Compare manuscripts which contain Zenāhu la-qǝddus ʾabbā Ṗāwli falāsi
They are currently 2.
- ms_i1, Life of Theodorus of Tabennese (ff. 3r-)
- ms_i2, The life of Macarius of Egypt (ff. 39r-)
- ms_i3, Gadlu la-samāʿt ṣǝnuʿ bǝḍuʿāwi ʾAbrǝhām Ḍarābi (ff. 46v-)
- ms_i4, Dǝrsān za-anbaro labāse ʾAmlāk walda ʾabaw ḥawāryāt ʾeṗṗis qoṗṗosāt bǝḍuʿ ʾabbā ʾAtnāsyos baṭrǝyārk za-ʾƎlla ʾƎskǝndǝryā za-darasa ba-ʿǝlata tazkāru la-bǝʾsi nabiy mamhǝra ḥǝgg za-manakosāt ʾabbā Ṗākʷǝmis ʾaba māḫbarāt (ff. 51v-)
- ms_i5, Martyrdom of Abraham and George (Garga) of Scete (ff. 63v-)
- ms_i6, Gadl za-qǝddus wa-bǝḍuʿǝ ʾabuna ʾabbā ʾAmoni za-Dabra Tonā (ff. 68v-)
- ms_i7, Story of the son of the king of the island of Nāmulāʼas (ff. 81r-)
- ms_i8, Homily by Zacharias, bishop of Sakha, on the descent of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and Salome to Egypt (ff. 84r-)
- ms_i9, Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus wa-kǝbur Yoḥannǝs za-Sǝnhut (ff. 90v-)
- ms_i10, Maṣḥafa zenāhomu la-ʾabaw (ff. 97r-)
- ms_i11, Sǝmʾon za-ʿāmd (ff. 179r-)
- ms_i12, Collectio Monastica (ff. 295r-)
- ms_i13, Maṣḥafa zenātihomu la-ʾabawina qǝddusān (ff. 407r-)
- ms_i14, Zenāhu la-qǝddus ʾabbā Ṗāwli falāsi (ff. 508r-)
- ms_i15, Vita of St Antony (ff. 511v-)
- ms_i16, Letter 1 of St Antony (ff. 540r-)
- ms_i17, The story of Paul the Simple (ff. 543r-)
- ms_i18, Apophthegmata Patrum. Selections (ff. 544v-)
- ms_i19, Demonstrations. Selections (ff. 545v-)
- ms_i20, Collectio Monastica (ff. 559r-)
- ms_i21, Ascetic exhortation (ff. 560v-)
- ms_i22, Homily by Ephraim on Abraham "the second" for 5 Naḥasē (ff. 565r-)
- ms_i23, ገድለ፡ ኤላርዮን፡ (ff. 581r-)
- ms_i24, Life of Gregory of Neocaesarea (ff. 595v-)
- ms_i25, Life of John of Lycopolis (ff. 602v-)
- ms_i26, Nagarāt baʾǝnta 8ḫǝllināt za-ʾab Wagris (ff. 608v-)
- ms_i27, Ad virginem (ff. 610r-)
- ms_i28, Gadla ʾabaw qǝddusān (ff. 623r-)
- ms_i29, Gadla ʾAbunāfǝr (ff. 731r-)
- ms_i1 (complete), Zenāhu la-qǝddus ʾabbā Ṗāwli falāsi (ff. 1ra-16rb)
- ms_i2 (complete), Vita of St Antony (ff. 16va-76rb)