of the Ethiopian name ሰኔ.) (Comparing the same text in, e.g., Orient. 686, the month at the same passage is written as Ṗahin/Ṗaḥin (ጳሂን/ጳሒን). Ṗaḥin (c. Dillmann Lexicon, p. 1251) is the Ethiopian name for Paōni, the 10th month of the Coptic Calendar, which corresponds to the Ethiopian month Sane.) (In the text ofAQG-005, Ṗäsini might appear phonetically more similar to the 9th month (in Sahidic) of the Coptic calendar, i.e. Pašons (s. CE II, 439). It also look as if it is an assimilation (scribe mistake?) of ጰ (from the Coptic month) and ሲኒ (from ሰኔ).) (At the left margin of the Coptic month, probably as cue for the rubricator, is annotated the letter ግ.) (- Text I-27. On check the viewer222rb , the text ends with the colophon of the work with the mention of Metropolitan ʾAbbā salāma (Metropolitan from 1350 or 1348; cp. EAE IV, 488-89) and its work of translation from Arabic into Gǝʿǝz.) (At the end of the colophon, the date “1079 from the ‘Years of the Martyrs’ (እመዋዕለ፡ ሰማዕት)” is indicated. It is not clear if it refers to the year when ʾAbbā salāma translated the text. According to the “Chronologie” of Chaine, this date, 1079 E.M.D., should corresponds to 1363 A.D. (cp. ChChron, 161).) (- Text I-16. On check the viewer196va , at the end of text, as month of the commemoration date of the martyr ʾAtnasewos, it is given the month ʾIyolyu (ኢዮልዩ) and after it Ḥamle, mentioned as the correspondent month in Gǝʿǝz. ʾIyolyu appears phonetically very similar to “Iulius”, the Latin name for the month July.) (- Text I-30. On check the viewer236ra , at the end of text, as month of the commemoration date of the martyr Maccabees and her 7 sons, it is written ʾAwgusṭos (አውግስጦስ). This name is mentioned as month in the byzantine calendar (በአውራኅ፡ ሮሜ); the same is on check the viewer273rb in Orient. 686.)
Additions In this unit there are in total 1 .
-vb: Exhortation to pray for priest Thomas.
( gez ) check the viewer120va : ጸልዩ፡ ሎቱ፡ አንትሙ፡ ውሉደ፡ ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ ዓቢይ፡ ወንኡስ፡ በኅብረተ፡ መንፈስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ለአቡክሙ፡ ቶማስ፡ ቀሲስ።…
( The note is written in a more recent secondary hand. ) -
: Ownership note.
( gez ) check the viewer253v : ዝመጽሐፍ፡ ዘአድ፡ ቋልቋል፡ ዘቅዱስ፡ ጊዮርጊስ፡ ዘተሳየጦ፡ በወርቁ፡ ክፍ[sic] ዘአቡነ፡ [ገብረ፡ ክር]ስቶስ፡
The note, partly unclear and possibly unfinished, has been written within the frame of the ornamental cross (above left side). The note states that the book is property of the church of ʿAddi Qolqʷal Giyorgis (ʾAd Qʷalqʷal), purchased by ʾabuna ( Gabra Krǝstos. Additio 2 of AQG-003 is written in the same hand. )
check the viewer51r check the viewer73r check the viewer120vb check the viewer121ra check the viewer58rb check the viewer38ra check the viewer35vb check the viewer222v check the viewer12r
- The note ገድለ፡ ሰማዕታት፡ ብርእየ፡ ሥመሪ፡ is written in the bottom margin of , probably in a secondary hand. - The title ገድለ፡ ሰማዕ[sic] is written, in a secondary hand, at the edge of the bottom margin on . - : crude and recent note, after Text I-17, repeating the incipit of Text I-18 on . - Cues for the rubricator (numerals) throughout the Ms. - Corrections (words or letters) written interlineally: , 60va, 74ra, 135va. - Correction written over erasure: . - Compressed script: , 41va, 53vb, 89rb, 113rb, 263va. - Pen trial: . - Crude notes and drawings in pen or pencil in the margins and on the inner front board: e.g., , 18r, 31r, 32r, 57r, 75r, 137r, 143r, 202r. -
(Type: findingAid)
- Monthly readings are indicated by the commemoration dates of the martyrs in the upper margin, written in red, in the main hand: n.l.: check the viewerfol. 2r አመ፡ ፲፬ለታኅሣሥ: check the viewerfol. 13v አመ፡፲፭ለታኅሣሥ: check the viewerfol. 23v አመ፡ {፲፰።} ለታኅሣሥ።: check the viewerfol. 32r አመ[፡] ፳፭ለታኅሣሥ: check the viewerfol. 36r አመ፡ ፳፯ለሚያዝያ፡ ምንባብ።: check the viewerfol. 42r አመ፡ ፳፮ለታኅሣሥ፡: check the viewerfol. 50r አመ: ፲፪ለታኅሣሥ፡: check the viewerfol. 58r አመ፡ ፴ለጥር፡: check the viewerfol. 72v አመ፡ ፲ወ፫፡ ለጥር።: check the viewerfol. 82v አመ፡ ፲፬ለጥር።: check the viewerfol. 89v አመ፡ ፲፭ለጥር፡: check the viewerfol. 91v አመ፡ ፴፡ ለጥር፡: check the viewerfol. 98v አመ፡ ፲፰ለኃምሌ፡ ምንባብ: check the viewerfol. 113v አመ፡ ፮ለየካቲት።: check the viewerfol. 114v አመ፡ ፳፡ ለየካቲት።: check the viewerfol. 121r አመ፯ለመጋቢት: check the viewerfol. 127v አመ፡ ፲፫ለየካቲት።: check the viewerfol. 133v አመ፡ ፲፯፡ ለመጋቢት።: check the viewerfol. 140r አመ፡ ፳ወ፫፡ ለሚያዝያ።: check the viewerfol. 150v አመ፡ ፰ለግንቦት፡ ምንባብ።: check the viewerfol. 167v አመ፡ ፲፩፡ ለግንቦት፡ ምንባብ።: check the viewerfol. 176v አመ፡ ፲ወ፱፡ ለሰኔ።: check the viewerfol. 182r አመ፡ ፳ወ፭፡ ለሰኔ፡ ጲላጦስ፡ መስፍን።: check the viewerfol. 187vb አመ፡ ፳፬፡ ለኃምሌ፡ ምንባብ፡: check the viewerfol. 197r አመ፡ ፳፮ : ለሚያዝያ: (?) check the viewerfol. 202r አመ፡ ፩ለነኃሲ፡ check the viewerfol. 223r አመ፡ ፰ለነኃሲ፡ ምንባብ፡ check the viewerfol. 229r አመ፡ ፲፡ ለነኃሢ። check the viewerfol. 236r አመ፡ ፳ወ፭ለነኃሢ፡ ምንባብ።: check the viewerfol. 254r አመ፡ ፲፬ለነኃሢ፡: check the viewerfol. 258r አመ፡ ፲፭[ለነ]ኃሢ፡: check the viewerfol. 262v አመ፡ ፲ወ፯፡ ለነኃሢ፡ check the viewerfol. 263v .
Decoration In this unit there are in total 4 s, 2 .
Frame notes
- frame: check the viewer2r (incipit page of Text I-1): elaborate, coloured (red, blue, yellow, white), ornamental frame, with an horizontal band reaching the top of the page, and three vertical extensions reaching a second horizontal band at the bottom of the page; interlaces.
- frame: check the viewer13v , 23v, 32r, 36r, 50r, 54r, 58r, 72v, 82v, 89v, 91v, 98v, 113v, 114va, 127v, 133vb, 140ra, 150vb, 168r, 176v, 188r, 197r, 202r, 223r, 229r, 258r, 262v (incipit or incipit pages of Texts I-2, I-3, I-4, I-5, I-7, I-8, I-9, I-11, I-12, I-13, I-10, I-14, I-16 I-17, I-19, I-20, I-21, I-22, I-23, I-24, I-26, I-27; I-28, I-29, I-30, I-35, I-32): coloured (red, green, blue, yellow, white), ornamental band, with three vertical extensions reaching the middle of the page; the horizontal band reaches the top of the page; interlaces, crosses.
- frame: check the viewer42r (incipit page of Text I-6): elaborate, coloured (red, green, yellow, white), ornamental band with three vertical extensions reaching the bottom of the page; the horizontal band extends to the top of the page; interlaces, crosses, geometric motifs.
- frame: check the viewer121ra , 182rb, 236rb, 263vb, 270r (incipits or incipit page of Texts I-18, I-25, I-31, I-33, I-36): simple, coloured (red, blue, yellow, white) ornamental band; interlaces.
Miniatures notes
- miniature:
check the viewerFol. 1v:
Decorated hand cross within an ornamental frame.
The cross and the frame are decorated (inlays, geometric motifs) and coloured (red, yellow, green) as the decorative bands at the incipit page of each text. The miniature is only partially visible, because the fol., on the left part, is damaged. - miniature:
check the viewerFol. 253v:
Decorated hand cross within an ornamental frame.
The cross and the frame are decorated (inlays, geometric motifs) and coloured (red, yellow, white) as the decorative bands at the incipit page of each text. An ownership note has been written in a secondary hand (?) above the cross (s. Additio 2).
Catalogue Bibliography
MS ʿĀddi Qolqʷāl Giyorgis, Ethio-SPaRe
This manuscript has modern restorations.
Physical Description
Form of support
Parchment Codex
Outer dimensions | |
Height | 405 |
Width | 265 |
Depth | 165 |
Quire Structure Collation
State of preservation
The front board is broken and the back is missing; the original sewing is for the most part missing. The Ms. has been wrongly rearranged and resewn. Many fols. are missing and some are misplaced. Many fols. are affected by humidity and stained with dirt; some parts of text are illegible (e.g., check the viewer177rb , 177ra, 267va, 268rb). The bottom part of check the viewer242-268 seems damaged by rodents. f. 1 is damaged. Cuts repaired, e.g., on check the viewer67 , 149, 174, 221. Some fols. seem to have been cut at the bottom: e.g., check the viewer123 , 128, 133, 134.
Two wooden boards (the front bord is broken; the back is missing) Two pairs of sewing stations.
Binding decoration
Some of the quires are reinforced by parchment guards. On the front board possibly traces of leather cover. Recent threads for the sewing are visible on some fols. (e.g., between check the viewer55v-56r and on check the viewer122v , 123v, 125v, 144v).
Binding material
Original binding
Layout note 1
Number of columns: 2
Number of lines: 36
H | 310mm |
W | 210mm |
Intercolumn | 20mm |
Margins | |
top | 32 |
bottom | 66 |
right | 48 |
left | 16 |
intercolumn | 20 |
Ms Gulo Maḵadā, ʿĀddi Qolqʷāl Giyorgis, AQG-005 main part
has a sum of layout height of 408mm which is greater than the object height of 405mm has a sum of layout width of 274mm which is greater than the object height of 265mmLayout note 1
- the number of the lines is very irregular
- (Subtype: pattern) Ruling pattern: 1A-1A-1A1A/0-0/0-0/C.
- The upper line is written below the ruling (above on many fols., e.g. 1-59, 65, 74-81, 107-112, 115r-119r, 201-208).
- The bottom line is written above the ruling.
- One or two upper ruled lines were not used by the
scribe on (Excerpt from check the viewer98r)
, 114r, 227r, 234v, 235r.
- Pricking and ruling are visible.
- Primary pricks are visible.
- Ruling pricks are visible.
check the viewerFol. 182r)
check the viewerFols. 23r, 57v, 120r)
Hand 1
Scribe: Sāmuʾel scribe
Script: Ethiopic
Ink: Black; red (vivid vermillion).
Rubrication: Name of St Mary; name of the commissioner; a few lines, or groups of lines, alternating with black lines, on the incipit (or incipit page) of the texts; the numbers and title of the miracles in Text I-2; the initial words of some subsections; the word haleluya on fol. 163vb; Ethiopic numerals and sometimes their elements; elements of punctuation signs and of coronis; crux ansata with coronis on fol. 182r.
Date: Second half of 15th century (?)
Sāmuʾel scribe Sāmuʾel is mentioned as the scribe in the exhortation after Texts I-27 (check the viewer222rb ), I-33 (check the viewer254rb ), I-34 (check the viewer267vb ) and in the subscriptio at the end of Text I-36 (check the viewer271vb ). In the exhortation on check the viewer176rb , the name of Sāmuʾel has been written over erasure (not sure if later).Second half of 15th century (?)Hand 2
Script: Ethiopic
The handwriting is characterized by thick strokes and right-sloping letters. It is possible that several hands were involved in writing (cp. check the viewer25v-26r ).Hand 3
Script: Ethiopic
Some peculiar features:Hand 4
Script: Ethiopic
Letters:Hand 5
Script: Ethiopic
- ጵ has the 6th order marker set up on the vertical stroke at the top, oriented to the left (e.g., check the viewer67vb l.18, 152rb l.1)Hand 6
Script: Ethiopic
- ሎ has the 7th order marker attached directly at the body of the letter, without linking line (e.g., check the viewer13rb l.4)Hand 7
Script: Ethiopic
- the upper horizontal strokes of መ and ሠ, in the 1st order, are slanted to the leftHand 8
Script: Ethiopic
- the 6th order marker of the letter የ has a very short and downwards oriented left part, going down below the ruling (e.g., check the viewer209ra l.4, 225va l.14); in the 4th order, the marker is short as well and diagonal (e.g., check the viewer229va l.11, l.16, 98rb l.11)Hand 9
Script: Ethiopic
- ኴ has the loop marking the 5th order open (check the viewer225ra l.1, l.8).Hand 10
Script: Ethiopic
Numbers:Hand 11
Script: Ethiopic
- the numbers are mostly written without dashesHand 12
Script: Ethiopic
- ፬ is triangular and downwards oriented (e.g., check the viewer23ra )Hand 13
Script: Ethiopic
- ፮ is with the loop open, looking like “compressed” ፯ (e.g., check the viewer35vb )Hand 14
Script: Ethiopic
- ፪ has the loops closed, not separatedHand 15
Script: Ethiopic
- ፼ has the ligature (e.g., check the viewer18rb ).Hand 16
Script: Ethiopic
Punctuation:Hand 17
Script: Ethiopic
- Crux ansata and coronis (together or separated) are in the margins of some texts: on check the viewer182r , the crux ansata with coronis marking the beginning; on check the viewer23r , 57v, 120r, 139v, the coronis used as caesuraHand 18
Script: Ethiopic
- sentence dividers are accompanied by the paragraph signs (throughout the Ms.).Hand 19
Script: Ethiopic
Other:Hand 20
Script: Ethiopic
- The word እግዚአብሔር is usually written እግዚኣብሐር (the second አ in the 4th order). The same word sometimes is written with the ligature (e.g., check the viewer113rb l.28)Hand 21
Script: Ethiopic
- the size of the letters and columns (s., e.g., check the viewer25v-26r ).Select one of the keywords listed from the record to see related data
Use the tag BetMas:ESaqg005 in your public annotations which refer to this entity.