Compare manuscripts which contain Malkǝʾ-hymn to John
They are currently 2.
- p1_i1 (incomplete), Malkǝʾa gubāʾe (ff. 1ra-64vb ff. 100ra-104rb)
- p1_i1.1 (incomplete), ʾO-rǝḫrǝḫta ḫǝllinā (ff. 1ra-1rb)
- p1_i1.2 (complete), Hymn to Our Lady Mary (ff. 1rb-8ra)
- p1_i1.3 (complete), Malkǝʾa fǝlsatā (ff. 8rb-10vc)
- p1_i1.4 (complete), Hymn to Galāwdewos (ff. 11ra-19rb)
- p1_i1.5 (complete), Ṭabiba ṭabibān (ff. 19rb-35vb)
- p1_i1.6 (complete), Malkǝʾ-hymn to John (ff. 36ra-40va)
- p1_i1.7 (complete), Hymn to Jesus Christ (ff. 40vb-48rb)
- p1_i1.8 (complete), Malkǝʾa ḥǝmāmāta masqal (ff. 48rb-57va)
- p1_i1.9 (complete), Malkǝʾa masqal (ff. 57va-62vb)
- p1_i1.10 (incomplete), Lǝfāfa ṣǝdq (ff. 63ra-64vb)
- p1_i1.11 (complete), Malkǝʾ-hymn to Raphael (ff. 100ra-104rb)
- p2_i1 (complete), Malkǝʾa gubāʾe (ff. 65ra-99vb)
- p2_i1.1 (complete), Malkǝʾa Ṗarāqliṭos (ff. 65ra-72vb)
- p2_i1.2 (complete), Malkǝʾa masqal (ff. 73ra-80vb)
- p2_i1.3 (complete), Malkǝʾa ʾanqaṣa bǝrhān (ff. 81ra-84ra)
- p2_i1.4 (complete), ʾƎsaggǝd la-malakotǝka (ff. 84rb-90rb)
- p2_i1.5 (complete), Malkǝʾ-hymn to St Kiros (ff. 90va-96ra)
- p2_i1.6 (complete), Malkǝʾ-hymn to Gabra Krǝstos (ff. 96rb-99vb)
- a1 (GuestText), no ref in title (ff. 104va-107vb ff. 109ra-109rb ff. 109ara-109avb)
- e1, no ref in title
- e2, no ref in title
- p1_i1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Generic record), Second half of the year (f. )
- p1_i1.1 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Generic record), Commemorative notices for the month of Maggābit (f. )
- p1_i1.2 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Generic record), Commemorative notices for the month of Miyāzyā (f. )
- p1_i1.3 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Generic record), Commemorative notices for the month of Gǝnbot (f. )
- p1_i1.4 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Generic record), Commemorative notices for the month of Sane (f. )
- p1_i1.5 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Generic record), Commemorative notices for the month of Ḥamle (f. )
- p1_i1.6 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Generic record), Commemorative notices for the month of Naḥāse (f. )
- p1_i1.7 (complete), Sǝnkǝssār (Generic record), Commemorative notices for the month of Ṗagʷǝmen (f. )
- p2_i1 (complete), Insertion containing the commemoration of king John I, 15th of Ḥamle. It bears the name of Walda Māryām and his father Habta Māryām. (f. 218)
- a1 (GuestText), no ref in title (ff. 2v-)
- a2 (OwnershipNote), no ref in title (f. 4r)
- a3 (GuestText), Malkǝʾ-hymn to John (f. 2r ff. 220v-221r)
- e1 (MixedNote), no ref in title (f. 2r)